Луна Ребенок (Chapter 1) ~Moon Child~ | Teen Ink

Луна Ребенок (Chapter 1) ~Moon Child~

January 25, 2009
By Anonymous

The air is absolutely bitter and bleak as a silent winter night. Snow blankets the ground and reflects off the light of the full moon and stars. No creature dare sings its song to disturb the silence of this wintery night. Tonight would be a night that not even a damned soul would dare interrupt with its utter ignorance. Everything remains frozen in place to keep the peace of this hushed, chilled night. Its beauty is merely pure and astonishing with its stars shining ever so brightly, and its moon lighting the sky as a guide for the dead and the hopeless. The snow lays frozen -still- and glitters in the brilliance of the moon. Naked trees do not sway, but remain dead set with branches sticking out mighty and strong. There is not a cloud in the sky to steal away this amazing allurement and beauty.

I stare in awe as I lay on my back in the snow with my hands -one over the other- on my stomach, and my fantasy-like, dark chocolate brown, cury hair sprawled out in all directions. My black eyes absorb the moonlight and save the enticing image for me to remember always. My thick lips are slightly apart as I inhale and exhale, and oddly, I do not see my breath. Then again, this is normal at this hour. Neither am I cold even though I am wearing summer clothing. My skin is dead-like and pale as a lifeless corpse, and though I am breathing, I have no heart beat or pulse. My skin is cold and lifeless, and my face is perfectly arranged with perfect sences, but I am still at fail and very unhappy with what I am.

Every night I escape to this place to break free from the pain and tortue I am set through every waking night. (Like a coward) However, i do not mind leaving to this place because I get to see the beauty of nightfall and watch the moon survey me as I gaze at it through my sharp eyes. The stars dare not amount against the breathtaking moon whether it is full, half, or crescent. Though I see this sight night after night, I never grow bored in the amazement of the night sky. Even on nights where the moon disappears, I continue be in a daze by looking at the stars shining bright as day. There are no humans out here to trigger my uncontroling sences. I would never dare injure someone or murder someone. I have not once killed or harmed a living being even at dangerous moments.

I yearn for blood. I can never drink from a corpse because that is not what this wretched body yearns and begs for. My sences wish to have something I will never give them because it is far beyond my belief and ways. I cannot drink from animals because my vamparic form only accepts what I consider the forbidden. Warm Blood. Yes, my body craves the warm blood of the human race. I refuse out of my own sanity to steal something that is not mine. A life lost at my cause will not be acceptable in the least bit because I am stronger than my body that I am imprisoned in, but why must I run away when I am in this form? Why am I not strong enough to keep myself sane? I hate this life of lies and misfortune. It is not worth it. The beauty and strong sences are not worth the pain I must saunter through after the sun sets beneath the Earth.

During the day, however, I am different. I am no long a blinding beauty with pale skin and coal black eyes. My skin is fair (but much darker than a corpse) During the daytime, my eyes are a dark brown which are luckily bright and joyful, and my face is not much of an angel. I am not strong, and my sences are not near as sharp as they are when I am a vampire. Always, I pray that the sun will rise as quickly as it set so I can be free from my vampire self, but I never get my wish. The hours of night always seem to lag.

I wish I could free myself of this horrid curse. Every night is a nightmare, but I am awake and aware. Every morning I am exhausted from lack of sleep; therefore, I miss hours of my precious day dreaming nightmares of the next night. I am having a difficult time figuring out this curse out for myself, but I am on my own because no one else knows of what I become the moment the sun sets below the horizon. No one must know about this nightmare. They could be my first victim. Then how could I live with myself? What way could I live on knowing I stole a life that was not mine? For now and forever, I am on my own, but i will fight with all my strength to break free of this nightmare. Though I have not a single person to help me, I look to the moon for answers, and I know that everytime I gaze up at the night sky, the moon is giving me hope with its everlasting radience.

From what I have observed, I am getting more and more exhausted everyday. I have had this curse since I was 10 years of age, and now I am 16 going on 17 as of tomorrow. I live with a legal guardian, two other teenage girls, and three other people. It is a lot of people for a small boarding house, and it holds a lot of drama and gossip that I wish I never became a part of, but it is my home. Sadly, I have to accept the fact that it is my home and the people in it are my neighbors. I live in the basement, but that is good because I get my own room. Plus the basement is a medium sized room and it is well taken care of. I could not ask for more.

