It was her | Teen Ink

It was her

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

It was her, that girl that everyone somehow knew everything about, from her last name to how many boys she has kissed. She was the girl that everyone tried not to stare at but just couldn’t resist. Everyone was mesmerized by her, everything she did, every move she made. Girls despised her, of course most of them didn’t have any apparent reason to hate her as they did, it was mostly because of their own lack of confidence in themselves. Boys of course drooled over her, many hoped but never once had any chance to be her one and only.

Her looks were remarkable, and breath taking. She had long blonde hair that reached the bottom of her back, it was like a waterfall of golden honey that laid perfectly in loose curls. Of course her eyes were like no other, they were light-light blue with a thin dark black outlining around the pupil. Around her eyes were covered in thick long black eyelashes that curled up ideally towards her eyelid. Her eyebrows were thin and if you watched closely she would raze one above the other with any face reaction she had. Peach was the color of her lips, her upper lip was thinner than her bottom and where the two met they slightly curled upward, so even when she wasn’t smiling she was. When she did smile the whole room lit up, her dimples were adorable and her teeth were so white and straight it was like looking at a magazine ad for Aquafresh toothpaste. Her Skin was like a light color of caramel, without any blemishes or acne. She was perfect, she was ideal, she was impeccable, and the first time I laid eyes on her I decided she was mine.

I remember the first day I saw her in vivid detail, moment by moment. It was exactly five years ago from today, November 2, 1950 an ideal fall day. I was sitting in Mrs. Smith’s classroom in the back row all the way in the corner as always with both seats next to me empty. My daily routine was in full function that Monday morning, sitting in the back with my feet propped up on the chair in front of me, while I dazed in and out of the classroom conversation. The only focus I had that day was on the big game that night, I was the only Freshman on Varsity, and coach finally decided to make me a starter. Which all the seniors despised me for but it honestly didn’t matter to me what they thought. I was convinced tonight would be by far the best night of my life, this I got correct but the reason behind it was completely wrong. As I stared at the clock I couldn’t help but feel time couldn’t move any slower, Mrs.Smith’s class was by far the worst class to have on a early Monday morning. She stood at the front of the room like a reptile, with her skin all dried and withered like a prune, going on and on about god knows what. The room was dead, everyone stared at the front of the room with blank stares and there mouth half open. Slowly the door began to creek, everyone turned to look who was coming in, desperate for any excuse to not have to focus on Mrs.Smith any longer. From where I was sitting I couldn’t see who it was standing outside the door, not like it mattered. I figured it was the office secretary coming for the attendance like any other normal day. Mrs.Smith always forgot to send down the attendance, this drove the secretary insane, which she made known with the rolling eyes and the dry sarcasm. You can always tell when it’s her at the door because Mrs.Smith automatically raises her hands to her hips.
“Can I help you?” asked Mrs.Smith agitated at the fact her class was being disrupted.
I realised it wasn’t the secretary when instead of putting her hands to her hips she cocked them to one side. I heard a quiet little voice coming from behind the door, this was something that Mrs.Smith hated. I could tell it was a girl’s voice, and for some strange reason I got chills when I heard it. My palms began to sweat and I was hot and cold all at the same time.
“Honey, you are going to have to speak up.” said Mrs.Smith as she began tapping her foot.
“I’m… I’m… Uhm….” stampered the voice.
“I don’t have all day! Either speak up or get out.” yelled Mrs.Smith.
“I’m a new student… is this Mrs.Smith’s class?” struggled the sweet voice to reply.
“Well, why didn’t you just start with that?” replied Mrs.Smith with a smile, and a sudden change in mood. “Welcome to KHS. Come in, come in please! How about you introduce yourself to the class while I find you a place to sit. Oh and try to speak up, I don’t tolerate apprehensiveness in my classroom.” said Mrs.Smith as she walked back to her desk and grabbed the seating chart.

As I looked towards the door in anticipation, it seemed like the whole world was moving in slow motion. One leg at a time appeared in front of the door as she stepped in with such grace and innocence. Her golden curls fell in front of her face as she tucked her head downwards as if she was hiding herself from something. The room fell in a stunned silence, as she moved across the room every eye was on her.

The author's comments:
This is a excerpt from a novel I'm working on for my Creative Writing Class. What inspired me was old romance movies.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 17 2013 at 8:49 pm
ImAWxllflower BRONZE, Fairfax, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand. You're a wallflower."
- Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Ugghhh this was good, I want to read more! Post another article from this plssss :))

on Dec. 17 2013 at 8:44 pm
jenx0x3 DIAMOND, Swampscott, Massachusetts
68 articles 0 photos 90 comments
wow, this is amazing. I love how you flashbacked, I was pulled right into the class room. You use very good descriptions, I could picture it all in my mind.