Eloise | Teen Ink


September 30, 2018
By Anonymous

Where is this ‘magical’ tree thing that you’re telling me about? ‘Cause if I walk more than, like, 3 steps my bladder will explode! I need to pee!” I’m Eloise, and the one who’s ‘bladder will explode’ is my best friend, Aspen. We’re both unicorns who live deep in a Willow Tree forest, in an extravagant place called Unitopia.

It’s a hot summer day and Aspen and I are on an adventure to go to a said ‘magical tree’ not too far from the village. I saw it in one of the books in the Blossom Library, they have really good but questionable books. I just really wanted to go on an adventure because Aspen and I are really bored and didn’t really know what else to do, so I decided to go to that tree.

“Oh come on it's just around this river! I told you to use the bathroom before we left so you shouldn’t be complaining,” I say looking back at him smirking.

“Mhhmm,” he mumbles, grunting something incoherent under his breath.

“Anyways, let’s pick up the pace we need to get back home before d-”

“AAAAAAHHHHHH!” I hear Aspen fall and trip on something. He lands with a big thud right on the damp forest floor.

“Aspen? Ha, karma! Stop tripping and let's go!” I tell him continuing to walk not bothering to help him up.

“Wow, gee thanks for your concern but I’m completely fine,” I hear him say behind me, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I snort at what he says.

“Here! Here it is!” I squeal in excitement running up to the tree. Just as I am about to touch the tree I feel a tug at my tail making me stumble and fall. “What was that for?”

“It's just a normal looking Pine Tree, I don't get what’s got you all hyped up about it,” Aspen says going at a safe distance looking at the tree. It’s a tall Pine tree with thick branches hanging on the trunk of a tree, pine needles hanging on loosely on the branches sort of dipping down as if it was going to hug us. It was surrounded by many other trees forming a sort of circle around the Pine tree, that weren’t as tall as the Pine tree, they were huge willow trees that are very common in this forest and even in Unitopia.

“Well if you must know darling Aspen, Pine Trees do not grow around here,” I tell him mimicking a sophisticated accent, lightly tapping his muzzle with my horn.

He quickly pushes my horn off him and I just laugh “Well I-uh-”

“Well-uh-uh-what?” I copy him laughing right after.

“Shut up,” he mumbles looking at the ground. I decide to spare him just this once.

“Whatever Aspi. See, look, if I touch the tree it will do something very magical. Well according to the book I read, ‘Mystical Trees In The Forest of Unitopia’” I tell him observing the tree. Even if I know that Pine trees don't grow regularly here, it's still very dangerous to just touch it. I don't know if it will ruin my life for rainbow’s sake! I could die! My brothers might kill Aspen or do something insane Okay El no negative thoughts, think happy. Think of Cole Sprouse, yeah think of him!

“I don't think it's a good idea El, you could just disappear and I wouldn’t know what to tell your father or even your brothers! Your brothers will kill me El,” he says looking me dead in the eye. Already thought of that buddy!

“Oh come on Aspen it’ll be so much fun!” I tell him trying to be as convincing as possible.

“Okay,” he pauses, I celebrate a little until he continues, “I’ll just let the tree make life-changing decisions for me and it could possibly ruin my life, yeah sure let's do it,” he says, very sarcastically might I add.

“Ugghhhhh Aspen!” I whine, “Aww, you in? I’m gonna do it without you-” I get cut off by Aspen going in front of me.

“Aaaah don’t touch it yet! We still have to tell your fath-” this boy!

“What part of ‘secret outing’ do you not get?” I scream at him. Ugh, what in the actual sprinkles is wrong with him? I should make a list.

“Sorry, I’m just looking out for my best friend’s safety! What will I tell your d-” too late. I’ve already touched the tree with my horn.

I soon see the whole world around me grow larger and larger, then it stopped. I hear hooves pounding at the ground fading. I open my eyes, which I didn’t even know I closed, to see no Aspen.

He galloped away from me.