The tip of the sun began to rise and my heart leaped slowly to life. I set my hand over my heart as it barely beat within my chest. I sat up and stared at the rising sun, waiting in full patience for the sun to ascent above the snowy horizon. For what felt like an eternity, the sun was half way about the horizon making the snow crystals glitter. My body temperature began to rise to normal. My eyesight began to faulter and my breath was becoming more visable. I looked down at my arm and saw my skin transform from dead-like pale skin to the fair color I adore. Almost there. My arms fell to my sides as I stood to my feet, and my gray, long dress draped down to my bare feet. My legs began to shiver beneathe my wet clothing, and my bare arms gained goose bumps all over. At this I smiled, but all was not so well as it seemed. I am completely drained, and I must get home before anyone notices my absence.

Stumbling slightly, I turned away from the sun and charged towards my home. My hair flowed in the wind behind me as I ran at my best pace, and a smile emerged onto my face. I was not happy to be running or to be completely freezing, but I was happy to be free of my vamparic body and the agony that came along with it. Though I am only tempoarily absent from the pain and lust for blood, I am overjoyed that I do not have to suffer through it at the present.

In the distance, I spotted my two story home. No lights were on so it would be quite simple to sneak back in my room. At this thought, I darted even faster; however, I was surprised by one of my housemates standing on the small, wooden back porch. It was Mr. Nicolai Abazy, but I normally refer to him as Mr. Nicolai.

I have no idea why Mr. Nicolai is out here at this hour. I hope he never saw me sneak out of the house at twilight. Or worse, he could have followed me out to the forest. What will he do if he knows what I truly am?! This is not good at all! I cannot think of a lie to get myself out of this mess! Oh, God, what am I to do?

Act normal. I have to act just as normal as possible, but that is pratically impossible! My appareal is enough to complain about, and who would run out at the break of dawn in the middle of a thick forest on such a wintery morning?! Me, of course, but it is not like he knows this! Augh!

I slowed my pace and walked up the steps and smiled at him to hide my guilt and said politely, "Good morning, Mr. Nicolai. It is quite chilly out today, don't you think?"

"Yes," he said in his baratone, shaky voice, looking up at me with his faded green eyes, "It is. What are you doing out here dressed in that fasion, Anya?"

"I'm afraid that I was so tired that I ran out without grabbing a coat. How long have you been out here, Mr. Nicolai?" I asked, coughing a bit and then clearing my throat.

"Ah, is that so?" he asked, staring at me with concerning eyes.

I hesitated but then said as confidently as possible, "Yes." I coughed again. This time was a lot harsher than before.

"Anya!" my guardian Ms. Myka Lalovskii scolded. The back door was barely open, but that did not prevent her powerful, accusing voice from ringing in my ears.

"Ah, yes, Ms. Myka?" I replied, slightly startled.

"What are you doing standing out in the cold in that dress?! You get inside. I can hear that dreadful cough from my room! You're going to get hypothermia or something worse!" she demanded in a strong tone.

Nodding, I said, "Yes, Ma'am." Before walking inside the house, I waved to Mr. Nicolai, "See you at breakfest, Mr. Nicolai."

"See you, Anya," he said with a small nod.

Phew. Mr. Nicolai is an old man -about 86- and he is very wise and observant. I am pretty sure that he knows more than what he says so now I will have to watch my back from now on. Aw, what an obstacle. At least he did not say anything to Ms. Myka; I guess it is good that he is the type to keep to himself. Mr. Nicolai and I are not close, but we understand one anotther which is noramally a good thing.

I walked throuh the kitchen past one of Ms. Myka's 15 year old daughter Natasha Lalovskii, who was stacking laudry on the table. Her thin hair is light brown and collaberates well with her frail skin. Her eyes are dark brown and her lips and body are immensly thin. Her thin bangs cover her forehead and her hair reaches barely past her elbows.

As a person, Natasha is not very nice. She is more to herself than anything, but she is not greedy or rude either. So she is not mean or nice, just inbetween, and because she is always to herself, I never speak to her much. It is sad because if Natasha would just brighten up a little she would have a large social life. Maybe one of these days she will become more talkative, and some part of me wants to talk to her as well.

