Zoomba | Teen Ink


June 17, 2024
By yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Teachersir: Now Zoomba you must partake in your work

Zoomba: I’m oh so very sorry but that wall paper is oh so captivating

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Oh? Why… What could that angelic song be?

Meowcat: Meow

Teachersir: I am getting my punish rope, Zoomba

Zoomba: I am on my mathematics Teachersir, I promise

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: I think there might be a meowcat in the walls

Teachersir: Excuse me whilst I partake in bathroom activities, no talking to that wallcat of yours while i'm gone

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Hi wall cat watch me swallow my pencil

*Zoomba swallows pencil*

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Oh that's right- you couldn’t see that epic trick

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: It was sick awesome though- you would need a litter box if you saw that my guy. I love eating pencils, but sadly I will never be hungry enough to eat school.

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Thats hecka nice of you to say,thanks for listening to my problemos, Meowcat

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Have you ever had cheez-its Meowcat?

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Really? You’re missing out my guy- they compact cheez into little its and you eat the its and they taste like cheez

Meowcat: Meowww

Zoomba: I’m sorry to bring that up now you’re probably hungry. That cat stomach of yours probably looks deflated. There isn’t much food in them school walls and all except maybe mice

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: You know I once ate a mouse before too- it was my pet, but I heard that mice taste like chicken I was like “wow you’d probably taste good”

…but I wouldn’t eat you

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: I bet you got some soft fur, why don’t you nibble your way through that insulation? - I’ll give you a cheez-it!

Scene 2

Teachersir: *returns* Now what did i say about messin with that cat

Zoomba: sorry I cant work right now- i swallowed my pencil anyway

Teachersir:You’re too young to be swallowing your pencils son if you don’t do your work you will be kicked out of school

Zoomba: I swallowed a pencil to show the cat in the wall a trick.

Teachersir: There is NOTHING IN THE WALL

Zoomba: But there is! I talked and I can hear it. Talk Meowcat!

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: See, It just spoke I’m not crazy I swear

Teacher: I’ve heard nothing from the wall, but I do hear you arguing with authority. I have to send you home

Zoomba: You forget that I live at the school. I never actually go home. I just stay here with Meowcat, WHO IS REAL and we discuss our things about our day. Even though Meowcat can only respond in one way, it is the only one who truly understands who I am. Meowcat gets me and doesn’t judge or think I am strange like you! Meowcat is my best friend and I don’t care if you think I’m crazy.

Teacher sir: LEAVE…MY… ROOM…NOW!!!

*Zoomba slowly gets up and exits while whispering to the wall “Don’t worry Meowcat I’ll be back for you.”*

Scene 3

Teachersir: Good Morning Zoomba, Are you done with your craziness?

Zoomba: I’M NOT CRAZY! *calms down* But yes, I will do some work.

Teachersir:Great, I’m going to get some coffee and when I come back I expect the front page to be completely finished.

Zoomba: Ok

*Teachersir Leaves*

Zoomba: Meowcat, why do I have to do this work

Meowcat: Meow

 Zoomba: When I get you out we’re going to have so much fun.

Meowcat: Meow

Zoomba: Are you okay, your voice sounds raspy.

Meowcat: me…ow *dies from munchin the drywall* 

Zoomba: Here i come to get you little bud

*Zoomba breaks through drywall* *Meowcat is lying down dead* *Zoomba sits next to the cat somberly* 

Zoomba: Oh no, man i killed the cat

*Sudden serious tone for 3-5 seconds*

*Meowcat, Zoomba, Teachersir walk to the front of the stage reciting the words below together*

All: We ask you all to sign the Rhode petition against home insulation. It may allow for indoor heating, however, the sweet family pets you know and love also enjoy the material for its savory, fluffy texture.

However, this food--for pets like Meowcat--can cause too many deaths due to the inclusion of fiberglass in the substance

The author's comments:

I wrote the script with a friend of mine and it is inspired by The Yellow Wallpaper written, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. 

A young child named Zoomba is fascinated by a cat that he hears through the classroom wall. His teacher, Teachersir, gets growingly frustrated with Zoomba for not completing his work. The play is about his friendship with the cat, whom he later names Meowcat, while the rest of the world does not believe it exists.

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