Subject 12789 | Teen Ink

Subject 12789

May 6, 2024
By Anonymous

March 20, 2030

Subject 12789 

We have a new subject.  A newborn girl.  She will be administered the injection when she turns 18. I have been given the task of watching over her as she grows.  I will be updating my findings on her once a year.

March 20, 2031

Subject 12789 

The subject is now one year old.  She is learning how to crawl.  The subject seems normal for now.

March 20, 2032

Subject 12789 

We have decided that we will give doses of the serum to the subject as time progresses.  She is now 2 years old.

March 20, 2033

Subject 12789 

The subject seems to be taking well to the serum.  We give about a teaspoon a day.  The subject is 3.  It seems to be lonely.  Once the injection is given then we will intrude the subjects together.

March 20, 2034

Subject 12789 

The subject is having random fits of anger and the skin is breaking out in strange ways.  The subject is 4 now.  The serum has been boosted to a tablespoon a day.  If the behavior of the subject keeps going this way then the whole project will be scraped.

March 20, 2035

Subject 12789 

The janitors who have been dropping food off have been reporting the subject acting weird.  The subject has been holding onto their pant legs when they try to leave.  Subject 12789 is 5 years old.  I feel a bit emotional watching her grow.  I feel connected to her, but alas I will keep a professional distance.  Aino is what I have been calling her.  I feel like it fits her in a way. The name comes from a story of a girl who drowned herself instead of marrying an old man.  In the stories of her she seemed brave and stronger than life.  I wish Subject 12789 would have been able to truly experience the life she was destined for.  The serum has stopped. 

March 20, 2036

Subject 12789 

At 6 years old Aino seems normal again.  The serum will be starting up again.  The skin has stopped turning black in spots since the serum was taken away, however, Aino seems to be showing signs of withdrawal. Aino has been picking at skin.  It seems to be her nervous habit.  I hope I can find something that will help her stop this habitat.

March 20, 2037

Subject 12789 

The serum is back.  One teaspoon a day.  The withdrawal has stopped.  Aino seems lost. I found

an old doll for her to have. I hope she feels less lonely with it.

March 20, 2038

Subject 12789 

Aino is being punished right now. She attacked a janitor. When the janitor entered the room she attacked.  We are looking for a new janitor and Aino will not be fed for 3 weeks. There has been a boost in funding. The Aino is now 8.

March 20, 2039

Subject 12789 

Aino keeps having outbursts  No one is brave enough to step foot into the containment cell.  There is no reason to keep the punishments going if the behavior keeps happening.  There has been no real progress on the test.  Serum has been boosted to 1 liter a day.

March 20, 2040

Subject 12789 

10 years old.  We are transferring into a new building.  My college’s subjects are acting strange.  Mine however is strangely normal.  Aino seems to be calming down. We belive the reason for her outbursts were hormones.

March 20, 2041

Subject 12789 

!No update available!

March 20, 2042

Subject 12789 

!No update available!

March 20, 2043

Subject 12789 

I, agent 678, will be taking over the study of subject 12789.  My predecessor had grown too attached to the subject.  Agent 234 will be disposed of as will the last 2 years of the study.  Subject 12789 seems to be crying out for Agent 234.

March 20, 2044

Subject 12789 

The subject is unresponsive during the day.  The serum is being given in a smaller dosage again.  The subject is constantly going from one dosage to another.  That is the reason for the pain the subject presents.

March 20, 2045

Subject 12789 

The subject is lashing out once more. More casualties are being caused by the subject.  There has been a shocking collar installed on the subject.  

March 20, 2046

Subject 12789 

In a few more years the subject will be given the injection.  This is the key to figuring out what happened that day.  If we can successfully observe the subject then we can find a cure.

March 20, 2047

Subject 12789 

One year left

March 20, 2048

Subject 12789 

The subject has been given the injection.  It has been withering in pain.  All other subjects have been acting normally.  I assume it is because Agent 234 babied the subject.  Soon the subject will be introduced to others.

March 20, 2049

Subject 12789

Subject 12789 has been acting strange ever since the injection.  The Subject is pacing the cell, and staring off into space.  There have been no signs of hunger.  The officers who are to drop the food off have been ignored.  The janitors have been too scared to attempt to retrieve the trays.  We have been running low on funding ever since this started.

March 20, 2050

Subject 12789 

All subjects have been introduced to each other.  There has been no noise from the room.  All movement is stilled.  

March 20, 2051

Subject 12789

They are all dead.  Subject 12789 killed every other subject. Subject 12789 will be put down.

March 20, 2052

The project is being shut down.  There is no cure for this disease.  All these years of work have been wasted.  All we wanted to do was help those who contracted it.  There is no hope.  Subject 12789 made me realize this through the years.  Agent 234 was right.  Agent 234 tried to save us early on so we didn’t waste our lives. All of this was a waste. The subjects aren’t the monsters that need to be taken care of.  We are. I don’t know why I keep writing at this point.  I just keep rabbling on.  I know everything is fake. There was never a real problem to solve.  We were just pawns in this world.   Aino is what she was named by Agent 243. I wish them both well where ever they went to the afterlife.  I fear I’ll be joining them soon.

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