Ugly Step Sister | Teen Ink

Ugly Step Sister

May 23, 2023
By Anonymous

The story has always been told differently, never explaining why but now we see her story. Though few remember her name,her name is Drizella, she is more known as one of the ugly step sisters. Drizella was not all evil and ugly, in fact she had a heart somewhere throughout the story. 

When Drizella was young she lived in a small village where her family didn't have much but they were happy. It was just her, her mother and her father, life was simple though it wasn't easy. Her mother was beautiful and kind and her father was strong and handsome. They did what they could for her with what they had but Drizella was happy and never wanted more. Her father grew with guilt because he wanted to give her and her mother more. One day a man came to town promising gold for those who came and worked the day with him. Drizellas father jumped at the opportunity but little did he know how dangerous it would be. The man was hiring  workers for the mine he had purchased but on that day the mine collapsed. Drizella and her mother waited for him that night but her father never returned. Drizella fell asleep in her mothers arms not knowing what would come.  

The next morning Drizella and her mother ate breakfast in silence. She was young but she knew something was different: her father was gone and the kindness in her mothers heart seemed to have faded. Before she knew it they were moving out of the village and with a new man that wasn't her father. Her mother had married this man and though it was still her mother she seemed different in every way. Her mother was someone she no longer knew, she was not the kind and beautiful mother she used to know. Her mother now had become cold and almost evil and for her step father it wasnt that Drizella didn't like him, it's just that she didn't understand why everything had to change so quickly.  She often tried to ignore him but his bright red hair and a fat black cat and his young daughter were things she couldn't quite ignore. He gave her family a home and though it wasn't better they were more wealthy than before. 

Eventually Drizella grew older and learned to play piano and dance and sing. She loved to perform for her mother and stepfather but they both never seemed amused, to be fair she was awful at everything she tried but Drizella never gave up trying to please her mother. One day after her many failed attempts she gave up. Drizella could've been no older than 5 then but she knew she would never get what she wanted most, the approval of her mother. 

After a bit Drizella grew accustomed  to her new wealthy life yet still she never stopped longing for the life she knew as a child. Then one day on her 8th birthday her step sister came to her with a gift ¨a great surprise¨ she had said. This surprise wasnt what Drizella expected at all, it was a dance. The dance was truly great but Drizella couldn't help but notice that they clapped for her but they never did for Drizella when she tried to perform

. Drizella decided to join her sister for a duet but inevitably Drizella would be less than great. ¨I want to sing too¨ Drizella began to sing ¨SING SWEET NIGHTINGALE!¨ Then her sister picked up the flute and played the song beautifully as Drizella screeched the lyrics. No one clapped. 

From then on she always felt she had to fight her step sister for her mothers approval which like always she never got. That day all Drizella could do was cry and cry as the days went by she realized that's really all she did. By and by that hope Drizella had faded, she grew bitter and jealous. Her step father and  her sister  seemed to have stolen the mother she once knew.

Then once again after years of somewhat normalcy  Drizellas life changed, her step father had passed and now it was just Drizella and her mother again, with the addition of her sister. Yet of course oddly enough Drizellas mother found another husband in a new village far away. Drizella was tired and bitter that her life kept changing and her sister was torn from the loss of her father. The sisters' personalities at the time were less than great to say the least, some would even say ugly.

       Their new step father was a noble man who owned a farm and  was a merchant. Drizella only knew him a short while but he was kind, he reminded her of her father. He had a daughter named Ella. She was beautiful but still humble; she was the kindest soul Drizella had ever met, more kind than her mother was. Their new home wasn’t grand but it was comfortable, a place she could feel at home. 

      In time Drizella was happy there and she loved her new family, but of course again things just had to change. Her step father had always gone on trips for his work but this time was different. This time he was gone and forever. That trip was a trip her step father never came back from. His death left her entire family broken, especially Ella but even in her grief she remained kind. This was an act her mother seemed incapable of, by now Drizellas mother had lost any ounce of kindness she once had, she grew cold and evil. 