As I walked by I coughed very harshly into my arm, and if everyone was not awake at the moment, I bet I had the ability to wake everyone up in the house, and trust me, that is not pleasant to witness. Through the corner of my eye, I noticed Natasha glance at me for a few seconds with puzzlement in her eyes, but she turned away back to folding the rest of the clothing that lay before her without a word. In front of me, Natasha's sister Svetlana Lalovskii walked towards me with attitude written all over her.

"Must you cough so loudly?" Svetlana asked with annoyance.

"Sorry," I apologized, "I'm going to get dressed in some better clothing."

"Don't tell me what you're going to do. It's not like I care," she replied curtly, as she rammed into my shoulder with as much force as she could exert (which wasn't much, but it was still rude).

Without saying anything else, I opened a door underneathe the stairwell and walked down the creaky, rotted, wooden steps and turned on my dim light. My basement room is carpeted (luckily), and I have an old, queensized bed with a small dresser beside it. A small, bent table sat accross the room against a wall, and that is all of my room. It is not much, but it is better than nothing. I almost fainted on my bed, but once I did, Ms. Myka yelled my name at the top of the basement stairwell.

I sat up and sighed, "Yes, Ms. Myka?"

"You better not be going to sleep! Today you have to go to town and shop for us! Get dressed!" she demanded.

Sigh. What a pain. I hate having to go shopping for the house because everyone is picky, and it becomes so frustrating. I am always the one who has to go shopping, too. I wonder why Ms. Myka never makes Natasha or Svetlana go. Ah, well. At least I can get coffee when I am out. Quickly I put on a pair of pants, a long sleeve t-shirt, and a fleece jacket. On top of all that, I put on a winter jacket and winter boots, and then I braided my hair loosely and slung it over the front of my shoulder. Tiredly, I threw my old, cotton purse over my shoulder, and I climbed the stairs with my eyes becoming more heavy each step.

