Street Fountain | Teen Ink

Street Fountain

May 23, 2014
By Emmagirl BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Emmagirl BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Street Fountain

It was the year of 1988, it was raining, not a lot but enough to drown my heel in a puddle. There goes my latest style heels from Coach that I just got and there they were. Sitting in a pile of dirty alley water. I could not walk anywhere so I decided to go to the diner that was right across the street from the bench I was sobbing on, Fiona’s. So I went through the door and a bell had rung, like it does every time someone walks through. There I was walking slowly through the diner with mascara dripping down my face. I looked like a raccoon. I took a seat right next to the window and was thinking about my $200 shoes that are gone forever. The waiter came up to me to ask me what I wanted to eat. I was not in the mood to eat, so I ordered some coffee with two sugars, skim milk, and extra cream. Just like I do all the time. It was about 10 minutes later and I finally got handed my coffee. I drank my coffee, left a 50 cent tip and was on my way, shoeless.

I was limping out of Fiona’s with my head held high hoping that I would find a miracle. It was 11:00 pm and still no shoes, no nothing. My apartment was still another 2-3 blocks from here. I decided to sit on a park bench and wait until morning to keep moving forward.

The birds chirping woke me up. It was 8:00 am and was time to continue my journey for the lossed shoes. So as the time was passing my feet were getting red and had blisters and bruised ankles. I finally reached down town and knew there would be at least one shoe department. Luckily there was. It was called Foot Avenue. As I was walking in there the manager, Katie Smith, exclaimed NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE! I was outraged of course. They kicked me out with my bare feet. Then as I was strongly walking out of the store I saw a twinkle in the corner of my right eye. I looked over to the other end of the sidewalk and saw a pair of sparkly light pink glittered high heels that were almost identical to mine, before they got ruined. I was walking there all casually like and sat on the fountain that was right next to the dazzling shoes. In the fountain all I could see were pennies. Pennies here, pennies there, pennies everywhere. I threw one in myself, hoping for some good luck. I waited there for about 5 minutes to see if anyone would claim the shoes. no one had come. Eventually, I took the shoes and slipped them right on to me feet. This felt like a cinderella moment, without the prince and glass slipper. What a coincidence, there are just my size, a 6 ½.

When I had turned the corner I saw a sign that said 5th Avenu, a couple blocks away from where my apartment is.. As I was flawlessly making my way back to my place I had so many people checking out my new kicks.I can’t only talk the talk, but I can walk the walk. Literally, with the shoes I can really work it. I finally got to my apartment but, the elevator was out of order so that meant that I had to climb 50 flights of stairs ( I’m the last floor in the building ). When I finally made it up to the 50th floor I was drenched in sweat. I was running out of breath by the time I hit floor 2. I opened the door with my room key, got in, and plopped down on my messy couch that I keep on forgetting to clean. The next thing I knew, it was morning. I woke up and realized I forgot to take my new shoes off.

I decided to go back to the fountain . I thought that that was my lucky place. I went back there and I saw a sign that said you just won $1000 because you came and touched me, signed the Fountain. I was confused but also I was happy that I won money for something that I didn't need to work for. I walked down to the bank to get my award. There it was, 5 stacks of green staring right at me. I took it and bought thousands of shoes so I never have to walk town bare footed ever again. I bought high heels, converse, toms, hunters, vans, flip-flops, and also skater shoes, which I won’t really need but a girls gotta love shoes. Am I right or am I right? So there I was walking the streets wearing a fancy dress with a bunch of shopping bags. I felt like Elle Woods . It came clear that I finally knew that the fountain really was my lucky place after all. I decided to go all out and get a cab instead of walking . I am living on the edge at this very moment. So as I was in the taxi, I was making my way back to my apartment when I noticed a tall handsome man sitting on the edge of the fountain. I wanted to introduce myself since he might be here for me. My lucky day. So I got out of the taxi and started to walk towards him. I said my name and he said his. We were getting along great, for the name concept. We still had to have a conversation for this to go anywhere. I started talking about how this very fountain was my lucky spot. He said that since I was there that it was his lucky spot as well. I was blushing and was twitching me fingers each way they could. He wanted to know if I was available tonight at 8:00 pm. I said sure, he said great. We were gonna have dinner at Kelly’s Cafe. I said see you then and we walked our separate ways. I was astatic. I couldn’t believe I got a date out of the blue. Thank you fountain, you've done wonders for me. The night passed, my date had passed. I had a nice night. We laughed, we cried, shared some moments, you know what the usual firsts dates are like. Then arrived a new day.

I went to the fountain and saw that it was under construction and would be taken away. I went over to the worker and asked them why they are planning to get rid of this fountain. The guy said that this fountain was magically giving people good luck and that shouldn't be happening. I was definitely upset that my own little wishing well is gone, removed, taken away. As the workmen were tearing the fountain to the ground, I was right beside the chopped up gravel that was waiting to be piled up in their truck. Well, its time to say my goodbyes to my own little miracle.

The author's comments:
My inspiration was the fountain in the mall near my town. I see hundreds and hundreds of pennies floating in the water and I think if these wishes that people make even come true or not. So I decided to make my own little portion of the wishing process.

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