The Quihasel | Teen Ink

The Quihasel

December 6, 2021
By BurnToast BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
BurnToast BRONZE, Mobile, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Izbrati Fiainana woke up to the sound of a wall breaking. "No, did it get in?" Izbrati though while sitting up from his bed. He had been on "vacation" for a month now and many strange things had been happening to him. On the first day, he found out this was not a vacation, but a death sentence. Each and every day weird creatures roamed about chasing after him whenever they saw him. He lived with two other people in the same situation. He was the newest guy here. Having no experience in the wild because, as office worker, Izbrati had to adapt quickly to this new, hostile environment. There were rules that if not followed. Would lead to death.

Never go out in the day, Quihasel have senses many times that of a human, being able to smell you from 1.5 km away. However, their senses weaken at night.
Never fight Quihasels, always run. They are incredibly strong. They can even bend iron. If you are ever cornered the only way to drive it away is with electricity, normal bullets don't work.
Finally, never ever, ever get cut, they will follow the scent like a drug dog. And if this ever happens, they'll do whatever they can to make sure you are dead.

Izbrati pushed off with his arms from the bed and tiptoed to the closet, sweat running down his face. His hands shaky and blistery, Izbrati reached for the knob and turned it patiently. The rusty hinges created a silent creak, but that was all it took. Out of nowhere a scream came that made Izbrati pull his hands from the door and slam them into his ears. He knew this scream… it was the scream of the Quihasel. Izbrati's heart stopped. He knew he had to get the taser from the closet, but… he couldn't move… he was afraid.

The steps came closer coming in a 1 2 3 pattern. Finally, Izbrati got the courage to move. He moved his left arm into the closet and wrapped his fingers around the taser. The last resort. The hinges on the door creaked as the Quihasel came in. Its three long noodle-like legs came in first, then its pale faceless head peaked into the room. Silence… Izbrati lifted the taser. Even if it didn't have a face it looked like it was smiling. Its whole body came into view as it walked in, the once hidden arms now reached towards him like claws. Izbrati closed his eyes and fired.



Chapter Two


BOOM! The Quihasel crashed through the door knocking it off of its hinges with the strength of a fire hydrant. Its body convulsed horrifically causing it to hit the walls and continued to do this until it hit a weakened part of the wall and fell through, along with the taser. "No!!" Izbrati said looking out of the hole.

"What's going on! Why is there a hole in the wall?! said Sam while sprinting down the concrete third floor stairs.

"It-it got in."

"What did?"

"A Quihasel." Sam's face paled, it shouldn't have been able to get in, not with the apartment building being fully reinforced with concrete.

"That’s not possible, I made sure there were no holes." Sam put his hand to his chin and thought. It shouldn't be possible, right?

"Sam… it took my taser." Sam looked up in surprise and asked

"What! How?"

"When I shot it the taser stayed inside its body and that’s when it fell into the hole." Sam sighed and looked Izbrati in the eyes.

"Well, it can't be helped. Go to the lobby, I'll wake up Bakrs."

Izbrati's eyes lingered on the new hole in the wall but continued to walk down the hallway. He walked up to the elevator and pushed the button and waited. DING, Izbrati got into the elevator and went to the lobby. DING, Izbrati stepped out of the elevator and looked around, there was a Mahogany coffee table to the left with smoke rising out of the newly brewed coffee. To the right there was a black couch made from a cheap polyester. He walked over to the couch and took a seat. There was a small glass bowl in front of him with candies in it, he reached his hand toward it and pulled one out.

"IZBRATI, WHERE IS YOUR TASER!!" Izbrati jumped causing the candy to jump like a kangaroo.

"Bakrs, it’s not his fault!" Sam said, while trying to hold Bakrs back from pummeling Izbrati into dog food.


"Calm down, the Quihasel took it."

"Oh." Silence… "Well, what are we going to do about the wall?" said Bakrs.

"Well the only material that can’t be broken by them is concrete, so we are going have to go to the abandoned Ziatoust Concrete Warehouse." Said Sam. The name surprised Izbrati and Bakrs. It was 4 km from their apartment.

"So, who's going?" said Bakrs, everyone looked away. Their bodies were shaking. They would have to go outside…

"I think that Bakrs needs to stay because he would be the best at keeping them out.” Said Sam, his eyes went over to Izbrati, filled with guilt.

"I guess I'm going?" He pointed to himself and Sam nodded. "Well… Sam is smart, so I'll trust what you say. So when am I going?"

"Midnight, when the Quihasel are most weakened."


Chapter 3


"Are you sure you want to do this?" said Sam.

"Yes, I'm ready." Sam and Izbrati approached the door. It had been barricaded with concrete that had been piled up in front of it. But there was a small hole in the concrete for when they had to get out, just big enough for a human to fit through, but too small for a Quihasel to go into. Izbrati climbed into the hole and got ready to open the door.

"It's midnight, go." Sam had to whisper just in case there was one of the Quihasel nearby. Izbrati reached out for the cold, dusty doorknob and twisted it. Izbrati pushed the door and it opened with a CREAK and dust fell from the top of door. They hadn't opened the door in a while, because they had made their own small ecosystem that grew vegetables and recycled the water. Izbrati crawled out of the door and landed harshly onto the concrete stairs in front of him. His hands burned from the rough surface. Ouch, he swiftly dragged his body out until he could get onto his elbows.

Izbrati cautiously stood up and looked around. His hands were shaking and his breathing became fast. Izbrati was not safe anymore, there was nothing that could save him. He was alone. He took out the map Sam had made over many years and looked for the warehouse. He found it on the map and planned his route. First he would go into the hidden part of Dahts Street for 0.9 km. Then Izbrati would take a left into Whakters Avenue and continue along that for 1.1 km. Then came the last and most dangerous part, Velja Street.

This place had been marked as a no go zone on the map, but it was the only way to the warehouse. It was crawling with Quihasel. It also happened to be the place he would be at the longest, for 2 km. Izbrati lifted his eyes from the map and scoured the area looking for Quihasel. When he made sure no one was there, Izbrati started soundlessly sneaking forward. He looked around. He did this for a while until he got to Whakters Avenue and heard a scream. Izbrati stopped, crouched and looked around him.

He didn't see anything, but he knew that just because he couldn't see it didn't mean it wasn't there. Izbrati continued scouring the surroundings and when he finally thought he was safe he heard the sickening crunching of bones a few meters behind him. His body started shaking as he turned around. What he saw almost made him vomit. It was a raccoon being crushed by a Quihasel. Izbrati's heart stopped and he waited. He didn't want to be found. It seemed to be smiling just like earlier when he was cornered.

After what seemed like hours it stopped crushing the poor raccoon and slid away. When Izbrati looked at it, he was horrified. It had not eaten; it had hunted it for sport. Izbrati turned away and almost ran, but the fear of getting seen by another one of them made him stop. He pulled out his map and made sure he was on the right track. Finally, Izbrati continued to move, making sure to not make a sound.

2:00 AM, Izbrati arrived at the concrete warehouse. He peered at the looming staircase in front of him. There were scratches that came from what seemed like claws, blood everywhere, it was like a war had been fought right in front of him. Izbrati crouched down to look at the blood, he touched it. His heart began to beat faster; it was fresh blood.

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This article has 2 comments.

YoBro6000 said...
on Jan. 24 2022 at 2:31 pm
YoBro6000, Mobile, Alabama
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
@BurnToast Wow this is a work of art

YoBro6000 said...
on Jan. 24 2022 at 2:27 pm
YoBro6000, Mobile, Alabama
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
@BurnToast dang thats delicious and scrumdidlyumcious