Transient | Teen Ink


January 13, 2015
By camerontay BRONZE, South Vienna, Ohio
camerontay BRONZE, South Vienna, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some people never go crazy, what truly terrible lives they must live." -Bukowski

Feet tangled, Dylan kissed Lilly's forehead as she turned in the sheets, his golden hair partly obscuring his deep blue eyes. The 18 year old lovebirds were just pronounced engaged. Lilly giggled, her straight nose crinkling above a large, infectious smile.

Interrupting their mingling, a man extremely similar to Dylan burst through the door.

"Gabriel! What a great surprise!" Dylan rose from the bed and smiled brightly at his brother.

Gabriel's enormous wings filled the entire entrance, but they were no match for Dylan's, who was three years younger.

"Brother, I've arrived with terrible news," he stated morbidly.

"What possibly could it possibly be?" Dylan seemed slightly irritated.

He took a few steps until he stood, towering, right next to his older sibling. He placed a perfectly toned hand on Gabriel's shoulder, all sense of euphoria wiped from his face.

"Well.. It's father. He's.. Quite sick." A flash of guilt passed through Gabe's eyes.

"Gabriel? What are you not telling me?" Dylan inquired, seeing through his brother's pretense.

"You know how my powers are out of control! We were arguing and it turned into a brawl of sorts. And it was an accident I swear!" The deluge of words poured out of his mouth, like he couldn't stop.

"Gabriel, I swear to the Heavens, if you harmed father with your unworthy talent, so help me," Dylan's voice grew and vibrated the room, causing Lilly to cower in the corner. His eyes burned with a flame of storming rage that could not be sated.

"Brother, listen to me! It was an accident! He's not too badly injured! He shall recover!" Gabriel pleaded, but he could not lessen his brother's wrath.

Mad with animosity, Dylan clamped his hands on either side of Gabriel's neck, a sickening gut-wrenching crack sounding from the fracture. His head fell to the ground, blood the color of crimson spurting in a never ending stream from the vital artery.

Dylan stumbled back, doubling over, his actions just now registering in his brain. Lillian's weeping was the only thing heard over the distinct sound of blood dripping to the floor.

"Lilly, I-I I don't know what.." He stuttered in absolute shock.

Lilly's eyes were full of terror as Dylan clutched at his head, like it was about to explode.

"AGHH!" He screamed in agony, falling to the ground, his back arching.

The stark white feathers on his heavenly wings shed to a withering pile. Where each white disappeared, underneath was revealed a black. The blue veins in his arms and neck transformed into an inky acid.

"Lilly, h-help me," his weak voice trembled for a moment. Then he slowly raised his head. His beautiful sea blue eyes were now poisoned dark, as ominous as a moonless night. Lilly scrambled back in horror, the wall trapping her in place. She knew, as his pupils dilated into infinity, that she had lost Dylan forever.

The author's comments:

Inspired by a middle school Language Arts teacher and furthermore pressed on by a Creative Writing class, kudos to them. Thanks for your help!

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