The Line | Teen Ink

The Line

May 21, 2014
By Anonymous

The Line
(Person 2 pacing, stage left to right. Arm’s out like wings on tiptoe on straight, moveable line on floor. Person 1 standing behind in center stage.)

Person 1: What’re you doing?

Person 2: Walking the line.

P1: What's that?

P2: Finding my way, finding my purpose.

P1: Can I join?

P2: Sure.

(P1 joins behind, assuming same posture as P2.)

P1: Why are you walking the line?

P2: That’s what life is about.

P1: What d’ya mean?

P2: Life is about finding the answer.

P1: Have you found it yet?

P2: (Stops and turns to P1.) No, why else do you think I'm walking? (They walk several seconds in silence.)

P1: Maybe we’re doing it wrong.

P2: (Both stop.) What do you mean?

P1: Our approach isn't working, we just hit dead ends.

P2: It has to work eventually… (Quick pause.)

P1: I think we should change our course.

P2: What?

P1: Well, it isn't working the way it is.

P2: How dare you say that!? It’s going fine!

P1: It’s going the same, it’s a never ending circle. (Brief pause.) Hey that’s it!

P2: What?

P1: We need a circle; a circle has no end and no beginning so it’s one big answer! We have to try it.

P2: But the line… it’s stuck.

P1: What d’ya mean it’s stuck?! All it is is fixed, we can unfix it!

P2: But-

P1: (runs to far end of stage behind) I’ll grab this end and you grab that end and we’ll yank!

P2: (walks over to their end) I’m not really sure…

P1: Aw c’mon, what's the worst that can happen?

P2: We’ll be directionless.

P1: We’ll find our way together then, ready? (hoists side up)

P2: (resigned) ready.

(They yank up line to waist level)

P1: Okay, now we need to pull my end behind the center with yours. (fold up line so ends meet upstage center)

P2: Like this?

P1: Yeah and- drop it will you? We’ll go to the center of the segments and draw them out into arks. (they drop down and pull out their segments)

P2: This right?

P1: Make yours rounder, like a rainbow. (stands up, wipes hands together) There we are, a circle.

P2: (Jumps on circle, marches clockwise) Ok, let’s get back to work.
(They march for several seconds silently)

P2: I’m looking everywhere, but I don't see it.

P1: Me neither.

P2: You think we're not looking hard enough?

P1: Oh c’mon, its gotta be somewhere.

P2: I don't know. (they stop)

P1: Are you ok?

P2: Yeah I’m fine.

P1: Ya sure?

P2: Its just, (sighs) I’ve been doing this so long, I'm just not sure.

P1: (puts hand on P2’s shoulder) Hey, it’s ok. We’ll find it.

P2: ( after pause; peps up, hand leaves shoulder) Yeah, you’re right

(They march cheerfully for several seconds)

P1: Hey look! (squats down, points to circle)

P2: (races to P2, squats down next to P2) What is it?

P1: I think I see something…

P2: No, that’s just more static. (disappointed pause)

P1: It’s all static.

P2: Chin up, we’ll keep going.

(They march silently for several seconds from spot. Then stop. Next few minutes are spent frantically checking parts of circle, never finding anything and returning to march with disappointment. Eventually both stop defeated.)

P1: About the circle…

P2: What about it?

P1: Well, there really isn’t much to look at.

P2: (turns around and glares at P1) What’re you implying?

P1: Nothing!

P2: You think this is stupid, don't you?

P1: No, never!

P2: (smiles nastily) Well if you say so. (returns hastily to pacing)

(They march silently for several seconds)

P2: (kicks circle) You think this is stupid!

P1: I never said that! (quick pause) Hey, you’re kinking it!

P2: Unbelievable! It is stupid, all my time I’ve been looking for the answer on the same path, the only path there is.

P1: What are you saying?

P2: Im saying there is no answer! There’s too many opinions for their to be one big answer! This line, this circle, this path... It’s a figment of our human natures imagination. We seek the answer and set a course and find it, but do we ever find it?

P1: We’re not sure yet.

P2: And we never will be. Its a trap, don't you see? (starts picking up line) All I needed was a different perspective, thank you so much!

P1: (confused but helping out) Sure, ok.

P2: (throws line off stage)

P1: Now what do we do?

P2: Live our lives I guess. (They pause)

P1: I know this great wall I've been working on, wanna come help?

P2: Sure. (they both exit offstage)


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This article has 1 comment.

Funne GOLD said...
on May. 26 2014 at 8:25 am
Funne GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
19 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams."

-H.P Lovecraft

This is a fascinating script. I'm not reallly sure what to say about it... I like the ending