Running Out Of Time | Teen Ink

Running Out Of Time

December 20, 2018
By PilarP BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
PilarP BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I started to break out in a cold sweat as I watched the dying sun fade behind the mountains. It would be night soon. When the sun goes away and the stars come out, that's when the monsters show themselves. They are cold emotionless beast, who will murder you in cold blood without a thought if you were not tucked into your cabin by the time the sky turns black. It was almost sundown and I wasn't home. I was miles from it. I'm running as fast as I can through the forest in order to be home on time. But by the time I am almost a mile away the sun is already gone and night has come. I break into a dead sprint but am stopedin my tracks by a pair of glowing red eyes staring into my soul. The monster has found me.

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I love Coffee!!!

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