The Window | Teen Ink

The Window

September 5, 2019
By Tyler_Gates BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Tyler_Gates BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” -Douglas Adams

  The buzz of the A/C turning on scared me. It was a quiet Saturday in the restaurant, Sunny’s, which was abnormal. Saturday’s were normally the busiest day of the week, but only an old man and a young couple sat in the booths. It made me feel uneasy.

   We’ve had our fair share of experiences here. Mysterious letters with a fake return address, firecrackers being thrown in the building, and those shady teenagers that come in ten minutes before closing. That’s why I never worked the late shifts. But, I needed to pay my rent, and this was the only shift available.

 Suddenly, time froze. The only noise was a loud BANG! Gunshots.The window in the front shattered as bullets made their way through it. There wasn’t much time to think. Either hide, run, or die. The shots got louder, louder, and louder. Then, the lights shut off. I was engulfed in darkness. Closing my eyes, I thought to myself, “This is it, this is how it ends,” 

  The sound stopped. I opened my eyes, finding myself in a bed. My bed. I turned over to read the clock. 2:34 AM, Saturday, 3/15. I almost forgot about the ‘dream’ until I woke up at sunrise.

  I ate as fast as I could, put my clothes on, and ran out the door. My hand pushed the keys into the ignition of my car and I drove just a bit over the speed limit. 

  I had forgotten my glasses, so it was hard to see. I could see enough to drive, though. Pulling into the parking lot, I got a parking spot, and got out of the 98’ Toyota Camry. 

   There were about 4 police cars in the parking lot. I thought nothing of it, since the smoke shop next door, E-Z Smoke, had been robbed before. I walked up to the restaurant. Not for my shift, but to quit. What I found was horrifying.

  A strip of police tape covering the door, with shattered windows.  A strip of police tape covering the door, with shattered windows.

The author's comments:

I came home from school one day, sat down, and wrote. I write stories, but I’ve never been so focused on a piece. I felt like I was in a whole different world while writing.

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