The Princess and The Duck | Teen Ink

The Princess and The Duck

May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time a young princess, Naveen, roamed a town. She was a very loving person. She knew everyone in her small town down in the south. She was the governor's daughter, but people liked to call her princess because of the way she dressed and carried herself. She was a very beautiful young lady. All of the men in the town wanted to be with her for the looks and the money that came with it. She knew these men wanted her for reasons that she did not like. 

The princess loved her town and family a lot, but she loved something even more than any of them. She loved her duck Chuck. She has had the duck since she was a little girl. She was outside playing one day when she saw the duck. She begged her dad for the duck, so he sent out his men to go and get the duck. Since then she and the duck have never left each other's side. They go everywhere together. 

One night, Naveen had a ball to go to. She wanted to bring chuck of course. He even had a little tucks made for him. 

Her father said “No, this is no place for a duck.”

Naveen said “BUT DAD!!!” while looking at him with big puppy eyes “Chuck needs to go to this ball” 

“No!”, said her father “end of story” 

This was not the end of the story for Naveen. She was used to getting whatever she wanted since she was the governor's daughter. She did not like being told no. So, she ended up taking Chuck with her. Chuck had to stay on the other side of the ball from her father for the entire night so that he would not be seen. Naveen and Chuck were having so much fun. Everyone at the ball was having a blast until the town's evil witch showed up. Whenever she entered the room everyone turned. She was known for being the old lady who was nasty and mean. She did not like anyone in the town and made it clear that she never would. 

When she walked in the room she said “Well, well, well, look at this little party here” 

Everyone was quiet. You could hear Chuck feet smacking the ground as he tried to move closer to Naveen. The evil lady gave Chuck a glare when she saw the duck like she had something against the duck. Naveen’s father spoke up saying 

“Why are you here?” 

“I thought I should stop by to see how my favorite governor is doing,” said the evil lady with a sinister smile. 

“You have told me for years you have hated me and my family” said her father 

“Well I might have been exaggerating a little bit when I said favorite” said the witch

Everyone in the room was waiting for something to happen. Nothing did because the evil witch turned around and said it was her time to leave, but the sinister smile never left her face as she walked out of the ball. 

Naveen took Chuck and headed out to the back. Naveen often talked to Chuck about things. She would rant to Chuck all the time. They were sitting on a bench and she was talking to him. She was telling him about how there was no man for her in this town. That she would never find anyone. She then says that she wishes that Chuck could be a real man. She then kisses him on the bench. Whenever her lips pulled back from Chuck she felt weird. Then she thought she was coming down with something. 

“Mannnnnnn, do you know how long I have been waiting for you to do that”, said Chuck 

In shock Naveen says “ You can talk!” 

            “yes “ said Chuck 

Chuck was not your normal duck. He used to be someone. He was the prince of a nearby town. One day he came into Naveen’s town on his quest to look for a beautiful princess to marry. While he was in town he went into a shop that looked pretty interesting. This shop was owned by the evil witch. The evil witch did readings for money. The prince wanted to see what his future would look like with his wife. Whenever he gave the money to the women and she started to do his reading, he did not like what she was telling him. 

The witch said “ You will forever be a lonely man in your castle. For you are too arrogant and full of yourself to provide for a family.” 

Whenever she said this it raged him. He started yelling and screaming that he would have a wonderful wife and kids. The witch did not like when people yelled at her because of her readings. She looked the prince in the eyes and said the words “For the man who can’t wait shall be silenced.” This meant that the man would not be able to talk. She put a spell on the man for him to turn into a duck. She did this because ducks can not talk to humans. 

Whenever Naveen had heard this she was stunned. She always knew that the witch did some messed up things. She thought all the stories about her were a little exaggerated. She then thought to herself what if I’m stuck like this. She then asked Chuck what would happen to her now. 

He said “Don’t worry.” 

Naveen said “how am I not supposed to worry. I’m a duck.” 

Chuck then said “There's a way for both of us to go back to our normal lives, but I don’t know if you are going to like it.” 

Naveen had always dreamed of the day she would be able to get married. She had been waiting all her life for a moment when she found someone that she would spend the rest of her life with. 

Naveen said, “well what is it?”

Chuck said, “well in order to lift the spell I have to prove her wrong. In order to do that I have to-” 

           “GET MARRIED”, said Naveen in a strong tone 

“Bingo”, said Chuck. 

Naveen started to cry. She did not want to get married to her pet duck. She thought that was the most embarrassing thing in the world. Chuck thought to himself I am not that bad am I? 

Naveen continued to cry. Chuck then told her she can not just sit there and cry because there was another part to the problem. The witch said that he would have to wait so to prove her wrong he has to get married in the next hour after the first kiss. She then started to cry more. This was not helping chuck. 

After a few minutes passed by she had stopped crying because she knew she had to marry the duck because she could not be a duck her whole life. So the two of them went to the nearby church and flew into the altar and started saying vows. It was a little awkward because they had never talked to each other before and understood each other. After they both said I do and kissed they turned back into their original form. Whenever Naveen opened her eyes she could not believe what she saw. It was a young attractive man. This man was perfect for her. 

They indeed end up falling in love with each other. They went on to have a family of their own. When their kids were born the witch died the same day. The town had celebrated the life of the children and the death of the witch. 

The End 


The author's comments:

This piece is a spin off about princess and the frog. It has some similarities but is also different. For my class I was asked to write about a story I knew and add a twist. This is what I came up with. 

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