Spirits | Teen Ink


May 24, 2013
By Anonymous

I rise to my feet. Each step faster then the one before. My heart thumps hard and fast against my chest. The blood rushes like water through my veins.
The heavy wooden door reveal a large, open room. A balcony lays above me, higher then I could climb. Many eyes look down at me. All calmly. Eyes downward, looking into my chest.
Which has begun to glow a deep green. The rest of my body radiates purple.I look at all of me, as the colors shine even through y clothes. Amazement fills my mind, clouding out the nervousness.
The elders walk down a huge staircase that I had not noticed before. The closer they get, the stronger my colors become. My hands stretch out, my body purring with the electrical currents running through it.
An elder, a kind woman with hazel eyes, brings a small bottle out from under her gown top. A white in the bottle swirls around, faster and faster the closer it gets to me. Her soft, wrinkled, hand unstoppers the top.
She smiles, but pain enters her eyes.
Suddenly, my core feels like there is a huge tug pulling my breath out of my body. The tingling rushes out of me. My happiness is sucked out too.
The purple leaves first, being swallowed into the bottle. Then the green. With the green leaving, an emptiness fills it's place. At the end of being empties, a voice speaks up.
"You can be part of society now. You are fixed. Keep your soul with you, and always locked in that bottle. Otherwise you will lose everything. Now you are ready to fulfill your part in our days." I realize one thing, I am seven. And not ready to grow up yet.
But it is too late, the woman hands the bottle to me. And a chain. I put it around my neck.
My soul will always be with me.

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