Dawn of the cannibals | Teen Ink

Dawn of the cannibals

May 20, 2016
By josevasquez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
josevasquez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life stinks. Simple as that. It’s eat or be eaten I unfortunately have had a taste of what that feels like. And no I  was not eaten, it’s just that the bully at my school, his is name is randy. Felt the need to push me down into to a puddle. All because I’m weaker and smaller than him. So that’s how I ended up here. Walking home in my wet t shirt, wet pants, soggy shoes and a frown on my face bigger than the moon.
“Help”! I hear someone scream. I run and turn the corner only to find a grown man on top of a woman. The first thing that comes to mind was that he was sexually assaulting her. But no. He was biting at her face. After a couple attempts at biting her cheeks, he BITES off her nose !
“Aghhhhhh”!! she screams.
“Stop it”!! I scream
I know it’s useless he’s too busy eating her face. I do not know what to do, I have hemophobia which is an extreme fear of blood. So just seeing the blood coming from the lady’s nose is making me want to pass out. But that’s the last thing I want right now. Completely terrified I run. Simple as that. I don’t even even bother looking back, because doing so would only cause me to vomit. As I was running I was crying. Maybe that’s why I got bullied , I let things get to me really easy. I didn’t even know the woman yet here I was bawling my eyes out.
It’s kind of hard to run while your shoes are soaking wet so I slow down to a jog.
I try to gather my thoughts and figure out what the h--- that was. A Zombie? No it looked like a normal human being. I try and concentrate on getting home for now. There will be plenty of time to think this over in my bed with a bowl of nice ice cold ice cream. I’m like 10 minutes away from my house. I’m about to turn the next corner when I hear muffled screams coming from the house to my left. I don’t know what made me do it but I walk over. As soon as I open the gate I see a little girl getting holded down by a woman who appears to be in her late 30’s. Shes trying to eat her. I normally would’ve just ran away , but no this was a little girl. I feel the adrenaline building up inside me I run like I’ve never run and kick her right in the face.
“What the h---”!! She yells in surprise.
“Pick on someone your own size”i reply.
“Like you”!! She exclaims.
She’s still on the ground from when I had kicked her. So I have the advantage, I kick her yet again. The same spot actually, looks like it hurt because she’s rolling on the ground in agony. This is my chance! I grab the little girl’s hand and start running. I glance back and see the woman running at us. I’m not exactly the best runner. So it looks like I’m going to have to fight.
I should probably point out that i’ve never actually been in a real fight. Boy was i scared. I don’t know where my fists are supposed to go.
“WHAT ARE YOU” i scream at the woman.
“Trust me you don’t want to know” she replies.
Yet again i feel the adrenaline building up inside me. I charge. I pretend like I’m going to punch her, but instead I tackle her. So now I’m on top of her stomach. She’s not exactly bad looking or anything. So this isn’t so bad. She tries to grab at my face but I stop her. She’s going to keep on resisting so I pin her arms down. Looking for answers I quickly let go of her arm and punch her in the face as hard as I could.
“Again I ask you what are you” I ask her.
“It’s not just me kid, there’s more of us, more than this place has ever seen”!! She yells.
I punch her in the face yet again. I’m normally not this aggressive, but as you can see things are not exactly normal. I see the little girl crying behind me just witnessing everything. I feel bad for her. She looks like she’s only four.
“That’s not what i asked” I’m screaming now.
“Your simple mind might not understand, but i am a cannibal” she calmly tells me.
“But why would you do that” I scream. But I probably shouldn’t. She said there was a lot of them. And the last thing I wanted right now was to be eaten by a gang of bloodthirsty cannibals.
“We started of as vegans, and eventually all that time without any type of meat converted us into what you see before you” she replies to my question.
“Why don’t you eat animals” i ask.
“That goes against our vegans beliefs, we can’t eat anything from animals, but no one said anything about eating people” she tells me very joyfully.
By now i’ve had enough of her talking. I can’t just leave her alive. She’ll come after me again. So without thinking i grab her neck. I press as hard as I can. She tries to retaliate by punching at me. But it’s no use. She stops moving. What did I just do. I start crying, it’s not easy taking another person’s life. There’s no use in crying. So I walk over to the little girl.
“What’s your name” I ask her.
“A-ana” she quietly says.
“Why hello ana, my names crane” I sincerely tell her.
“Crane? You have a funny name” she laughs. It feels good to see her not cry anymore.
“Listen ana, where are your parents?” I ask her.
“I don’t know, i was with them at H-E-B but then I wandered off” she explains.
I’m confused, there isn’t an H-E-B for at least 5 miles.
“How long have you been walking for?” I ask her.
“I’d say for a couple of hours now”  she says.
“Very well then, we’ll look for your parents later for now let’s concentrate on getting to my house where it’s safe” I tell her.
“Okay crane” she tells me laughing.
We set off walking to my house. I try to make the least amount of noise as possible as there’s is now cars whatsoever. Guess everyone is too busy hiding for their life. My house is only like a block away when I suddenly hear a mob of people coming. Cannibals! I don’t want them to see us so I quickly put Ana in a nearby trash can.
“Stay silent” I whisper to her. She nods. I have nowhere to hide so I quickly dash behind a tree. I hear them walk by. Not one of them says anything they just pass by. The only reason I heard them was because of how many of them there was. At least a hundred g------ cannibals. They all look like they’re 20-30 years of age.
After they pass and I take Ana out of the trash can we continue with our journey to my house. I open the gate to my somewhat old house. It’s been in our family for generations. It’s awfully quiet. Usually my mom and dad are already yelling their heads off at each other. Im guessing no one is home since all the lights are off. There should be a key under the old welcome mat. Sure enough there it is. I slowly open the door.
“Why hello” someone say.
“Is that you Dad?’’
“Nope” the voice replies
At that same moment 5 males come out the shadows they all grab me. One pulls out a needle and sticks it into my arm. Who are these people. My vision gets blurry. I pass out.

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