Zombie Apocalypse Plan | Teen Ink

Zombie Apocalypse Plan

May 12, 2022
By Anonymous

So, say it does happen. The main thing to do would be to find the source. If that can’t happen, find a cure. If that doesn’t exist, survival. The best thing would be finding a shelter high up. Whether that’s making a treehouse or finding an empty water tower, I’d just need somewhere high. Most likely something expandable, in case I find other survivors. The best way to get food, go out to abandoned grocery stores with some form of protection, and get everything I need to last for a while. If I had to go back and grab stuff, I’d be more vulnerable going out all the time. The hardest thing would be transportation. Sure, I can drive, but cars and trucks need fuel. Getting that would be difficult if there were zombies around. But if there’s a will, there’s a way, right? I’d figure it out eventually. It may not seem very thought out, but that’s my plan if a zombie apocalypse ever did happen.

The author's comments:

This is literally just for a school assignment.

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