Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones | Teen Ink

Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones

March 18, 2016
By GillianSeed BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
GillianSeed BRONZE, Norridge, Illinois
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Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

The Graphic Novel by Dark Horse Comics, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, is a Science Fiction Graphic Novel based on the movie franchise of the same name. The graphic novel is about a Senator and former Queen of Naboo in danger from an assassin employed by an infamous Bounty Hunter. When a Jedi Master finds a dart, he makes his Jedi Padawan to protect the Naboo Senator, and the Jedi Master goes on a hunt. Will he kill the Bounty Hunter with help, or will the Jedi die?
The Main Characters of the graphic novel are Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight who is the Jedi Master of the chosen one. Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen one of the Force, is the Padawan of Obi-Wan. He is supposed to protect the Naboo Senator and former Queen of Naboo, Padme Amidala, from an assassin employed by an infamous Bounty Hunter. The Main Antagonists are the Chancellor of the Republic, Chancellor Palpatine, who is also a Sith named Darth Sidious, and is also the leader of the Separatists, so he controls both sides. Count Dooku is a former Jedi who became a Sith and is the Supreme Commander of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He is also Darth Sidious’s apprentice. First of all, the Senator’s survives an ambush on her shuttle as she arrives on Coruscant. Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker kill the assassin, but Obi-Wan must find the Bounty Hunter while Anakin protects Senator Amidala. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme soon find themselves on Geonosis, a Separatist Planet, but then get captured. As they await their execution, Jedi Reinforcements led by Mace Windu arrive, but quickly turns into a question of who might win this fight.
The graphic novel is set in the Star Wars Galaxy, first at Coruscant, then switching between Kamino and Naboo, Padme’s homeworld, and switching again between Geonosis and Tatooine, Anakin’s homeworld. The Point of View is mostly third-person Point of View, and sometimes the first-person Point of View. The Mood of the graphic novel is mostly serious but is funny when it is on Naboo. The Mood is sad after a tragedy strikes Anakin on Tatooine, and is stealthy for some time, terrifying, and action packed on Geonosis.
I think that the graphic novel was a good Star Wars one. It had action packed parts, suspenseful, and there were some sad parts, like where characters die. The drawing for the books was significant and accurate. The graphics have some scenes not shown from the movie, like where Padme talks to the Senate alone, and where Obi-Wan takes a dart to an identification station. The writing was powerful. One part where the writing is strong is when Anakin is at the Lars homestead and gets emotional about the tragedy that struck him. The author achieved the purpose with emotions, and relationships because Anakin has one with Padme.
All in all, the graphic novel was one of the Star Wars graphic novels that are good. I own the Episode 1 and Episode 3 graphic novel, so this one is also a good graphic novel. The impression is that I have to control my anger because it’s like Anakin not controlling his anger over this tragedy. The book was awesome with all these drawings with the novel. I felt emotional at the sad parts and was excited at the fighting parts. The lightsaber battles were the best part of the story, and will be the best Star Wars battles. The book is good for Star Wars fans and for people who read graphic novels.

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