April’s Showers Makes Parker Desire | Teen Ink

April’s Showers Makes Parker Desire

January 19, 2016
By itszachaleman BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
itszachaleman BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was only fourteen when I first laid eyes on April. Surprisingly enough, it was in April when I met her, but that's besides the point. I could just tell by looking at her there was something different. With her long straight brown hair, and those eyes,  my God those eyes. They were as blue as a blueberry (even though blueberries aren’t really blue), and every time she blinked it was like an angel came down to give a gentle kiss to this godforsaken planet. She had the most puffy lips, natural too, just how I liked them. Normally I don’t believe in love at first sight but I just got that feeling, you know?  Like deep down in your heart you felt a little pulse of joy, excitement, even fear,  and for once in your miserable life you felt genuinely happy.  God, what I would do to have a girl like April as mine.
We are at some seniors party, and for me at that time it was a deal. There were numerous drunk people passed out and scattered around on the lawn before I even managed to get to the door. I was with my two friends, Max,  who was also fourteen, and was basically like my brother, and Tyler, who was sixteen and a complete douche but he was only reason we got to this party anyways. Drunk people humor me, they are literally like infants, only capable of making unknown noises, throwing up everywhere, and needing help just to go to the bathroom.
“This party is insane!” said Max.
“Yeah I guess…” I shrugged. If I had to watch one more person whip or nae nae I was going to lose it. I honestly would rather just be at home watching Netflix. As the night went on Tyler and Max disappeared, which is ok I guess, who needs them anyways right? Parties were so weird. Nobody honestly cared about you or anyone else. They only cared about forgetting the past. April was different. I was wandering around the house trying to find Max or Tyler when I accidentally bumped into April.
“Oh my god I am so sorry!” I exclaimed. She just shook herself off and looked at me.
“Wouldn’t be the first time that happened today haha” she said.
“Yeah haha, I am amazed you're the first person I talked to all night that can actually speak without having to throw up after.” I said.
“Yeah, I don’t like to drink, it hurts my stomach. I only come here for the free chips and dip.” We both laughed.
“What’s your name if I may ask?” I asked politely.  Almost too polite for the party scene but whatever, I was nervous ok?
"My name is…” she turns around and shoves another chip into her mouth.
“Your next mistake, what's yours?" she said winking but still chewing. I looked at her with this horrible half smile. God, I bet I looked like a damn fool.
"Haha!  I kid!  My name is April" I laughed out of pure nervousness.
"My name is Parker" I said.
“Hmm I thought you were more of a Cody to be honest.” She said looking me up and down. Then I heard a scream of what sounded like Tyler’s voice.
"Parker!" I turned around.
"Dude Max is so wasted we need to get out of here" Tyler said.
"Oh well let's leave then I guess." I turned and looked at April.
"I'll see you again sometime?"
"Sure of course, here text me" She handed me her number and all I could remember for the rest of the night was our hands touching for that brief moment.
We rushed home that night to make sure Max was going to be fine. Of course he just drank too much and we were worried for nothing. I finally got home and I just sat in bed staring at my phone. I wasn’t staring at anything in particular. I was just trying to build the courage to text her. I mean my mind was everywhere. Was she thinking about me. Does she even want me to text her. Is it even her number. Does she even remember my name. Oh my god imagine if I texted her and she forgot who I was. What would I even do with myself at that point. Ok. Calm down Parker. You’re thinking way too hard about all of this. Just text her with a gentle hello. Or a what’s up? Or even a I love you so much you’re the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on. Ok don’t do the last one. After probably an hour of debating with myself I finally got the courage to text her.
I sent her HI. Oh god, I am an idiot. Why did I do all caps. She probably thinks I am yelling at her now. UGH I am such an idiot! Then I noticed the … symbol. That means she is typing! Ok Ok Ok keep your cool it’s just a text.
I felt my phone vibrated and for that second I felt alive. She sent back. “Who is this?” At this point I didn’t even know who I was. My anxiety just went through the roof. Now what the hell do I say??? Do I say it’s that one guy from that party and you gave me your number and our hands touched for a brief moment and I fell in love or do I just say it’s Parker. I am just going to stick to saying it’s Parker. She replied, and it was fairly quick too, that has to be a good sign right??? ‘Oh hey!! How are you dude?’ Dude? I mean I don’t want to jump to conclusions or anything but I think I deserve more than dude.
The rest of the night wasn’t anything exciting, I probably only sent about four more texts after that. It was one of those conversations where you both wanted to talk to each other but you honestly had nothing to talk about so the texts were just short and simple. I hate that man. I would rather just not text at all if all of the conversation consists of is ‘lol’ ‘ya’ ‘k.’
It really made me wonder too if April just found me boring or just didn’t want to talk in the first place.  Luckily I got to forgot all about that because I was at school now, and I know I won’t have to awkwardly bump into to her or anything of that matter. Most of the day went pretty smooth up until last hour, Algebra. The class went as normal until about twenty minutes in. Mrs. Q made an announcement.
