Ending | Teen Ink


May 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Going to high school Johnny hoped it was nothing like middle school, where no girl liked him. Girls would only use him to do their homework, and to get good grades on projects. Summer was over and the first day of high school was here. He was exited, happy, and nervous at the same time.
Inside the bus he looked around to see if there were any seats open and there were, but nobody wanted him to sit with them. They would put up their backpacks or feet on the seat so that Johnny wouldn’t sit with them. Johnny gave up and sat by himself at the very front of the bus. He felt alone and like no one liked him.
They got to the school and as Johnny was walking out of the bus he dropped all his books and new school supplies. Only one person stopped to help him. It was Maggie, the girl he had a crush on since elementary school. But he never got the chance to talk to her, let alone tell her he liked her. Whenever got nervous he would stutter and nothing would come out of his mouth. Stuttering he thanked her, Maggie smiled and walked away.
He had to run to class because he was going to be late, but he didn’t make it. There was only one seat left. The seat that was left was at the front of the classroom, and next to Maggie, his crush. Johnny was so nervous, but he had no other choice but to sit next to her. So he sat quietly hoping she would talk to him.
The first assignment the teacher gave out involved getting to know their classmates. She assigned partners and Johnny and Maggie where put together. Johnny was filled with excitement and happiness, but he didn’t want to let Maggie see that. Sometimes he couldn’t hide it and smiled from ear to ear. He tried not to smile as often and took deep breaths before talking to Maggie.
They spent lunch and the afternoon together laughing and joking. Days went by and the assignment was finished, and they didn’t have to spend any time together now, but they chose to. Every day they would talk on the phone, and when they weren’t talking on the phone they were texting each other. Time went by and they started to get know each other and developing feelings for one another.
After a couple of months, Johnny finally got the courage to ask Maggie to be his girlfriend and she said yes. At school Johnny would let everyone know he had a girlfriend and how she was the cutest. Things were going good for them.
As they grew older they started getting involved in different things and they started to grow apart from each other. Before they graduated high school and left for college Johnny and Maggie knew that their relationship was not going to work out, so they decided to end it. They both went to different colleges and their lives took to very different paths and they never heard from each other again.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 17 2014 at 7:23 pm
heycallmemoriarty GOLD, King George, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The writer must write what he has to say, not speak it." -Ernest Hemingway
"IZ UR BAND RDY? anoncer pls I waz born redy k." -bandgek
"I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, but I'm gonna ignore your advice." -Roald Dahl

That was a really good read! But it did hurt my heart...