"Anya!" one of my housemates Jereni Vikentieva called.
I turned to her and said, "Good-Morning, Ms. Jereni Vikentieva. How are you?"
"I'm doing the same as always," she replied in a bitter tone, "Can you get me some blue cheese? Not that American fake kind that you got me last time!"
(See what I mean about pushy and picky?)
"Okay, I'll do my best," I said.
"You do that," she demanded, turning and walking away.
Wow, she is a very demanding and insane woman if you ask me, but I do respect her because that is how I should act. I walked to the front door silently. Setting my hand on the golden door handle, I looked back at the stairwell and the rest of the boarding house and announced very loudly so everyone could hear, "I'm off to the market! Bye!" I opened the large door and walked outside into the Russian, morning air which engulfed me with a chill so strong and shocking that I almost fell back. Who would have thought I was lying in the snow with a summer dress on earlier this morning? Shivering slightly, I shut the door behind me and stuffed my freezing hands into my warm, soft coat pockets. Before walkinig off my small porch, I looked straight ahead of me admiring the beautiful scenery that is set before my very eyes. My yard was masked smoothly with no footprints or animal tracks, and it was absolutely gorgeous with the sun reflecting brightly off the snow creating snow crystals dancing accross the ground. Everything was silent and frozen in place. I could see my breath every time I exhaled and the sun pierced my skin warmly, but the snow was safe for the time being from the sun's hot gaze.
I took a baby step forward and continued to walk accross my yard, leaving footprints behind me, but I did not look back. Instead I looked down at my feet as I plodded through the thick and heavy snow. My breathing seemed horrifically loud compared to the silence and muteness of my setting, and I knew I was alone at the moment. Alone. Is'nt it strange that when someone is alone and by themself, they long and wish for company, but when they get so troubled and bothered by their wish of friends or neighbors, they resent them. Why is that so? I feel that way all the time. At night when I am in my vamparic form, I yearn for someone to hold my hand, but when I get home in the daytime, I regret my whim to have people close to me. I guess I am not one hundred percent sure on what I truly want.
Still trudging along, I stepped onto the paved road with a small thump. The road was black, smooth, and was outlined by thick layers of pure, white snow. Unleafed trees danced in no pattern along side of the vacant street. The sun shined brightly through the trees and made me squint to see clearly. I turned right and walked down the road past small, quiet houses and cottages.
I walked for a few moments in dead silence. Nothing stirred. It was only me and my footsteps until a faraway barking of a dog caught my attention. Fast, heavy footsteps ran towards me. It was a large snow dog with glee in his eyes, and his excitement was overwhelming. He ran faster when he noticed me turn around and look his way, and, sadly, (without my vampire skills) he jumped on top of me and knocked me to the ground. His tonque cleansed my face unpleasingly, and his body was heavy and strong. (Too strong for me)
"Doggy, doggy! No, no-" I said, attempting (and epically failing) to get him off of my frail and tired body.
"Drysi!" a scolding, teenage girl's voice yelled.
"Get off her!" a teenage, male's voice demanded sonorously.
"Stoppit, stoppit!" the girl screamed as she approached the scene.
"Drysi!" the boy scolded, pushing the excited dog off of my body.
But as arrogant as the dog was, Drysi jumped back on me and I screamed at the sudden weight forced on top of me. I cringed at the pain of the dogs sharp claws cutting through my winter over coat and into my soft flesh. Through the corner of my eye, I saw the boy jump on Drysi attempting to force him off me, but right after the boy jumped at him, the dog retreated. Once I gasped relief from the dog's heavy weight being taken off of me, the boy's body plopped right onto mine. I gasped and yelled a small cry of shock and pain.
The boy got off of me as the girl ran over to the dog. Once the boy looked down at me, I recognized him as one of my close neighbors and friends Vasili. (Who would recognize anyone if they were being attacked by an overly excited canine?) His face is perfectly proportioned and his dark red hair leaped down to his pale ears. His skin was pale and his body was somewhat muscular. He is 19 years old, and despite our age difference, he has treated me as a best friend.
"Anya," he whispered, "are you alright?"
I sat up and looked at him with honest eyes, "Yes, I am, thank-you. Drysi, I'm guessing, is very energetic. Is he your's?"
"He is the Shikovs dog," the girl Vasilisa answered. She walked over to Vasili's side with Drysi on a leash. Vasilisa is Vasili's 14 year old "baby" sister. She can be very mean and rude, but most of the time she is in a good and joyful mood. Her and Vasili's family is just the same way. They all are at good wealth and they each have a great reputation. Vasilisa's skin is a little darker than her brother's and her hair is curly and bitter brown.
