The boy who followed me home | Teen Ink

The boy who followed me home

May 13, 2015
By Anonymous

I look at the clock and it says it’s 10 p.m. I swiftly move my hand back and forth from desk packing up my stuff getting ready for my long drive home. I stand up and turn off the lights and lock the door. I walk out the door and my feet take me to my car. I put the key into my car door and open the door and get in then I start the car. I love this part of the day. Driving home calmly listening to my music at night. It’s pretty relaxing. I notice a white car pulling up behind me, I simply look at them through the mirror and stare for a second. The guy sitting in the front seat looks a little bit familiar. He has brown curls on the top of his head with dark green mysterious eyes. He honks at me. I wake up from staring really quickly and drive. I didn’t even notice it turned green. I drive and I drive until I turn into my neighborhood I notice the strange guy with brown curls and the white car turns into my neighborhood too. Does he live here too? Is he new? I take a turn to park into my driveway and notice that the white car just keeps driving. I grab my stuff and get out of my car and go inside my house.
“It’s been a long day.” I say to myself.
“Yes indeed it has.”
I turn around and scream. The guy with the brown curls is in my house right now! What is he doing here?. How did he get in? I just got into my house and I saw him keep going straight how is he in here?
“Don’t scream, I’m not going to kidnap you or kill you or anything.” He said.
“Who are you? Get out of my house this instant!” I yell.
“I just wanted to let you know that… I’ve been watching your every move. When you wake up, when you go to bed and when you're at work.”
I look at him in silence turning my head in confusion. Has this guy been stalking me and I’m just noticing now?
“You’ve been stalking me?” I say.
“I wouldn't call it stalking. More like admiring from a distance.” He says with a grin. “My name is Jake...Jake Tanner.”
“Okay well blah blah blah I don’t care what your name is I just want you to get out of my house! What kind of crazy person stalks another person you don’t know!” I yell again.
“Oh but I know a lot about you. Your name is Taylor Nicole Smith. You’re 21 and you work at the publishing place in downtown Seattle.” he says.
I just look at him and yell “Get out! Now!”
He surprisingly listens to what I say for the first time and slowly exits out of the front door but before he leaves he simply says “I’ll be back looking for you.” and he smiles and shuts the front the door.
Well that was creepy. Who knew I was gonna end up knowing tonight that I have a stalker going after me. I’ll admit he’s kinda cute but why stalk me? Stalking me is not the way to get me. My life is not interesting what so ever. I walk upstairs and get ready for the night thinking about this boy that I have now found out is stalking me. I just want to know what he wants from me.
The next morning I was up and ready for my day. Once I walked outside clicking my heels on the cement floor I saw a sticky note on my car that said “Good morning beautiful, see you later tonight. (:” Oh my gosh I thought to myself. So is he going to follow me home again? Hopefully not but I’m not gonna stop him I wanna see where this goes.
Later that night I see the same white car following up behind me. I simply look at him through the mirror and smile. He gives me a sweet innocent looking smile back. I scowl at myself for doing that, he’s trying to act like a totally normal guy that does not stalk girls. I walk into my house but nobody is in here...just yet. I hear my front door open and I turn around with a fake smile plastered on my face.
“Well it’s nice to see that you expected me.” He says.
“It’s nice to see that you actually kept up with what you said because I was hoping you wouldn’t” I said very harshly.
He gasps as in surprised I guess with what I just said “Well someone has a sassy mouth.”
I smile at him. “I guess just because I have a stalker out of no where.”
“I’m not a stalker.” He quickly responds.
“Alright then what are you?”
“A guy that admires you because he likes you.”
“Likes me? Likes me? You barely know me Jake.”
“Oh trust me Taylor I know a lot more about you than you think I do.”
“Alright, what’s my favorite color?”
“Pink and blue.” He says not missing a heartbeat.
“Okay that was favorite food?”
“Okay that was even easier that’s like everyone’s favorite food. What’s my favorite place in the world?”
“Ocean City, New Jersey. You go at least once every summer.”
How does he know all of this. I mean the first psh yeah that’s easy but the last one no one would really guess that, that quickly.
“How do you know all this? What do you want from me? Why are you stalking me?”
“Taylor, I told you I was not stalking you. I was just admiring from a far. How I know all this? I have my sources. What I want from you? A relationship.” He says.
“A relationship? Thats creepy. You have to be kidding.” I reply.
“Oh gosh Taylor no I’m not why would I be kidding about that?”
I stare at him in silence studying him for a few seconds.
“If perhaps I do give you a chance… would you come following me home everyday?”
“Well how else am I supposed to see you everyday other than work. What about the weekends?”
“Wait hold on. You work downtown?”
“I sure do. Does that now explain why I would know so much about you?”
“I mean I guess but why have I never seen you?”
“We work on different floors.”
