The Shed | Teen Ink

The Shed

June 17, 2022
By sphynx BRONZE, Dundee, Florida
sphynx BRONZE, Dundee, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

  It was a gleaming summer day in Clarksville, Tennessee. There was a bright blue sky with a clear view of the airplanes that flew by. It was a cheerful day with a carefree feeling. The summer was ideal for unsurprising traffic with impatient people who are ready to appreciate a  long awaited vacation. On the contrary, Willow would not be going anywhere this summer. She was not ready to have yet another boring summer. Willow was an adventurous young girl who enjoyed going to enjoyable places. She doubted she would go on any adventures this summer with her family's low budget. Her father lost his job and her mother lost her mother a few months back so her family has been struggling ever since. 

  “Mom! Can I go play outside?,” Willow begged. “Not until you clean your room!,” her mother yelled at her. “But I want–,” Willows mom gave her a disapproving look that forced Willow to get quiet and do what she was told. Willow stomped her feet up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door behind her. She thought to herself, I wish my mom would just let me have fun, I'm going to have a slow summer anyways. 

  Willow carefully walked down the stairs and decided to take a different approach to ask her mom if she could go outside. “Mom, I really want to play outside! Besides, I barely get to go outside, please?,” Willow asked. Her mom said annoyed,”Fine, you can play outside for a little bit but do not go in the shed!” Willow asked with curiosity, “Why?” Her mother said as a smirk formed on Willow’s face, “Because I said so, don't get any ideas Willow,” 

  Finally, Willow would be able to go outside and play. Willow’s backyard was nothing but overgrown grass, a bicycle with flat tires, and the shed. It was big enough to fit a whole circus! 

  Willow walked around her whole backyard until she came close to the shed. She knew better to stay away from the shed and she tried to stop herself from going in.

  She told herself, Mom will be mad at me if I snoop.


  She couldn't resist it.

  Willow looked behind her to see if anyone was around. The coast is clear, she told herself.

  She opened the shed door and jumped back because the extremely loud sound of the door frightened her.

  “WILLOW! What are you doing? I know I told you not to go in there,” her mom shouted. “Uh-m I'm sorry mom, I was just- curious,” Willow said nervously. “NO! I told you to stay away from the shed and what do you do? You don't know how to listen! You're on punishment, go to your room! NOW.”

  There went my perfect chance to see the inside of the shed. I'll just wait for the perfect opportunity to go outside again, thought Willow.

  Willow’s mom left early Sunday morning to visit a friend. Willow pretended to be asleep so her mom wouldn't wake her up and left her home alone. When her mom locked the front door Willow got out of bed and ran to her backyard.

  Willow slowly approached the shed, since the door to the shed creaked Willow tried to open it as slowly as possible. She stepped inside the shed bumping into years worth of spider webs. Nobody has been in here for a long time, Bella thought. The shed was unlit so with the source of the sunny day, Willow found the lightbulb and she turned the lights on. Layers of dust were piled up on tools that hung on the wall. Cardboard boxes were against the wall titled “storage”. There was one picture that hung on the wall, it was Willow’s family photo from when her grandma was still alive. The picture was taken at one of their last camping trips with Willow’s grandma. Willow's mom seemed frustrated because she was glancing to the side looking at something impatiently as if she was keeping an eye on it. 

  In the corner of the shed there were stacked boxes covering something that was glowing. Willow carefully moved the boxes to the side and found two incredible things. There was a shimmery golden box and, more fantastical, a purse.

  This purse wasn't any type of purse, it was a glowing purse.

  The purse was the most intriguing but it also looked dangerous so Willow took the safer route and opened the box first. The only thing that was in the box was a letter.

  The letter must've just been written a few months ago because it was a fresh white piece of paper. 

  The letter read, 

  “ Dear, you

    Whoever is reading this, good. I wrote this to warn you. The enchanted bag is probably what you just saw when you moved the boxes? The enchanted purse is a portal that takes you to a black whole where you would be sucked into nothing. You will never return if you jump in. You might think this purse takes you to your fantasy world, but you are wrong. My mother thought this too. She found this bag in the woods during one of our family camping trips. She didn't pay much attention to it until we got back home. Then she jumped in because she was excited to see a fantasy world. I tried to help her but I almost got sucked in myself. Good thing I was only halfway in. I was left with the misfortune of caring for this purse. I've kept my eyes on this bag for the past few months which is why I'm never smiling in pictures. I haven't been happy ever since this happened to my mother. When I moved into this house I knew this shed would be the perfect place to hide the enchanted purse. The bag is safe here away from everyone. Please listen to me, don't jump in.

Sincerely, Wilma”

  Willow sat in silence as she stared at the enchanted bag thinking, Wilma is my mom’s name.

  Now Willow is intrigued more than ever to learn more. She'll do just about anything it takes. 

  I guess her summer won't be as boring as she thought it would be.

 The End




The author's comments:

I got my inspiration for this story from my family's shed because no one has ever been in there, and I used my imagination to think about what could be in there.

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on Dec. 1 2022 at 8:20 am
IamAlexzandra BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Isn't all that rage so ugly? And isn't it mine, still? Good God, isn't it mine?”<br /> ― Ashe Vernon

So creative! Definitely gives off ¨Savvy¨ By Ingrid Law vibes.