"Ah, dog sitting, I assume?" I asked as the dog beared his sharp, mucronate teeth at me, but Vasilisa kept a firm grip on his leash.
Didn't all animals hate me. Sigh. Sadly they did. It has been another thing that I have noticed ever since this deadly, midnight curse has hit me. All animals, even bugs, have either attacked me or ran away from me. Even in my human form, they are absolutely vicous or cruel. It is sad because I loved animals a lot, and I miss having them around to comfort me. I guess it is something I have to live without, but I will survive, I suppose.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Vasilisa asked in a concerned voice as she crouched down to her knees and wrapped her arms around them.
"Yes, there was no harm done, but thank-you for coming after Drysi. I might not be so well if you both did not make haste and run after him so quickly," I replied, nodding twice and then smiling a "I'm A Big Girl Smile".
"It was nothing," Vasili said, smiling.
Standing up, I said, "Well, thanks anyway." I dusted off some of the dirt and ice off my jacket and smiled at them reassuring that I was alright. Both of them looked at me apologetically and I reassured them, "I am fine. Really! I wasn't harmed at all."
"We're really sorry. We should have been holding onto Drysi tighter," Vasili apologized.
"Funny," Vasilisa said, standing up, "I never recall Drysi every being a tyrant as the way he was today."
Hiding my hesitation, I said, "Ah, well, there's always a first for everything, is there not?"
"Hm," Vasilisa thought aloud, "Maybe he just was in a bad mood or something."
"Maybe," I instantly agreed as Vasilisa eyed me.
"You look very tired and worn out," she observed.
Yawning, I said, "No, not- I mean, yes. I have been having a hard time sleeping lately."
"Then what brings you out here so early?" Vasili asked, crossing his arms.
"Shopping for Ms. Myka," I replied, looking up at him.
"Have you been reading the newspaper lately?" Vasilisa asked, in a change of tone to the new subject.
I looked at her and answered, shaking my head, "No, I haven't. Why? Anything interesting happen?"
She looked at me like was completely out of it. Why should I even be reading the newspaper? I turn into a bloodsucking monster at every twilight, and you expect me to read a newspaper. No way. By the break of dawn, I am drastically jaded and worn out. Plus nothing interesting happened in this part of Russia, and by "this part" I mean Kadnikov. Population is 5,100 people. Nothing of interest or allurement happen here or at least not outside the way I spend my nights.
"They're finding large trees deep inside the forest that are completely split in half," Vasilisa reported.
"So? It's mother nature, right? I mean, trees are planted, grow, and die. Just think. Those trees might have had too much weight on their branches, or another possibility is a bear or wolf might be tearing the trees apart," I acknowledged.
"True, but there's no footprints. And trees here are meant to hold all that snow. Plus, these trees were cut on the trunk more than at the branches," she debated.
"Who knows," I said, shoulders going up in confusion, "but whatever it is, we shouldn't have to worry so much over it. I swear, sometimes this town becomes so riled up with things that should not be bothered," I said more to myself then to them.
"You could be right," she said.
"Ah," I replied.
"Or wrong," Vasilisa added.
"Well, whatever is going on, Kadnikov will figure it out," Vasili reasoned.
Drysi growled loudly at me, and I took a defensive step back with my hands out in a defensive motion. Vasilisa looked down at the husky and yanked on his leash as Vasili scolded the vicous canine, "No, Drysi, no! Leave Anya alone! She never harmed you, you harmed her."
"You know what, maybe I should be going," I said.
"Yes, maybe you should before Drysi begins another episode," Vasilisa agreed.
"Mind if I tag alone, Anya?" Vasili asked.
"Hey, what about Drysi?" Vasilisa questioned.
"You can take him back home, can't you?" he asked his sister.
She pouted and said, "What's in it for me?"
Vasili thought for a moment and then said, "I'll buy you some Swiss chocolate while I'm out."
She pondered over this deal for a moment.
"You only have to walk him home. He's had enough excitement for one morning," he added.
"Alright," she said, sighing at the compromise.
"Thank-You, Vasilisa. I'll be back soon," Vasili said.
"Your welcome," she replied, turning around and walking away from us.
"Good day, Vasilisa!" I called.
She turned around and stared at me with disapproving eyes, and I twitched. Turning away, she clenched her teeth, and ran off. She seems to suspect something of me. Does she know? Does she know about me going into the woods every night? But that is completely impossible! Vasilisa reported that trees were being snapped in half, but that definately wasn't me! Every night, I lay in a snowy clearing in the woods, gazing at the midnight sun and stars. But no doubt I had the strength to snap a tree in half without much effort. Maybe Vasilia -without knowing- just gave me a hint that there are others out there just like me, but any wild animal may have broken those trees for all I know. I guess I should read the newspaper more often, and if I am lucky, I will know more about these mysterious tree happenings. I wondered all this as I stared at her as she walked away with the growling dog still on the leash. She scolded him and yanked on his leash several times as she dragged him along.
