Romance stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Most recently submitted Romance Articles

By jkelsey SILVER
Springfield, Illinois

Of course, Heather had missed homeroom, and 15 minutes of first period. She felt guilty, she hadn’t been late for school ever, but she was so happy, it didn’t phase her. Heather sc...
jkelsey SILVER, Springfield, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let anyone make you feel like you don't deserve what you want <3

By AlexTraxinger PLATINUM
Fort Worth, Texas
AlexTraxinger PLATINUM, Fort Worth, Texas
42 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

By AlexTraxinger PLATINUM
Fort Worth, Texas
AlexTraxinger PLATINUM, Fort Worth, Texas
42 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

By StarCrossed2012 GOLD
New Port Richey, Florida
StarCrossed2012 GOLD, New Port Richey, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can't handle someone at their worst, you don't deserve them at their best"

By StarCrossed2012 GOLD
New Port Richey, Florida
StarCrossed2012 GOLD, New Port Richey, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can't handle someone at their worst, you don't deserve them at their best"

By JamieStarr GOLD
Sevierville, Tennessee
JamieStarr GOLD, Sevierville, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
o! thats why i love you. :) i love you.

Zachary Wendeln SILVER, Aurora, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment
SimplyRachel PLATINUM, Charlotte, North Carolina
48 articles 6 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present."
"Things change, friends leave, and life doesn't stop for anybody."
~Stepgen Chbosky
