Blinded By Division | Teen Ink

Blinded By Division

October 16, 2021
By Anonymous

 In this world power and control is handled differently. Your lifestyle would be determined by your eye color. Bizarre? Yes absolutely. Since they thought they all had a part to play in this world so why not let fate decide what our role is? That is how they want us to think. 

         The superior class were those who were born with blue eyes. The middle class, though still being considered superior, were those with green eyes. The low class, those with brown eyes. 

       We weren’t classified by the beauty of the eyes, but by the abilities we obtained from them. 

       The blue eyes could go through one’s mind. Go though memories and play with your thoughts. The green eyes could make you feel any emotion they desired, sadness or happiness doesn’t matter. The brown eyes focused on the body. They are fast and agile but they do not have the ability to control others. Because of this reason they were considered the weakest therefore being classified as lower class. 

        So knowing this people started to pair up with their own kind, to not ruin the social classes so basically relationships would be arranged between the superior and middle class. 

         The low class were not wanted; they were considered bothersome. At some point things that those with brown eyes could or could not do were established. 

  Those with brown eyes could not purchase a vehicle, they had to ride bicycles or ride the underground bus. Helps with less traffic they said.
Only blue and green eyes had a variety of schools. 

    My parents were part of those arranged relationships. He had blue eyes and she had green, but I took from neither my eyes were brown. My Irina and fate were not on my side. 

        The day I was born was the day that I brought shame upon my family. My family members would look at me in such disgust that they decided to get rid of me and give me away to Esme,  one of the sweetest people in the world. At the time she was working as a maid in my parents house. Then they decided to have another kid which luckily she was born with blue eyes. 

          So you could say that I was not what my parents were expecting me to be and was completely unwanted. 

        I’m more than just someone with brown eyes who has such restrictions and is unwanted well except Esme who I now consider my mother. 

      I always wanted to figure out when it all started and why. So many questions to be answered and I was going to answer them even if I have to change the role that my fate chose for me. 

The author's comments:

  I once read a book about a group of people who were divided by their eye color so i decided to add that they obtain powers depending on their eye color. 

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