"Anya," Vasili said, "Anya?"
I continued to stare at her as if to see inside her head. She knew more than what she displayed, and I wanted to savor and see her secrets.
"Anya? Anya? Anya?!" Vasili said, gripping my shoulder and shaking me slightly.
Snapping out of my haze, my head turned to him like an alarm clock going off in a dead silent room. I gasped as if terrified and said, "Huh?"
"Are you alright?" Vasili asked.
Nodding slowly, I said, "Yes, I'm fine, just caught in the moment." I turned away from Vasilisa's distant form and began to walk towards town. Vasili walked by my side, eyeing me in concern.
"Why are you not getting any sleep?" he suddenly asked me.
I was so shocked at his question that I nearly stopped in my tracks, but I knew I had to try not to act worried or suspicious. Choking down my stress, I lied, "I-I don't know. I just haven't. I am alright though."
"Are you?" he asked.
"Did you just come along to the market with me to ask me why I have not been getting appropriate sleep?" I questioned, walking a little faster at my hesitations. I am not a good liar, and hiding something this big is very stressful.
"Well, no. I just wanted to talk, you know? I haven't seen you in a while, and I wanted an update on how everyone is doing," Vasili replied.
"Everyone is fine," I answered, "Happy?"
"Well, that's very descriptive," he said sarcastically.
"I do not even bother with those people in my house because they each are unfriendly or too unordinary," I said.
"And you're not unordinary?" he asked me.
My eyes opened wide as I abruptly stopped and look straight at him. What does he know? He can't know anything, right? Then why is he calling me unordinary?! I need to learn how to hide things better. I am just opening doors to my secrets everywhere I turn.
Vasili stopped and stared down at me confused, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"
I shook my head and smiled, "No! Not a-at all!" -I smiled- "Just playing w-w-with you!"
"Oh..." he replied negatively, "I would have never guessed."
"You bet! I'm a good kidder!" I lied, my face burning (funny because it is below freezing out here). I began to walk faster, and he stepped forward and caught up with my long strides.
"You truly are unordinary," he said more to himself than to me.
"How so?" I asked.
"Well, maybe unordianry isn't the correct word..." he thought aloud.
"Hm?" I wondered.
"Unexpecting," he answered.
"Huh?" I asked, glancing up at him as I walked.
"You do the most unexpecting things. There's no prediction for you, Anya," Vasili answered.
"I guess," I said, "but I can't describe you as anything."
"No one can. I am many things, but no one seems to guess one of them," he replied.
"Then I'm not the only one," I concluded.
"Nope. You're not alone," Vasili said, "By the way, what are you getting at the market?"
Without a word, I handed him a folded piece of paper out of my purse and crossed my arms and looked forward as I walked. I heard him unfold the paper with no difficulty and read it aloud, "Pudding, Rice, Chicken breast, Roasted ham, Eggs, REAL Blue Cheese, Tomatoes, Apples, Grapes, Avacado. Garlic? Why garlic?"
I choked slightly and then lied another lie, "We have some bread at home." I want to see if garlic will kill me or not in my vamparic form. It is an experiment that I must work with.
"I thought Ms. Myka hated garlic and would never allow it in her sight," Vasili said.
"Well, Mr. Nicolai likes it," I replied.
"Hm, that's interesting," Vasili said, folding the list back up and handing it to me.
Stuffing the list back into my purse, I changed the topic, "So how is your family?"
"So-so. My father is in China working with Stem Cell Research, and my mother is staying at home taking care of Vasilisa."
"How about yourself?" I asked.
"I'm doing well. I am going to Moscow for college soon."
"Wow. That's an accomplishment to celebrate," I said.
"Yes, I guess so. I'm not sure if I want to go or not. My parents are urging me to study being a doctor, but I prefer something off the wall." he replied.
"Like what?" I interrupted.
"Painter," he said.
"Really? I never imagined you ever being interested in painting," I said shocked.
"Yeah, well, there is this girl in my dreams who I have been painting," Vasili said.
"What? Really? What is her name?" I asked.
"I don't know her name. She is just there, and she doesn't say anything. I just watch her from a distance, but, God, is she beautiful," he replied.
"What does she do?" I questioned.
"She lays in the middle of a clearing in a thick forest right in the snow. Her skin is as light as the snow itself. She doesn't shiver or freeze as she lays there and stares at the moon and stars. Her hair is immensly long, thick, and when it lays in the snow, it shines in the moonlight. Her face is perfect at every angle and her body is as well. I swear, she's so beautiful and astonishing, she cannot even be human. I'm guessing she's an angel from Heaven, but she has no wings. I hope that in my dream I'll go speak to her and ask-" he said.
I coughed very rouchly and bent down clutching at my throat. Immediately, Vasili caught my shoulders and patted my back asking frantically, "Anya? Anya? Are you alright? Anya?!"