“Class” She said in her annoying and cranky voice. It literally sounded like she smoked a pack every time before she spoke.
“We have a new student joining us today.” The class was aroused in confusion when she said that, remember we are in April, school gets out in a month.
“Her name is…” She paused for a brief moment to let out the nastiest cough I have ever heard.
“Excuse me, her name is April.” Mrs. Q said.
“April, young lady, go sit behind Mr. Parker. in row three.” God the way she walked was just breathtaking. Every step was like imagining her walk down the aisle at our wedding. Ok there I go again with getting ahead of myself but honestly it's exactly how I pictured this.
"Oh my" April said fixing her long brown hair.
"Funny seeing you here" she let out a chuckle. Honestly this is probably too much information but I was so turned on right now. "Well it is a Monday morning so where else would I be?" I said trying to form a smirk, you know,  trying to play it cool.
"Ahem" Mrs. Q let out another nasty cough. God I hated this b****.
"Could you two finish this sometime later, because I am extremely busy and you're not helping" She glared us down.
"Young lady, it's a little too early to place you on my naughty list, and for you Parker" I looked up in disgust.
"You should know better by now,  anyways class open your books up to page 655." I constantly kept staring at her all hour. I really wish just once she would look back at me once. I remember hearing the bell and going to sprint off to go find her but when the bell rang she disappeared. I looked everywhere man.  I went to a pretty small school so there wasn't that many places she could hide, right? I'll just wait until tomorrow.
Well tomorrow came around the corner and still no April. The day after that came around too.  Still no April. I even asked Mrs. Q too if she knew where she was. All I got for a response was some nasty cough. I tried texting her and everything. Things went on without her. I still tried daily to text her but of course no response. Sooner or later it was already graduation. Still no April. I am in college now and everyday I hope that when I go explore the vast campus. I will find her. And when I do I going to man up and tell her how I really feel. But until then, I'll just sit here waiting, and waiting, and waiting…
I now attend Arizona State University. It’s alright I guess, it’s basically just a frat guys paradise. I party here and there but nothing too serious. ASU is known as a party school but I only went there because I like the weather. The parties always got out of hand so quickly too, but they always reminds me of the time when I first met April. God I miss her. Some people say you never truly get over your first love. Six years later and I can finally confirm that is true.
Some would think it’s pretty ridiculous to walk around this college campus still hoping that my ‘high school sweetheart’  might randomly pop up one day.
“You’re pathetic” I just constantly thought to myself over and over.
“It’s time to move on..”
Sometimes I would  get these huge outbursts of joy because I would see someone that even slightly looks like April. Obviously none of them are her, why else would I be telling you that right now. I don’t even know what it was about her that I just loved so much. Does she even think about me anymore? I mean it has literally been six years. See here I go again just rambling on about this girl I could never even manage to date. I need to forget about her, I needed a drink more importantly.
That night I went home and just laid in bed with a bottle of vodka. It's quite strange honestly, when I get drunk I really enjoy to write.  I faintly remember typing out this long text just to probably get ignored again.
It’s me again. I am terribly sorry for always bugging you, especially at two in the morning because I am drunk. I just want to let you know that I still love you…    I just want to let you know that I am giving up my search for you. I wholeheartedly hope you enjoy the rest of your life and I am sorry for the past six years just constantly spamming your phone with gushy love texts.  Have a nice one.
Well that’s that. A little easier than I thought I guess but maybe everyone was right. Maybe it was time to finally move on. I heard my phone vibrate.
“Who the hell is texting me right now?” I thought as I grabbed my phone.
“Don’t give up yet Parker, just go a little longer. For me. I’ll be waiting.”
Below the text it had her location. She was in New York. I was in Arizona, but you bet your ass I immediately started looking at plane tickets.
“I am on my way, just wait for me.” I sent back.
I honestly don’t know how I managed to spend $600 on a plane ticket when I am this broke college student, but too late for that. New York here I come.
April here I come.

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on Jan. 28 2016 at 2:55 pm
Dameon_Farris PLATINUM, Folton, District Of Columbia
20 articles 2 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Eistiene

Wow this story about the love for this April is amazing and truly moving and heart wrenching well sorta I felt something while reading it idk if it was the story or the cat when it jumped off the table onto my lap but this story is pretty amazing I'm going to like it and share it and il admit it's hard to get your story out there in the beginning I write everyday and still I'm not noticed but I know il be there soon and I also know you will to just don't give up trying continue writing love novels poems and try new things along with adding humor to them and also read and rate other people's articuls you see when they see ur comment they tap on ur name it takes them to ur profile and let's them view ur stuff for example things uv published just a tip but good luck to u and ur talent XD