Big time | Teen Ink

Big time

November 22, 2013
By Gabi Averill SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
Gabi Averill SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ava- Senior in high school and aspiring singer.

Karen- Ava's supportive mom and John's wife.

John- Ava's strict father; Karen's wife; doctor.

Layla- Ava's best friend.

Cam- Ava's encouraging boyfriend.

Stevie- Layla's boyfriend and Cam and Ava's friend.

Mrs. Johnson- Ava's longtime voice coach and mentor; very supportive of her musical aspirations.

Mrs. Miller- Ava's physics teacher.

Jude- Ava's energetic five year old brother and Jane's twin.

Jane- Ava's optimistic little sister and Jude's twin.

Mrs. West - high school choir teacher.


Students are sitting in their desks working diligently, while Mrs. Miller sits at her desk grading papers. Ava can't focus and starts singing out loud unknowingly.

Ava! Can we save the singing for choir class please? You're disturbing the rest of the class, who are trying to work.

Ava snaps out of her trance, blushes, and sits up straight in her desk

Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Miller! I didn't even realize I was doing that!

Ava's friend, Layla, taps her giggling.

Geez Ava, that's like the fifth time that's happened this semester.



Ava is finishing up a singing lesson after school with her voice coach, Mrs. Johnson.

You sound great as always, Ava. Keep doing what you're doing, and I know you will get noticed for your talents. You just have to be patient. I have no doubt that your name will be in lights one day.

Thank you so much Mrs. Johnson. I really hope so. It's all I've ever wanted since I was five. Everything I know I've learned from you.

That's sweet honey, but all I did was help you refine the gift God gave you. Honestly, I don't think you need me anymore. I could probably learn from you.

You're the best. See you next week.


Karen is serving dinner to Ava, her siblings, and their dad.

Ok, we're gonna do High-Low tonight. We haven't done it in a while. I'll start. My high- A couple of the ladies and I went to PF Chang's during our lunch break for Stacy's birthday and I got lettuce wraps, my favorite.

That was the best thing that happened to you today? That's pretty sad, honey.

I'm thankful for all the blessings in my life, big or small. My low was that my boss told me I have to go to Savannah tomorrow to do a seminar, and y'all know how nervous I get for those.

You'll be fine mom. You always are. I'll go next. My high is that Mrs. Johnson told me that she had no doubt I'd be a famous singer one day. I know she's biased, but even the thought of that happening makes me so excited.

Ava, we've talked about this. Focus more on your studies and less on your silly musical fantasy. There's a one in a million chance that you will actually make a living out of singing.

Ava frowns, puts her fork down, and stops eating. The twins do the same. Ava breaks character and cracks a smile at her younger brother and sister.

Ok, everyone just cool it.
(To John)
That's great for your daughter to think her own father is not supportive of her dreams. You need to cut it out.

(To Ava)
I just don't want you to get your hopes up. You know that I would be ecstatic if that happened to you. I'm just trying to be realistic.

My low is that dad doesn't believe in me, and the fact that I have to live in this house for another year.

Karen glares at John and shakes her head. Ava storms out of the kitchen, goes to her room, slams the door shut, and falls onto her bed. She then gets her phone from the top of her dresser and calls her boyfriend, Cam.

(On the phone)
Hey Ava! How are you baby? I'm bummed I didn't get to see you today. It really sucks not having any classes with you.

Hey cam. I'm frustrated. I wanted to call you because you can always make me feel better.

That's my job. What's going on?

My dad's being such a jerk. Like always. Why can't he just support my dreams?! He's my dad, he's supposed to always have my back.

I'm sorry Ava, I know that is so frustrating. You know my dads the same way with my music. But once we graduate, we can do whatever we want and they won't have a say. Big things are going to happen for us, I know it.

You're so right. I love you. Thank you for being you. I'll talk to you later. I think I'm gonna write some new songs.

I love you too. I'm always here for you. Write some about me. Bye.

Ava hangs up the phone and gets out her notebook of songs. She writes for a while until she is finished with one song.


Ava is in choir class, and they are in the middle of a song. When the class is over, the teacher asks Ava to wait after class so that she could talk to her about something.

Ava. I wanted to talk to you about something exciting that I think you would be perfect for.

What is it, Mrs. West?

I was informed by your principal that the musical coordinator for the Eagles basketball team has heard about our choir from the previous little gigs we have done and they want me to pick the best singer of the group to sing the National Anthem for their game next weekend. And I pick you Ava. You deserve this. You're a senior and you've put in so much hard work throughout your years here. Plus you really do have a beautiful voice. It wasn't even a debate, you're the first person I thought of.

Mrs. West... I don't even know what to say right now. That is amazing. Thank you so much! I will not let you down

I know you won't. You'll have to stay after school a couple days this week and next so we can practice and make sure you sound flawless. We can't have you flop up the lyrics of the National Anthem, like most of the celebrities who sing it.