“Ohhhh I see.”
“That’s why we get out at the same time because we both work at the same place.”
I asked Jake if he wanted to sit down. The boy that was stalking me just seemed more interesting to me and I wanted to get to know him more. Something about him made me feel like I could actually build a relationship with him. So maybe I should give it a try. 
The next day for the first time because I actually tried looking around for Jake, I saw him and I waved and gave a small sweet simple smile.  He smiled back and waved at me and walked over to me.
“Oh well look who it is.” He said to me.
“Oh who? where? I don’t see anyone.” I reply to him.
A small laugh escapes from his lips and he smiles at me “It’s you Taylor.”
“Oh really, I would of never guessed it.” I laugh along with him using sarcasm.
“You’re funny.”
“I know, thanks.”
I began to walk away and then I turn around and wave goodbye to him. He waves back smiling. I turn around and take a turn into my office. Jake is a really nice guy I just don’t understand why he wasn't like any other normal guy and just asked for my number but no he has been “admiring” me from a distance. I don’t want to fall in love with him because who knows how he will act if we ever do get to a point where we’re dating. He will follow me around, watch my every step just like he is now, would want to be with me 24/7 but it wouldn’t hurt to give him a chance I guess.
It’s the end of the day again and I’m looking forward to seeing the white car following me home again. I pull out of parking lot and take a left and keep going straight. I look at the time and it tells me it’s 10:23 p.m. Where is he? He would of been right behind me ten minutes ago so where is he? I can’t even believe I’m asking where my stalker is. Maybe he is still at work and is getting out late. I pull into my driveway and take my feet out of the car. Then I walk on the cement of my driveway up to my front door and put my key into my door knob and open the door and step inside. I sit on the couch and close my eyes enjoying the nice silent room after the past two days.
“Missed me?” Jake said.
I open my eyes widely and turn around and a small scream comes out of my lips.
“Oh my gosh. What are you doing here?” I say.
“You thought I didn’t follow you home right?”
“Yeah but looks like I thought wrong.”
“Aww I saw your face in the car. I was following you home except I was in front of you, I’m kinda surprised you didn’t recognize my car right when you saw it. Actually you didn’t recognize my car at all did you know?” He said looking at me.
“No I did not. You were in front of me? No you weren’t I would've recognize your car.” I reply looking at him back.
“Oh but you didn’t but I saw your face. I saw that sad, disappointed look on your face.”
“I was not disappointed.”
“But you were. You wanted me to follow you home again right?”\
“I mean I don’t know maybe?”
“Because you wanted to talk to me right.”
“Psh, no.”
He looks at me a gives me a smile,
“Okay, maybe.”
“I knew it.”
“Knew what?”
“That you had some interest in me.”
“You have some interest in me too.”
“But you already knew that.”
“Okay...where is this conversation going.”
“That I just found out you have an interest in me and that made me really happy.”
“Alright Jake I get it you’re teasing me.”
“Why would I be teasing you?” He says with a chuckle.
“Why wouldn’t you?” I say giving him a sweet but evil smile. “Want some coffee?”
“No I’m okay I wouldn’t want you poisoning my drink or anything.”
“I would never.” I say laughing a little as I make my way over to kitchen and click the start button on my coffee machine and I turn around and see Jake following me into the kitchen. He makes himself at home and seats himself on one of the kitchen chairs. We just keep talking for the night exactly how it was last night. It was better though. I got to know him a little more on a more deeper level. We told each other about our pasts. It was serious, we weren’t on our whole goofing around thing we were serious and that’s what I like about him. That he knows how to have fun and have a good time and be himself but when it comes to serious conversations he gets serious and he knows how to give good advice.
The next day after work I saw the same white car following me home again. I look up into my mirror once we get to a red light. I give him a smile and he returns the smile but adds a wink. I start laughing at how silly he is. What if I did give him a chance? We would be falling in love and working at the same place and living in the same place and start a family. Maybe this is a wake up call that I should give him a chance and maybe I will. I look up at him again through the mirror and I wink back and he looks at me surprised but then he gets it. He knows I like him back. 

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This article has 2 comments.

Anonomous said...
on May. 14 2015 at 10:30 am
Anonomous, Clarendon, Texas
0 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Without music, life would be a mistake." ~friedrich nietzsche

If you make this an actual book, i'll read it a million times. This is almost perfection.

HudaZav SILVER said...
on May. 13 2015 at 6:10 pm
HudaZav SILVER, Toronto, Other
8 articles 6 photos 390 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

I love this piece so much! Such beautiful and vivid descriptions. Youre an awesome writer, keep it up! :) PS Could you possibly give me feedback on my novel "The Art of Letting Go"? I'd appreciate it xx