       Time drew on and her mother became cruel to Ella making her work as a servant and work the farm. Ella never complained but Drizella knew it was wrong. Her mother even called her Cinderella. Drizella was torn apart inside as she watched her family again be destroyed. She still longed for her mother's love and approval but every father she ever knew was gone. Drizella was truly lost. Drizellas heart grew cold and lonely over the years as she watched  how evil her mother had become.

One day a letter came in the mail. Drizella squealed in excitement,an invitation from the palace to the princes ball. ¨The prince is in need of a princess.¨ Drizella said.

 Her mother grabbed the invitation and lit up. This was her chance to be a royal. She bought her daughters the most grand dresses and prepared them for the ball. This was the most attention she had ever received from her mother yet she had to fight for it because her sister Anastasia was also going to the ball. As they were trying in their gowns one day Cinderella came in with tea asking if she could also go to the ball. Anastasia scoffed at the idea, Drizella was upset that she might have to share her mothers attention again. Her mother of course said no. Drizellas heart broke for Ella that day. By that time she knew the kindness in her mothers heart was all gone. She knew her mother was truly evil. Drizella could not hold her tongue any longer. 

That day in the room with everyone Drizella screamed at her mother ¨Why do you treat people that way.¨ Everyone paused, shocked at Drizellas outburst. Drizella didn't care because knew Ella was the only kind person left in her life and she couldn't stand to watch her mother treat her so cruelly. ¨You've become so evil and bitter to everyone who ever showed you kindness, Ella even serves you in her own home.¨She scorned her mother and showed her exactly how evil she had become. 

Drizella asked brokenly in tears, ¨What happened to the mother I once knew, the mother that wasn't evil but kind.¨ That day Drizellas mother cried, Drizella knew her words would hurt her mother but she also knew they had to be said. 

  When the day of the ball her mother made a deal with Cinderella she said if she completed every chore on the house and farm she could go to the ball. By the time the carriage  arrived Drizella was nervous to meet the prince but more nervous to disappoint her mother. Drizella didn't realize they were off to the ball but without Cinderella. She wanted to ask her mother why Ella wasn't there but she held her tongue like she used to before.

When they arrived at the ball Drizella and Anastasia were announced to greet the prince together. Again she had to share the attention with her sister. The prince did not seem amused by her and she felt like she did as a child when no one clapped for her. Drizella had no one to dance with at the ball and so she sat pouting watching everyone greet the prince. 

Then in walked the most beautiful girl, she recognized her but couldn't quite remember who she was. The prince and everyone at the ball couldn't keep their eyes off of her. The girl danced with the prince all night long. Drizella watched them dance dazed by their love, when she finally realized who it was. The girl was Ella, Cinderella, her step sister. She knew not to tell her mother  but deep inside she was happy for Ella because she knew she found love. She never doubted that Ella wouldnt find love but she was glad she found the love she deserved.
Change would come, Drizella knew it this time, but now Drizella was ready. The next day after the ball everyone was looking for the mysterious princess from the ball. On that day the prince came to her home with a shoe that was small and made of class, it was from the princess. By this time half of the town had tried on the shoe and no one had fit it. Drizellas mother knew her daughters were not the princess but made them try it on anyway. Indeed the shoe did not fit either of them but they did try. Drizella then turned to her mother with  a smirk and asked  if Cinderella could try it on. Drizella knew this would anger her mother but she still asked. The prince ordered Cinderella to try on the shoe and naturally the shoe fit perfectly. The prince proposed to Ella and they were to be married. 

The day of the wedding had come and Drizella couldn't hold her excitement for Ella. Her mother and Anastasia were certainly bitter. As Ella walked down the aisle and the music chimed, Drizella couldn't help but cry. Cry not out of heartbreak or loneliness like before but out of love for her sister. Though Ella was leaving her she was happy to see her go and have the love she deserved. A love Drizella one day hoped to find.

The author's comments:

This is a retelling of a classic fantasy. Everyone loves a princess story but what about the girls with the not so happy ending. This story gives a bit of insight and background to the ugly step sister Drizella. Her hardships and past as to why her heart turned so ugly. 

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