Got it! That would be awful. Oh my gosh... I've never performed by myself before, or in front of this many people! I am going to be so nervous.

I know it will be nerve wracking but sometimes nerves can be good- just don't freak yourself out. You'll be great.
Oh yeah- I have 3 extra tickets for you so you can bring whoever you'd like.

Got it. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you again!

Ava and. Mrs. West hug, and Ava leaves the room


Ava walks into the cafeteria and scans the room for her friends. She spots Cam, Michelle, and Michelle's boyfriend Stevie sitting at their usual table. She runs to them.

(Out of breath and speaking very excitedly)
You guys! You'll never believe this! Mrs. West picked me out of the whole choir class to sing the National Anthem at the Eagles' game next Friday! I'm freaking out!

No way! Dude that's so awesome!Congrats!

Way to go Ava! You'll be great. She made the right choice.

Thank you guys! Oh and Mrs. West gave me three extra tickets and my mom's probably going to be studying for her upcoming seminar and I know my dad wouldn't want to go so who should I take? I was thinking I'd take Jude and Jane and one of their friends...

(Nudges Ava in the side and laughs)
You're funny.

Like we wouldn't be there. You're silly.

This is great and all Ava; I'm really proud of you, but Uh, Mich, (turning to Michelle) we had plans to go eat at Kanushi Sushi that day. That's the day the new one opens, remember?

Oh Stevie, you're a child. We can go there anytime! We're not missing this.

It's gonna be awesome you guys. Hopefully I don't faint from nervousness though, do you know how many people go to these games?!

Don't freak yourself out! We'll be there for moral support. Just think of it as singing in front of us like you always do.

I'll try.
Oh, and do you think you could record it so I can show my mom? She's gonna be so sad that she has to miss it.

Of course, no problem.


It is the night of the game, and Ava and Mrs. West are in a conference room. Ava is warming her voice up. They walk out and see Cam, Michelle, and Stevie who were waiting outside. They all hug Ava.

Are you ready?

As I'll ever be. I'm just glad y'all are here. Wish me luck.

Break a leg Ava! You got this.

Good luck Aves! I know you'll kill it.

(Whispers in Ava's ear)
You can do this baby girl. I have the utmost faith in you. We'll see you when your done.

(To cam)
I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. I love you.

Ok, time to go Ava.

Ok, bye guys.

Ava starts to walk away and turns around to wave at her friends with a nervous look on her face. Cam winks at her and she continues to walk farther and farther away from them. She and Mrs. West walk onto the floor with the basketball court and a lady with headsets walks up to them as the lights dim. She talks to Ava and then she takes a deep breath and walks onto the court. When she gets to the middle of the court she starts singing confidently and beautifully. When she is done everyone is on their feet clapping and cheering. She walks off of the court, hugs and talks to Mrs. West for a second, and then goes and sits with her friends at their seats.

That was amazing! You were literally perfect.

YOU WERE SO GOOD. You didn't even look nervous at all.

Mad props guh. You rock.

Thank you guys so much. I just really felt in the zone. I just kinda feel at home singing in front of people I guess! It's like where I'm supposed to be.. I don't know, that probably sounds weird, it's hard to describe.

We can tell. You were born to do this kind of stuff. I got a really good video and I sent it to your mom.

Stevie looks at Cam with a sly look on his face and Cam frowns and slightly shakes, his head but Ava doesn't notice.

Ok, I'm glad I can just relax and enjoy the game now. It's gonna be a good one.

The group watches the game and has a good time. After the game, Cam goes home and posts the video of Ava singing on YouTube.


Ava goes to Cam's house around 3 the next day. They are in Cam's room and Cam is on the computer while Ava is sitting on the bed.

Hey Aves, you wanna see something cool.

Sure! Let's see it.

Cam goes on YouTube and pulls up the video of Ava singing. He scrolls down to show the number of views and all the comments. Ava has an ecstatic and surprised look on her face. She doesn't talk for a second.

You put it on you YouTube? My YouTube?

I don't have an account, and I had to share you with the world. They love you. They think you're amazing. Just like I do.

Oh my god... I can't even... 500,000 views? Is this a joke?

Nope. And neither is this.

Ava has a confused but eager look on her face. Cam goes to her messages and shows Ava one that reads "Hi Ava. I am a manager for singers. My clientele includes Taylor Swift, Jordin Sparks, and Selena Gomez. One of my friends showed me this video and I was blown away. You have one of the best voices I have every heard and when you perform, you are so professional and confident for someone so young. I think, no I know, that you can make it to the big time. I want to get you there. My number is (589)-674-2309. Call me when you can get a chance so we can discuss future plans.

Ava is crying and shaking her head. She hugs Cam.

Cam... I can't believe this is happening. And all because of you. Thank you for believing in me and doing this.

She then hugs him tightly and doesn't let go. Cam pulls away

I'd do anything for you. You deserve this more than anyone. I'm so happy for you

They start kissing passionately. Music starts to play in the background and the credits start to roll.

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