I lifted myself up and began stumbling to the lake to look at myself. I saw a glistening turquoise cloth draped over my distorted body. Voluminous, straight black locks fall on the cloth draped on my body. I take a look at my hooves. They’re not there. In their place are five weird slender looking sticks.

“I’m human,” I say barely above a whisper. This cannot be happening, I mean I enjoy watching humans waltz around their villages and the castle; but being one is something very strange and slightly questionable.

“I’m human,” I say a little louder trying to continue to digest the situation better. I try standing up and jumping around. Keyword: try. I bet I just looked like a witch’s first time on her broom!

I was later interrupted from my broom lesson by another being approaching. I hear the leaves crunch under as he comes forward.

“Excuse me, but are you lost?” said the human. I think he is one of those princey guys.

“Um-uh-well I” should I tell him I was a unicorn that touched a magical tree then miraculously turned into a human being? No, I personally think that that is preposterous and unimaginable; why a tree? Ha! So insane.

“You’re princess Garlett! The long lost princess! We’ve finally found you!” squealed the princey boy bouncing up and down. The next thing I say both surprises me and princey boy over here. What kind of name is Garlett? No offense but it's how do you put this… oh um exotic I guess. I don't think that she is too happy about her name being Garlett. Although, it sounds fairly familiar.

“Yes I am princess Garlett and you are?” I ask princey boy involuntarily, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh! Y-yes, I am Sir Squigglebottom,” he says as he did one of those bow things. “One of the king’s knights! Your father,” Sir Squigglebutt, or whatever his name is, finished. My ‘father’? Oh right, Garlett’s father. Duh! “I must take you to him! Come it's just a few trees down from here,” did not see that coming. I, yet again, stupidly answered his request. I was still very baffled by the fact that I got mistaken as the princess on my first day being human, I mean that is pretty crazy.

“Sure,” I tell Squigglebutt and followed him to wherever we were gonna go to.

I continued to follow Sir Squigglebutt to our destination and I get pretty bored just walking with someone I don't know so I looked around the forest and saw large, dense evergreen trees arching over the slithering pathway.

“Aaah! Here’s the little beaut! Hop on princess,” Sir Squigglebutt says gesturing to a Unicorn without a horn. I think they're called horses.

“Okay,” I mumble hopping on the horse.

“Umm, princess you have to move I have to-”

“Right, right,” I say moving backward so he could hop on as well. As he mounts the horse, he told me to “hold tight.” I didn't really know what that meant until the horse started galloping. I held tight on his waist. I felt like I was going to die! Somebody call the Funeral Parlour schedule an appointment I have just officially died. Oh and ask for a lot of flowers.

As we were nearing a bunch sky high of towers, things that Aspen and I see when we would walk along the edge of the forest, the horse came to halt.

“We’re here princess,” said Sir Squigglebutt hopping off the horse. I jumped off the not so trusty steed, I then bumped into another human being.

“OOmph! Oh, I am so sorry I didn’t see you walking,” I apologized. “I just got off the horse and- why are you staring at me like that?”

“ Uh sorry- I’m- uh- just-” he stammered scratching the back of his neck. He has dark brown disheveled mop of hair with chocolate brown eyes that have gold specks in them. He has bushy defined eyebrows. He is wearing a white shirt that has brown stains on it and a pair of baggy shorts.

“He’s just the stable-boy, princess,” sir Squiggle cut in.

“Oh! It's an honor to meet the long-lost princess!:” said the “stable boy” while doing one of those bow things.

“Um, thanks?” I say more of a question than a statement, I curtseyed back.

“Well, we must be going! Go back to work stable boy!” Sir Squigglebutt said rudely.

“ Okay, Sir Squigglebut- uh I mean Sir Squigglebottom, bye!” I say when I hear “stable boy” snort at my mistake.

As we enter the high arch of the entrance and into the white marble building, that needs a little bit more color to make it look warmer; a weird looking guy came up to Sir Squigglebottom. He asked if I were the real princess, Sir Squigglebottom nodded and asked where the king was. The guy said the king was in his study.

