Franer | Teen Ink


November 19, 2014
By Michael Davtyan BRONZE, Glendale, California
Michael Davtyan BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At first there was nothing, just time and space. The vast empty nothingness spanned the whole universe until The Creator brought the dawn of the first era. He created the world of Saron containing the provinces of Franer(north), Xeon(left), Roven(right), Aethor(middle), and Teles(South). With it he created the races of humans, nords, high elves, wood elves, and Mekloyar. With it he created a vast number of creatures, plants, and beasts. The first province he created was Franer, the northern more colder province from all of Saron.
    It is now the third era, Franer is now in the middle of a civil war after the War of the Forgotten had just ended. The High Elves and Nords weren't friendly at all but they had to ally to overthrow the Dark Legion that had invaded Saron. The alliance soon dissolved as the war came to an end. Now old rivalries rise again as the Nords and High Elves both fight for their survival.
     Franerian high elves are tall humanoids who have light hair, eyes that vary in shade from light brown to one that is so dark it might as well be black, and are pale, much more pale than the nords. There was a time when they were nocturnal, because their skin burns very easily in the sun, but this has changed in recent times, due to the weather on Franer. The elves believe they are the race that should be in control of Franer, because they were there first. As far as they’re concerned neither the werewolves or the nords should even be thought of as people, due to their lesser power to the Elves. Eventually, and this is something they’re certain of, they will eradicate the nords, who have chosen to protect the werewolves. It is this belief that caused the war in the first place. No matter how pointless is it they will continue fighting until the very end. Most of them call the forests of Franer home, as this is where they have lived for centuries, but there are those who have ventured out into more open land, where they have built their own town. From here they send out soldiers, trained for battle , to fight the nords, knowing it’s likely that they will all die and the next battalion will then go out to do exactly the same thing.
     The nords are another humanoid race. They have a mixed array of hair color, eyes that can be any color from the stormiest grey to the brightest green.. There was a time when they didn’t know the elves existed, but that changed when they found themselves under attack. Knowing that their only options were to fight or die they chose to fight - and that was when they came across the two other races of Franer. The werewolves chose to join the nords in their battle against the elves. With these people in their midst the nords have come to the conclusion that the province would be a much better place without the elves, so there is nothing, apart from the total destruction of their people, that would stop the nords from fighting them. There was a time when the nords lived peacefully, but the elves changed that for no real reason at all. It was the wolves who were the first race to call Franer home, but this isn’t something the elves would ever believe is true as they don’t accept that the wolves actually are a race. Being shapeshifters means the elves view them as lesser beings, which is why the wolves chose to join with the nords in the first place.
     The most mysterious race in all of Franer are the tree people. No one is quite sure how they’ve come to exist, but they do. Some say they were the very first to call Franer home, thousands of years before the Elves arrived from the lower provinces. It’s something they’ve kept a secret from the other races for as long as they have had sentience and that, they know, is much safer for them. They chose no sides but will do anything to protect themselves. No one has seen them move for centuries but some say as the war drags on the rustling of leaves grows louder.

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