Wide Awake | Teen Ink

Wide Awake

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

The ear piece blurted out the countdown
“Ten, nine, eight…”  Rex’s stomach was churning as he listened to the numbers slowly drop.
“Seven, six ,five, four…” The sweat from his forehead ran down the side of his head, down his cheek and joined the streaks on his neck. This was the real deal and he was nervous.
“Three, two, one.” With the last number came a deafening roar from behind him and the rocket propelled itself into the blue sky.
“We have lift off” the voice said “We will be with you the whole time through your journey. Be safe” The rocket continued to elevate and the sky turned from blue to black as he left the atmosphere. It was the most beautiful thing Rex had ever seen, looking down and seeing the sunset over the Earth. The orange glow lit up his face through the window as he made his way to Mars.
            “Captain, there is a meteor heading near the ship. You need to maneuver the ship down towards Earth 1500 feet. It shouldn’t come near you there.” NASA said from Earth.
Rex did as he was told and tried to relax as the giant rock hurled toward his area. The Voice had a tremble this time.
Captain, the meteor has changed paths and is heading right for you! The path is shown on the radar. Do what you can to get out of the way. There is nothing we can do for you down here!” Rex began to try to maneuver the ship as fast as he can. The giant rock smashed into the lower half of the ship! The ship was ripped apart and the galaxy sucked out everything in the lower half! As it spun through space the ship threw Rex into the unknown. Knocked out from the impact he slowly drifted into the blackness.
            When he regained conciseness, he tried to call to NASA but no response. He kept trying but still nobody would answer his cry for help. As he floated through the black emptiness he looked for anything to comfort him. His oxygen tanks were full and he was uninjured for the most part. He kept sailing farther and farther in the black abyss. Soon plant Earth left his sight and he thought the end would soon come. As he turned his head he saw it.
            The circling black hole was swallowing anything and everything nearby and he was on track to float into the hole. Closer and closer and he could tell the hole was beginning to suck him into it. He spun faster and faster until the g forces were too strong to handle and he passed out.
            When he slowly opened his eyes he saw a bright blue sky and the warmth of the yellow sun was on his face.   
“Where am I?” he asked himself as he tried to find anything he recognized. Nothing, only green fields that waved and bent with the wind as it blew. He began to walk through the field he wondered what had happened in the black hole. Nothing made sense right now. He realized he wasn’t in his space suit now. He was wearing the dirt covered jeans with a rip across the knee and a black t-shirt that was also covered in dust and dirt.
            He walked and walked and the minutes felt like hours. Finally he saw what looked to be a road. He climbed over the barbed wire fence he followed and began to walk along the dirt road. The red clay had tire marks and a joy began to burn inside as he knew he was someplace with people. As the sun set over the green hills he decide he would settle down under a big tree near the road and try to sleep.
            Awoken to the sound of what seemed to be an engine of some sort of vehicle. He ran to the road and began to search for the source of the sound.  It slowly grew louder and louder until it came into his vision. The giant red semi-truck barreled down the road. Rex jumped and waved his arms in hope the truck would stop. The roar got louder and closer and the truck was slowing down as the driver saw Rex. The truck came to a halt and Rex stared as the door opened.
            Out of the door an old women emerged and gave him a puzzled look. After a few short seconds of silence,
            “What in the world are you doing out in the middle of nowhere like this walking down the middle of the road?” asked the driver.
            “As weird as it sounds I woke up in a field about ten miles back that way.” Pointing to where the truck came from.
            “Well climb up in and I’ll take ya to the city. I’m heading there anyway.”
            “Thank you so much” Rex said over and over again. He climbed into the red truck and off they went down the red dirt road.
            Rex had a weird feeling about everything that was happening. Not only was he in some random person’s car he knew nothing of where he was. He decided he wouldn’t say anything until he gets to the city.
            As they drove on some things started looking familiar to him. He could see the tops of the buildings and that gave him comfort. As they came closer to the city there was a sign that read “Welcome to Cooperton” in big bold letters. Rex gave a sigh of relive as this is where he lived. They pulled into the big city and she pulled over.
            “This is as far as I’ll take you.” She said
            “Thanks for the ride. I would give you something but I have nothing to give you.”
            “You don’t need to do that. Just pay it forward to someone else in need.” She said.
            As he climbed out of the truck he said thanks one more time and he started to walk toward where he lived. The building that he lived in was about five miles away from where he was. That was the only thing he could think to do was to get home. He continued to walk and walk and the time felt like it was standing still.
            What felt like an hour went by when he made it to his street. His house was only two houses down the road and on the right hand side. Joy flooded over him as he knew something in this strange place. He walked down the side walk and made his way to his driveway. The faded, tan paint was being lit up by the sun as it was just about to set over the hills.  As he looked at the house something looked different but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Maybe it was the doormat, or maybe the door its self but he couldn’t figure it out. Not really worried about what was different he walked into what he thought was his house. As soon as he walked though the door he stopped dead in his tracks. Everything was different. The wall color, the couch, the tables, everything. With a puzzled look he scanned over the house. He took one step and that’s when he heard a voice behind him.
            “Hey!” the voiced bombed with anger. “Get out of my house!” The voice sounded very familiar. As he spun around as fast as he could he noticed something about the man and the man noticed the same thing. Both the men stood in disbelief as they started at each other. The man was an identical twin to Rex.
            “What is your name?” Rex finally asked.
            “My name is Rex. Rex Smith.” He said slowly, “What about you?”
            “You won’t believe me but my name is also Rex Smith” he said. “ I don’t understand what is going on.”
            “No! This is not possible.” Said the second Rex with anger. “This is not possible!” he repeated. Suddenly he charged at Rex as he stood in the doorway. Frozen with fear, he could not make his legs work.  He tried to yell but nothing would come out of his mouth. The man charged full speed. Just as he was about to tackle Rex he was awoken with fear as he laid in his bed.
As he laid in his bed covered in sweat he realized it was just a crazy dream. He thought to himself of all the events that happened made him not want to go on his mission to space the next day.

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