We went up the winding glass and gold staircase up to the king’s study. Once we reached a wooden door Sir Squigglebottom knocked a few a times before a gruff and hoarse voice shouted.

“I told you, Marion, I’ll do it later!”

“It’s not Marion your highness,” answered Sir Squigglebottom slightly impatient.

As the door creaked open, it revealed a tall plump man in a red and gold cape with a matching red and gold outfit. He wasn’t wearing his crown his crown so it showed his dark brown hair was all out of place, looks like he didn’t have a good day. I kind of feel sorry.

“Garlett,” he says barely above a whisper. Before I could react he engulfed me in a bear-like hug.”I’ve missed you so much dear, it's been three years.,” Woah, Woah, woah did he just say three freaking years!? Wow, what happened to the girl? Like what in the actual sprinkles?

“I’ve missed you too father,” I say as convincingly as possible, hugging him as tight.

“Sir Squigglebottom, will you leave us alone for a while then show her to her room?” ‘my father’ says demandingly. Sir Squigglebottom just nodded and closed the door behind him.

“Garlett dear wherever did you run off to? Was it with that good for nothing, self-righteous prince? That boy is so ignorant!” he said all so quickly like he planned the day his daughter would come home, he did it with weird hand gestures to emphasize what he was trying to say.

“No it wasn’t with the prince and I just need space, I hope you understand,” I said trying to be the best actress I can be.

“Oh okay, I do understand. You can take walks around the castle if you would like, but first, your room. Love you hun,” he said in a sweet fatherly tone so I told him I loved him too.

I went out and went with Sir Squigglebottom to ‘my room.’ once we reached the room it was very spacious and had a king sized bed in the middle with a dresser on one side and a vanity on the other. I sat on the edge of the bed and let the features of the room soak in.

I soon got up to look through the walk-in closet and found a neat set of green dresses. I looked even further to look for something of a warmer tone. I later found a red sundress with a white lace bodice and white lace also peeking out of the sleeves, the dress reaches a little above the knee and is perfect for exploring. I quickly put it on and scurried out the room.

I went down the winding staircase and into the entrance where I saw a gorgeous flower garden with a pathway leading to where I assume are the stables. As I was walking down the pathway filled cracks with moss sticking out of them and flowers on the sides, I yet again bumped into someone.

“Sorry I wasn’t looking at where I was go- princess?” stable boy.

“Hi,” I found myself just staring into his eyes until he spoke.

“I assume we haven’t met properly, I’m Noah,” he says offering his hand for me to shake? I think that’s what you do with it. I shook his hand he looked into my eyes.

“I’m El- uh- Garlett. You probably already know that” I say with my stutter. I don’t think he noticed though.

“Yeah, I knew your name. Do you maybe want to come with me to get food to feed the unicorns at the-”

“Unicorns?” I asked slightly confused about what he just said.

“Uh yeah… it was there even before you were gone,” he says in a sort of duh tone. “There’s a derby every year and it actually happens to be tomorrow. You usually race with the other racers remember?” I do not remember because I’m not freaking Garlett!

“ Uh yeah, I’m gonna race tomorrow. Shall we go feed the unicorns?” I asked gesturing toward the garden was.

“Um princess the garden is the other way,” Noah said slightly confused with a tinge of amusement and suspicion. Suspicion? Probably because ‘I’ grew up here and ‘I’ should know where things are? Yup super suspicious.

“Right,” I say. “Off we go then!” I say going to the direction he pointed at.


“You aren’t Princess Garlett are you?” Noah says taking me by surprise. We just finished feeding the unicorns and we’re just sitting down and waiting for the sunset.

