Zombies | Teen Ink


October 30, 2014
By Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
Jalley BRONZE, Jonesport, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Jase, TIME TO GET UP!” shouted Jase’s mother Andrea “You’ll be late for school!”
Jase moaned and slowly got out of bed, stumbled to his dresser and got his outfit for the day. He walked down the hall to the bathroom, took a quick shower and got dressed. Then off he went to school. When he arrived at school some of his classmates seemed to act a little different, they all seemed sick, Jase not thinking much of it just went on with his school day. After school Jase was walking back to his house when he spotted one of his best friends, William, as he approached his friend he started realizing that William didn’t appear to look or act like himself. “Hey William, what happened to your face?” Jase yelled over to his friend. William started to limp in a way that Jase had seen before in a movie he watched, William appeared to be stumbling over to him like a zombie. As William got closer Jase noticed that his appeared to have a big chunk of his skin missing from his face and one of his legs was mangled, like someone or something had ripped him apart piece by piece. Jase didn’t know what to do so he just ran home as fast as he could. Jase was a hardcore doomsday ready kind of guy, as he near his house his mom was waiting outside screaming his name “JASE, JASE WHERE ARE YOU!” Jase ran to his mom and they both went inside. His mom Andrea was a mess she was freaking out, Jase turned on the radio and he found out that a disease was spreading rapidly throughout the world, turning people in to crazy flesh eating monsters called zombies “was this the start of the zombie apocalypse?” Jase thought to himself, worried he ran up to his room and opened his closet door there he had different swords and guns, he handed one gun and one sword to his mother. Jase told his mother “Mom I’m going to quickly run down to the store to get some more bullets, I have a lot but you can never have too many.” Jase ran down the stairs, to his door and out to the car, He quickly drove down to the store. The owner of the store was not there, the store was locked, so Jase broke a window, went in and took all of the bullets in the store and left back to his house where his mother was laying on the couch.
“Mom, I’m back.” Andrea, his mother, quickly got off the couch and ran over to her son hugging him tight in her arms. “Mom we need to get the house boarded up, so let’s get started.” Jase and his mother boarded up the windows and doors with any scrapes of wood that they could find.
“Hey mom, are all the windows boarded up?” Jase hollered up stairs to his mom.
“No I think there is a window in the basement, could you go check?” asked his mom Andrea.
“Yes, I can go check.”
“Thank you bub.”
“You’re welcome mom.”  Jase replied “Yea, mom can you come help me board up this window?”
“Yes, ill be right down.”
“AHHHHHHHHH!” screamed Jase
“What’s wrong Jase?”
“ONE GOT IN THE WINDOW!” Jase screamed to his mom “HELP!”
Andrea ran down the stairs. “Jase, are you still in the basement?”
“Yes, I’m up in the loft and bring a gun!” 
Andrea grabbed the gun out of the closet and ran down the steps leading into the basement, BANG, Andrea shot the zombie. Jase crawled down from the loft and hugged his mother tight. “Thank you mom, you saved my life.”
“You’re welcome honey, remember we are in this together.”
Jase and his mother Andrea walked back up the stairs and sat down on the couch that was barricading the door.
“Mom, you should take a nap, it’s been a long day for us.”
“Are you sure Jase?”
“Yea I’m sure, I can handle watching out for zombies for an hour or two while you sleep.”
“Thank you, Jase you’re the best son any mother could ask for.”
After Andrea fell asleep Jase heard a knock at the door.
“Let me in please, please sir let me in, I saw you through the window I need your help, they are everywhere.” Jonas didn’t recognize the voice, so he looked through the window, He the girl he had been crushing on since the third grade, Jasmine. Jase opened the door to let her in, that’s when he saw a big herd of zombies coming toward the door, he pulled in Jasmine and slammed the door back shut again, this waking up his mother. Andrea came running down the stairs screaming, “are you ok? Did one get in?” Right then she noticed Jasmine sitting next to the fireplace, “yea mom I’m fine, none got in Jasmine was at the door so I let her in.” Jase was lighting a fire to keep the house warm, he ran upstairs and got a few blankets and made two beds on the floor.
“There mom I made two beds on the floor near the fire, so we can sleep near the only source of heat we have.”
“Good thinking, but one of us needs to stay up and keep watch for a while and then we will switch on and off, I’ll take the first shift since I took just got up from a long nap. Jase and Jasmine both lied down on the floor and fell asleep, Andrea woke up Jase at three in the morning. They switched and Andrea went to sleep and Jase sat on the couch to watch guard. He heard scratching on the door, he looked out the window and saw three zombies clawing at the door. It was now eight in the morning so Jase woke up his mother and Jasmine. They all walked into the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. As they were eating their breakfast they heard a big crash, they all ran into the living room were all they saw was zombies everywhere. Jase looked over at his mother and Jasmine, There was blood everywhere. There were too many zombies to handle. Jase, crying, sat down on the floor and just let the zombies rip away at his flesh till he slowly bled to death.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 9 2014 at 3:21 pm
GirlGenius SILVER, Oakland, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
The question for today is* : If you could solve any world crisis right now, what would it be?
(*-GirlGenius's favorite quote)

Nice... but I have to say, this made my opinion of zombies stronger...