Choking down my last cough, I gasped for air, "I'm fine. It's just a cough."
"Maybe you shouldn't be out here in the freezing cold. You might be catching something," Vasili said worriedly.
"No, I am fine. You have really asked if I am okay or not way too much, you know. You don't have to worry about me that much," I replied, standing up straight.
"Well, when someone is attacked by an angered dog, do you think I'm going to not ask you if you're alirght. And when you stare off blankly to no where, you bet I'm going to snap you out of it. And when you stare at me wide-eyed, of course I'm going to ask you what is up with you," Vasili defended.
"I guess you're right," I surrendered.
"I am," he said.
"I am acting bazaar," I replied.
"Yeah, why is that so?" he asked.
Twitching, I said, "I have no idea. I'm just tired and on my toes."
"Maybe you should go back home," he said, "and go back to sleep."
"No, no. I'll be fine," I replied.
"I don't think so," he answered, "Give me that list of your's and I'll get your things."
"No. Vasili, I can handle these things myself," I said.
"Alright, alright," he surrendered.
He changed the subject, and we continued to walk to the market. I coughed several times along the way and at the market, and I am quite shocked that no one forced me out of there because I could have sworn that I was coughing all over the fresh produce. We mainly talked about nothing important or small talk, and while I was out, I picked up the daily newspaper. Vasili assisted me with carrying the bags of food as we walked home, and that saved me some difficulties. We were out forever, too. It is almost 2P.M.
Svetlana glared at us when we walked through the front door. I ignored her and walked through the dark, narrow hall into the small kitchen.
"Mother! Anya brought trash home with her!" Svetlana called to Ms. Myka.
"Good Afternoon, Vasili," Mr. Nicolai with a gentle wave of his hand.
"Good Afternoon," Vasili said with a nod and small smile.
Natasha walked into the kitchen, and once she saw Vasili, she departed as quickly as she could. Natasha is not that great with company much either.
Vasili stared after her and I said, "Don't worry about her. She is very shy."
"Ah," was all he said in reply.
"Well, thanks for helping me, Vasili. But I should get some sleep," I said.
"No problem. I'm glad I cam along, and you get some sleep," he said, "You need it."
"Yeah," I said, nodding. I walked him to the front door, and he opened it and was about to leave until I called after him, "Hey." He looked back at me confused, and I continued, "Tell me what that girl in your dreams will do tonight, okay?"
"Alright. No problem. Come over anytime and I'll show you my drawings and paintings," Vasili invited.
"Okay, I will when I have the time," I said, waving, "Bye."
"Bye, Anya," he smiled and shut the door and I was left alone. I opened the door to my basement room and walked down the steps slowly. I am so drowsy, it's amazing. I fell flat on my face once I reached my bed and fell instantly unconcious into a dreamless sleep.
I woke up at 7:03P.M. Crap! Sunset is about to come! I jumped out of my bed and did not worry about a jacket. Quickly, I ran up the steps and I stopped in the empty hall. No one was arround. Good. I tiptoed as quick as possible but attempted to not make noise out to the back porch. I glanced around quickly and charged off the porch and into the lonely forest with bare feet. I ran until I could no longer see my home and I stopped once I reached the clearing where I was the previous night. I saw the sun setting in the distance, making shadows dance and the sky turn vibrant colors.
I eyed the sun in waiting for my time to change into the ungodly monster that I truly am. Slowly but all to quickly, the sun fell beneath the horizon.
I coughed a cough that ached in my chest like wildfire that spread through my body. My eyes went into the back of my head and I fell flat on my back into the cold snow that felt warm to my bare arms. I twisted and turned. What's happening?! The pain was so vigorous and cogent that I could not even comprehend or think. I felt so horrible that I could not even manage a scream or cry. (not like anyone could hear me) My skin felt like it was being cut, blended, stapled, and set on fire all at once, and my bones felt like they were being grinded and shattered to many pieces inch by inch.
My eyes stung as if the most acidic substance was passing through them. Everywhere. The pain was everywhere, and not only was it everywhere, but it is every pain that you can possibly think of.
I screamed as loud as my aching throat would release, but no one could hear me out this far. I was alone, and I should be dead. No one can go through this much pain and survive, could they?
I was panting and screaming. I was clinging onto life because that is all I have. This pain... This ache... It is everywhere and anywhere. I twitched and turned as if I was having a seisure and I was kicking and twisting in every which direction possible.
Anything to stop this pain! Anything! God, save me! Save me, God! Take me now! Take me now! Stop the pain! STOP THIS WRETCHED EVIL AND TAKE ME NOW, DEAR GOD!

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