“What makes you say that?” I stutter nervously, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Well-um- Princess Garlett would never go out on a trip and go out and go for a walk, she would sleep,” he said in a “matter-of-fact” tone. “Princess Garlett has hazel eyes and brown,curly hair. You have beautiful dark brown eyes and black, straight hair,” stalker much? “Princess Garlett won’t wear anything other than green, you wore red. Also, you stuttered when you were introducing yourself. My brother keeps blabbering about her so I have no choice but to listen to him,”

He caught me

“You’re right. I’m Eloise a unicorn,” I say the unicorn part more to myself than to Noah while fidgeting with my sleeve.

“Oh my goodness,”

“Please don't tell anyon-” I was cut off by branches crunching and a small gasp. I got up and parted the thick bushes to see a startled dapple grey unicorn.

“H-hey El,”

“Aspen, what are you doing here? Did you tell my dad, I swear if you did I will murder y-”

“I didn’t tell him and I came to go visit a unicorn in the stables,” Aspen said all too quickly, looking at the ground as if it is the most interesting thing in the world. This only means one thing. Aspen has a little crush!

I step closer to him smirking. “Sorry I couldn’t hear what you said,” I say teasingly, cupping my ear.

“I’m gonna meet a unicorn named Cassandra in the stables,” Aspen mumbled slower. I knew it!

“Who is he?” he asked gesturing to a slightly dazed and confused Noah, now he’s smirking! I stay calm and look over at Noah.

“‘He’ is Noah, my new friend, and thanks to you he looks a lot more confused than he was before,” I tell Aspen.

“Okay, you have fun now ba-bye!” Aspen says skipping off into the forest looking like he was struck by Cupid.

“Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah so let me get this straight, you are a unicorn and that-uh-he, Aspen, is your best friend and he likes one of the unicorns at the stables?” Noah says slowly. I bet he’s trying to digest the scene that just played in front of him.

“Yes and beyond that forest is my village and Aspen and I like exploring and I touched this magical tree and it turned me into a human,” I say slowly trying to help him understand a bit more while shuffling my feet uncomfortably.

“Okay this is amazing! The girl I like is a unicorn,” Noah says excitedly hopping up slowly realizing what he had just said.

“Wait! The girl you like?” That was when I saw his cheeks tinge a pinky rose. Aww, Noah likes me.

“Uh-um-yeah-oh would you look at the pretty flowers!” Noah says making an attempt at changing the subject, bending down to pick one up and sniff it. “Mmmm smells-uh-flowery,” he says with a half smile.

“We should probably get going, it's getting dark,” i say sparing him from more of his embarrassment.

“O-okay,” he stutters, I see him sigh in relief out of the corner of my eye.

As we walk home from the stables, we made simple conversations and he asked for a more detailed version of the story of how I became a unicorn. So I told him every single detail. Once we reached the gigantic castle, he bids me farewell and I go up to my room. I decided not to eat dinner, I was too tired to find the dining area thing. I lay down on my fluffy bed thinking about today’s events and what will happen tomorrow at the derby.

Birds chirping ring in my ears as I wake up from my comfy bed. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stretch my arms. I let out a little yawn and head to the closet to look for a derby outfit. I found a green one, of course, and put my hair in a high ponytail then I headed down for breakfast.

“Morning hun,” my father greets me. I give him a hug and sit down beside him.


“Morning father, where’s mom?” I ask curiously looking around the room.

“Oh, I thought Sir Squigglebottom told you, she passed away just after you had left,”

“Oh, okay-um- can we just have breakfast?” I asked shuffling my feet uncomfortably. I don’t really know what to say or do. Should I cry? ‘Casue I am a terrible crier.

Father gestured toward the food already at the middle at the table. There were bowls of fruit, stacks of pancakes, a plate of bacon and eggs, and finally a pitcher of water.

I grabbed the bowl of fruit and put some on my plate. As I was scooping some of the pancake and bacon on my plate father spoke.

“So I see you’re ready for the derby?” he asks happily.

“Mhm I’m really excited,” I say putting back the plates.

“Which unicorn are you gonna pick? I heard sandy is a good one,” he says trying to convince me to riding Sandy. But i already chose some other unicorn.

