Unknown Place | Teen Ink

Unknown Place

January 14, 2020
By Anonymous

The two sisters Emma and Emily had planned a picnic for that day by the woods near their house. Right before the girls left, their mother informed them to be home prior to dusk. The girls paid no attention to their mother and brushed her comments aside. They then proceeded to run down the road that lead to the woods. Soon, the sky turned into a pretty purple-pink color. The girls realized that it was getting dark, hence, they decided to head back home.

                But luck wasn’t on their side. As they walked down the road, the trees swayed slightly side to side as the wind lightly blew onto the tree. The sisters walked hand in hand and giggled as they walked down what they assume to be the same road from that morning. As they kept on walking and walking, Emma, the older one realized that this was not the same road that they came down upon. Emma the older sister halted in the middle of her walking as she realized that this was the wrong road. 

“Emily. This isn’t the right right. I think we’re getting lost.” 

“ Don’t be silly Emma. This is the exact same road we walked upon this morning, we just have to keep going, we’ll be home in no time.” 

           Emily brushed her sister’s worries off and continued walking faster. Seeing that her younger sister being so sure that they weren’t lost, Emma convinced herself that this was the right way and smiled. However, as they kept on walking, they did indeed stop in front of a house. But it wasn’t their house. Their house was painted red with red fences. Whereas, this house was ridiculously tall and painted in black, this house was inspired by European gothic structures due to its shape. Emma looked around worryingly and started to panic. 

“Emily, I told you that this wasn’t the way. Now we’re lost and in front of this ugly house. This is all your fault!” 

“Why are you worrying so much? We’ll just stay here for the night and leave the next morning to go back home. It’s better than trying to find our way home during the dark. It’s also much safer here than to go back.” 

          Emma thought deeply about it. She contemplated with herself. We have no idea who the owner is. What if they’re some random weirdos that lives inside this house? Mom always tells us to not go into a stranger’s house. What do I do? But as Emma was contemplating. Emily was already on the front step on the house. Emily looks at the house with awe and turned around to look at her sister. 

“Hurry up Emma, this is such a cool house. Plus, it’s cold outside, I’m going to head in first if you’re too scared to come in. Scaredy cat.” 

Emma was terrified at first. They are going inside a creepy house for goodness sake. But as her sister mocks her, Emma was pissed. She needs to prove to her sister that she is not scared. So, she took a deep breath and ran to the front steps of the house. She knocked on the wooden black door. Knock, knock. No one answered the door. She gently pushed the door open and peeked in. The interior was very dark. However, one can still see that the owner must really likes antiques things. There were knights costume on the side of the walls. All the furniture was either made out of wood or seem to be worn down. But at the same time, it doesn’t look like a poor person's home because these items are very well-kept. The girls decided to step inside and looked around. However, what the girls didn’t realize was that there was a cloak-covered human being lurking in the shadow staring at them with a smirk on its face. .

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