The Curse of The Sharp Machete | Teen Ink

The Curse of The Sharp Machete

March 20, 2020
By PickleNew BRONZE, Anna, Texas
PickleNew BRONZE, Anna, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forever Alone In Knowing."

The Curse of the Sharp Machete

A Horror Story

Whilst investigating the death of a local hairdresser, a brightly gleaming police officer called ‘Mavis Blacksmith’ uncovers a legend about a supernaturally cursed, sharp machete circulating throughout Scotland. (Unbelievable, right? Imagine someone in Scotland carrying a machete…A MACHETE; in what world do they live in?) Mavis was alone, no other cop around this time of night. It was very late the darkness and fogginess filled the air, it was almost suffocating. She sighed and began to declare that, as soon as anyone uses the machete, he or she has exactly 75 days left to live. “Sounds kind of harsh though,” she whispered to herself. “I’d agree!” said a dark and low voice, almost like a crisp whisper in the back of her ear. Jumping up she turned quickly to see who was there. “Who said that, this is a police station you shouldn’t be in here?” Mavis yelled from the backroom. Yet no reply came back, it was midnight after all and she didn’t see anyone. I must be going insane Mavis thought in the back of her mind.

A few days later Mavis spotted the doomed few, appearing to be ordinary people during day-to-day life. Hiding in an unmarked police cruiser, she was on stakeout waiting to see their every move. She didn’t have a partner but she was mighty good at her job so the chief let her by without one! She rustled through a bag in the passenger floorboard pulling out her Nixon camera while trying to keep an eye on the two. Mavis took photos of everything they did while she was undercover. Later when she got back to the station, she realized a horrific truth. When the doomed few are photographed, they look shrunken. She quickly rustled through every single shot. “What is this hogwash? Why are they shrunken in every one?” A marked person feels like a brown snake to touch.

A few days later Mavis gets hold of the machete, refusing to believe the superstition. She held the weapon, with a shiver a collage of images flash into her mind she felt cold and began to see all the images: a sleepy rat balancing on a wild hairdresser, an old newspaper headline about a hit and run accident, a hooded rabbit ranting about legs and a drinking well located in an old-fashioned place. “What is this all supposed to mean?” she whispered aloud without knowing. She soon snapped out of the trance before she knew that she had spoken allowed.

When Mavis notices her hands have snake-like properties, she realizes that the curse of the sharp machete is true. Not knowing what to do she calls in her nephew, a swordsman called ‘Sandie Greenway’, to help.

It seemed like ages before Sandie got there but when he did, he examined the machete and willingly submits himself to the curse. He finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. He finds the sleepy rat balancing on a wild hairdresser particularly chilling. He joins the queue for a supernatural death.

Mavis and Sandie pursue a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded rabbit. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?.


Try to imagine the end of the story on your own.

The author's comments:

I had to write  a fiction piece for my class.

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