Excerpt From | Teen Ink

Excerpt From

May 20, 2024
By Anonymous

Fifty years ago, life was very different from today. The two kinds lived in harmony. Humans and Winged People were one. Then the deconstruction happened. The human leaders and winged leaders' conflict drew to a peak. The human leader Kane was killed in a terrible mystery. The humans immediately pointed the blame at the only people they knew to. The winged. It divided the land. Violence against humans and the winged had never happened before that time. Blood in the streets and long ties of harmony and alliance was ruined. The humans had the power as the leaders of the winged people began to be weakened. Then in the dark cast of night there was an evacuation. A removal. All winged people were removed from the land. Sent to an island caged in with mountains. The winged were eradicated from this world. 

Willowing is the island of the winged people. They have lived on the island for the last 50 years. The land is beautiful with nature's most extraordinary gifts. With mountains surrounding its borders and forests through the land the winged have made the island their home. The Royal families live throughout the lands in ten separate villages. The families themselves and the people living in their villages have individual powers. Living together in their harmony the families rule over their people as a unit trying to escape the past and build a new life. 

June lives in the human world. She lives with her grandma, Marjorie. June's parents left 10 years ago in search for the land of the Winged people. Being  scientists her parents had always talked about the winged people. Secretly through whispers in the home. It’s not allowed to speak of the kind in the society. Talks of the Winged have consequences.  The officers have been known to arrest and harm the people caught talking of them. 10 years ago, June was only 7 years old. Her mother and father came into her room in the dark of the night leaving kisses on her head before disappearing. It has come to light as of recently that they have gone to Willowing. The officers are searching for them. Their faces plastered on the broadcasts. June has become the target of scrutiny. Wondering if she has something to do with it? Does she know something? Officers searched the lab two weeks ago. Exposing the reason for the couple's disappearance a decade before. June has decided to go after her parents. And she knows exactly where to start. 

The lab June's parents worked at has been closed off for weeks. Sneaking in would be no easy task. The officers stand outside the building armed and behind a gate. June walks up to the guard with shaking hands. 

“Stay back.” The man says in a deep, strict tone. June’s breathe hitches in her throat. 

“This was my parents lab.” she begins, “I just want to collect their things, I have nothing.” He stared at her. Looking at her from top to bottom as if she were a threat. Then as he meets June’s sad looking eyes, his guard seems to lower. 

“I have a daughter your age. I will walk with you, whatever you take I will inspect.” He says finally after contemplating. June nods her head. They walk into the lab. The light shines in through a broken window but nothing else seems to be out of place. Junce walks straight to the shelf with framed pictures of her parents and jars and containers. June lifts her hand and grabs what she’s been thinking about all these weeks. A small ceramic jar. It looks to be nothing special. An old decoration that has been collecting dust. 

“Let me see that.” The officer demands. June jumps, almost forgetting he had been watching her. She hands it over. He inspects the ceramic vessel, moving it around in his hands. He hands it back to her. 

“Is this all?” he stared at her blankly looking bored of the situation.

“That’s it!” she replies with a smile. 

“Then you should be on your way.” he says back. June nods her head and mutters a thank you as she walks out of the lab. She walks back towards her home. When she is far enough out of the view of the lab and the officers she ducks behind the old trees. She sits on the floor of the forest and looks at the pot.  She takes a deep breath and opens the lid. There she is. Curled in a ball in the bottom of the container. A fairy. A small delicate winged girl. She was her mother’s assistant and partner. Working along with her parents in the lab. June stares at her. She didn’t know if she would still be in the pit, let alone be alive. The fairy moves, stretches and looks up at June. 

“Junie! I’ve missed you” the fairy yells in a tone that sounds excited. 

“Hey Misty,” Junce says back. They fairy stretches and stands like she's getting up from a long nap. Her iridescent wings flutter and she begins to float out in front of June’s face looking into her eyes. June takes a deep breath as she prepares to explain to the fairy her plan to find her parents, and that she needs her help to do it.

The author's comments:

This section is from an original piece written for an assignment in a Creative Writing class, by a senior at a MIssouri high school. 

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