Fear of the Darkness | Teen Ink

Fear of the Darkness

October 7, 2021
By Dayami16 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Dayami16 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “See the world without actually seeing it,” said Mr. Jones while writing it down on the white board. He was one of Sunny’s teachers that she hated since just the thought of history was hard. All though she payed all the attention she could she couldn’t bring herself to understand, she continued to write on her never ending paper, “Lost.” Frustrated, she looks over to the row next to hers she spots her close friend Ray. With one fast swift move she got a piece of paper and wrote “Do you get this?”, folds it, passes it to a kid in front of her and gestures to hand it to ray. He receives the note and turns over his shoulder and shakes his head. “What do you mean you don’t get it” she said whispering, he just shrugs his shoulders and turns forward. After a few minutes the bell rang dismissing first period to second, she runs up to him and nudges his shoulder, “why didn’t you want to help me?” she said frustrated. Annoyed he stops walking and turns to her, “I don’t get it either stop being so persistent on me helping you that’s why you should pay more attention in class instead of dozing off mid lecture,” he said in a stern voice. With that he turns and walks to his second period fuming while sunny just stares blankly not making a single movement. She then realized she was going to be late and was getting weird stares, flustered she speed walks to her class too.

I can’t focus not only did I not listened to the lecture but I was spacing out about why ray is so mad. He’s ignoring me and the tension between us is awkward to the point that it bothers not just us but the people around us. At the end of class I heard a group of friends that noticed something with the sky earlier you could see the sun rising but now its pitch black, me and another one of my friend, sky  who said to be “calm” and that its probably nothing.  After walking around in the halls an announcement set out through the intercom and alerts on all of our cell phones which stated: “Please stay calm enter a classroom and settle down we will come back on in a few minutes.” Shaken by whats occurring, she gets into the first classroom that was in the same hall as her other class to get there on time. Without thinking I sat right next ray and didn’t notice apparently today my luck is getting out of hand I thought while rolling my eyes. As soon as I out all of my stuff down it seemed like ray wanted to tell me something but before he could say anything the announcement came back on :” We would like all of you to give us your individual attention, this message was sent to us by the government and has been considered very important so please pay close attention.” With that a recording started to play and so did the big catastrophe that was just about to start.

As soon as they hit play to the recording we heard the voice of a man not just a man though it was a rusty deep voice was heard through the intercom: “Today November 28 of the year 2058 On behalf of scientific and modern technology we will be removing the main source to this piece of the state to perform on you all to see how well we would be capable to surpass the usual limit of a human. This will last for a max of 20 years which you have accepted for the simple fact that we set this a news of the year 2025 stating that we would be doing a testing on anyone around this state or within it. Be minded that all actions are monitored and be surveillanced by the government. We have sent out the rules we expect everyone to get adjusted to and follow in a decent manner, we will not hesitate to take the situation to hand and fix it immediately. Thank you again you may resume with what you all have been doing.” Everyone stared at each other in shock and fright we’ve never had to deal with this type of conflict. For a couple of periods everyone didn’t say a word no even the teachers let out a peep. After a long day at school we were all still left in awe and concern, which made me space out or a few minutes ignoring ray and sky trying to talk to me . When I snapped out my head was spinning,”Im feeling kinda dizzy can yall give me a ha-,” I cut short from passing out due to so much stress and overthinking.

Woke up with a big headache and confused I asked out loud where were we. Asking that simple question footsteps followed and people screaming “she’s awake! She’s awake,” it was my friends trying to get in the same room as me but the nurse didn’t let them. “Now now she needs to rest for a bit,” she tried to tell them but they pushed past her. I tried to look out to see if the sun could tell me what time it was but it was still as dark as when I passed out.”What time is it?” asked sunny with curiosity, but still hoping someone had the time and yet again pure silence. She was still not fully conscious of what happened or what was happening. It was like a dream she couldn’t fully rap everything around herself.

The author's comments:

This story is post paralytic of the apocalypse but with the dark.

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