What if the Asteroid Never Hit Earth? | Teen Ink

What if the Asteroid Never Hit Earth?

October 20, 2021
By Anonymous

What if the asteroid never hit Earth? Would humans still be the dominant species? 

Its 2540, december 1, humans are being chained up, beat, and killed, for trying to dominate the bigger species that is unknown. These species were called  the Giants because of their enormous  bodies and their daunting tool they used to dominate humans. People started to get frustrated and depressed because they could not do nothing to stop these Giants from hurting them and making them into slaves. The Giants saw the human generation as a weak, fragile society, so they took advantage of them and made them slaves.

A man called John was a man that was brave and fearless of those Giants. John described the giants as tall as mountains because of their large bodies and long legs , but that didn't stop him from not being afraid of the giants. When John would get close to the Giants all he heard was boom, boom, boom  because of their huge feet that never fail.  The whole earth was being dominated by this giants that seemed impossible to take down.

John with his bravery met a giant that was against the others giants ideas and actions. This giant was a cloud that just wanted to help the weak which were  humans. While people were scared and depressed, John was still brave. People started to see John bravery and started to try to make peace with the other species, even tho humans wanted to be the dominating species, they prefered peace between each other. The astroid never hitting the earth made humans the weak but it all a treaty with the giants.

The author's comments:

What if the astroid never hit the earth

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