“Actually father I was thinking of riding Wren. I really like her,” I said finishing off my breakfast. “I better go and feed those unicorns, wouldn’t want them to go hungry during the race now would we? Bye father” I say kissing his cheek and going out to the Derby area. Well, where I thought where it would be, which was the stable area. Once I got to the stables, I was met by a very grumpy Squigglebutt.

“What are you doing here so early?” he spat angrily. Well, a hello to you too.

“I came to feed the unicorns before racing,” I told him gesturing toward the stables behind him. “Can I practice on wren?”

“Who? Oh, the horse. Ride on sandy wren’s on a walk,” he pointed over to a unicorn drinking water while tied to a pole.

“Um okay bye,”I tell him going over to sandy, I heard him grunt in response. What’s his problem?

“Hi Eloi-I mean princess!” I hear a familiar voice say jokingly. Aspen

“Hey, Aspi you want a carrot?” I say stuffing his mouth with a carrot I found in a bucket.

“Oh just shut up. How are things with lover boy? Hmm?” Aspen says teasingly. I decided to turn the tables on him.

“Actually pretty great,” I say casually “How are things with Cassandra? I don’t see her anywhere?” I say looking around. I just hear him choke on his saliva. I just start laughing hysterically.

“Thats not funny,” he tells me. I stare at him for a moment before bursting into another fit of laughter.

“Actually-you-did-it-to-me-first,” I say between laughs. I finally stopped and looked at him waiting for an answer.


“Well, I have to go practice with Sandy, bye Aspi!” I tell him gesturing towards Sandy still.

“Bye princess,” he says disappearing back into the forest.

I waltz over to Sandy, introduce myself as Garllet  and I hopped on her. I reached down and untied the rope and whipped the handle to make her move. Then we started our laps.

We finished our laps a few minutes later because we were asked to choose the horses we would go on. I chose Wren and went over to her stall thing and sat behind the door on the chair.

The stands and other stable things started to get full. The king announced that he will be explaining the rules before starting the derby. There will be 5 laps total, no pushing or shoving other opponents out of the track, and finally stay on your lane. Then it was time to mount the unicorns.

The unicorns were let out of there cell things but still on ropes. As I mounted on Wren she started whining and jumping around. I jumped off her quickly. Wren was raised into the air then a big gust of wind hit everyone. I ducked down waiting for it to stop.

It soon stopped.

Everyone cautiously looked up to see a girl in a green dress with brown curly locks and hazel eyes.

“Princess Garlett,” I say loudly

“Hey El,” Garlett answered. Suddenly all the memories flooded back into my brain. I soon hear the chatter of everyone else. Probably sharing their memories. Next thing I know is I'm running toward Garlett and engulf her in a hug.

“I’ve missed you so much El I couldn't do anything Squigglebutt did this,” Garlett said angrily. Oh yeah, I knew there was something off about him.

“Everyone you can all thank me,” the crowd turned to Squigglebutt. “I turned Garlett into a mute unicorn using that magical tree, I found little Eloise here made her mistaken as the long-lost princess, I wanted to do this. I wanted to stop all the human and unicorn interactions, to stop all the love everyone felt towards each other. It was and still is so cringe. So you can thank me I erased all of your memories even mine. I wanted to forget all the friendships of 2 different worlds that were made. So yup bye!” Squigglebutt finished his speech and tried running away but Noah stopped him.

“Not so fast Squigglebutt! You are going to the king” Noah said grabbing Squigglebutt by the collar of his shirt and dragging him to the king.

“Sir Squigglea-I mean Sir Squigglebottom will be executed as punishment. Then the rest of us … let’s celebrate!” and we lived happily ever after, or so we thought.

THE END!!!!!

The author's comments:

I am someone who likes Cole Sprouse and Noah Centineo <3

The story I wrote is about a unicorn who goes on an adventure with her best friend by touching a magical tree and turning human. The girl's name is Eloise. She turns human and is mistaken as the long-lost princess. Her best friend, Aspen, doesn't turn into a human though, he gets scared and gallops away from Eloise.

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