Fairy Tales | Teen Ink

Fairy Tales

January 15, 2014
By OneAndOnlySuperGirl SILVER, Mather, California
OneAndOnlySuperGirl SILVER, Mather, California
8 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You don't know what you have until it's gone."

Many people think of fairy tales as just words on paper meant to entertain, but they’re not. They are the world of imagination. But, if you believe in them just enough, they’ll come true before you very eyes. That’s exactly what happened when Annjellica, a young girl, believed in them.

“And Hansel and Gretel lived happily ever after,” Annjellica said.

Annjellica had been secretly and silently reading to herself by the light of a flashlight. She loved fairy tales, and believed every word of them. Annjellica was a dreamer. In her mind, she knew that if she kept on believing, her dreams would come true, just like in Cinderella.

It felt like it was only yesterday when she entered the world of imagination. She felt what the characters felt. In her imagination, Annjellica had taken turns dancing with Cinderella and the prince, and had climbed the beanstalk with Jack. Annjellica loved going on magical adventures in the world of imagination.

Suddenly, a bright, blinding light filled her bedroom. Annjellica sat dazed for a moment, until her eyes adjusted. There, right in front of her, sat a large golden tin can. As if it had felt her presence, a hidden door on the can slowly creaked open. Then, Annjellica curiously walked toward it.

An angel (you could tell it was an angel because it was wearing a halo) floated in all her finery. The angel supernaturally floated across the room to Annjellica and said, “Dearest Annjellica, don’t be frightened. I am Luna, time traveler of imagination. I hear you are a fairy tale lover. They have heard your call.”

“What call? I don’t have a phone, and who’s they?” asked Annjellica.

“I know, I know, this must be very confusing for you. They are the fairy tales of course, didn’t you know that?” said Luna.

“No, nobody explained to me or said, hey Annjellica, you’re going to have a strange visitor in the middle of the night who arrives in a tin can,” said Annjellica franticly

“Calm down. It’s not a tin can, it’s a time machine.”

“Since when are–”

“I meant no harm, farewell,” said Luna.

And just like that, the time traveler of imagination and her so-called-time-machine-tin-can disappeared into thin air. Annjellica was stunned!

“I going to bed right now, I must have been either having a nightmare or I have the case of hallucinations,” she finally said.

And so Annjellica slept and slept and slept. She was in a deep sleep, just like in Sleeping Beauty. As she slept, everybody in the world except for her disappeared, and in the peoples’ beds the fairy tales slept: Jack in the Beanstalk, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Beauty and the Beast, the Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Princess and the Pea, and Billy Goats’ Gruff. All the fairy tales you can think of.

In the morning, a pig woke Annjellica up. She screamed and looked around. There were two other pigs snuggling on her brown fuzzy carpet. “How did they get there,” thought Annjellica.

That was enough to knock her socks off. So, she tried to run out the door, but there was a wolf blowing at her face. Annjellica tackled him, which surprised the wolf. Suddenly, these creatures felt familiar. They were the characters in her stories.
The next few days went the same as the first.

1. Freak out
2. Almost have a heart attack,

At last, Annjellica had had enough. She screamed, “Loony-whatsit, whatever your name is. I needed you!”
Just like that, and Magilixso appeared. “It’s Luna, your strange visitor of the night.”

“Sorry about that. Can you please get rid of the fairy tales, please?” begged Annjellica.

As quickly as they had appeared, the fairy tales disappeared and human beings walk the earth once again. And, not only that, but Annjellica vowed that she would never again read another fairy tale. But she couldn’t keep herself away from books. Oh well.

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This article has 1 comment.

megbug5 BRONZE said...
on Feb. 19 2014 at 8:09 pm
megbug5 BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
4 articles 3 photos 3 comments
This was really well done, but I wouldn't say that it was a script or play.