The Moon Beast | Teen Ink

The Moon Beast

November 6, 2020
By WendyAcosta BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
WendyAcosta BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on guys be tough, be fierce, and make an offensive line!” shouted David the captain of the football team who was standing on the sideline wearing his number one jersey and holding his helmet in his right hand.. “I just don’t want to hurt them,” said Gus who was wearing his number twelve jersey, his girdle, and his helmet. “ Yeah! We don’t want to hurt them!” added Brad who was standing next to Gus also wearing his girdle, his number twenty-three jersey, and his helmet. David shakes his head knowing that they will never toughen up to play in a game. After the practice ended, the team started getting ready to go home. The boys all packed up and were ready to go, when suddenly they heard howling coming from the baseball field, across from the football field.

 “What was that?” They all said at the same time that being the young, curious boys they are, they went to check it out and they went together because they are all best buds. They peek behind the dugout and see their principal, Ms. Parsons, standing there with Cynthia, a classmate of the boys, Cynthia was tied up to a chair, tape over her mouth and hands. The clouds shifted, the full moon shone directly on Ms. Parsons then turned into a beast, with ugly claws, long brown hair, and immediately grew two fangs and beast ears. “Aah!” shrieked the boys quietly but shockingly and fearfully. Ms. Parsons got closer and closer to Cynthia, with her mouth open and starting to water \Gus took his backpack off his shoulders and grabbed the leftover sandwich that his mom had made him for lunch.

Then Gus yelled “Ms. Parsons look at this”. Startled, Ms.Parsons turned and growled. Gus throws the leftover sandwich to the football field and Ms. Parsons runs and chases it. While Ms. Parsons was distracted, David unties Cynthia, before taking the tape off of her mouth and hands he says “ this might hurt '' Cynthia responds “ok” she then lets out a gasp of relief . Meanwhile Brad lured Ms. Parsons to the boys locker room by whistling and shouting “ Over here Ms. Parsons” and locked her in . “Are you ok Cynthia?” “Yes I am ok” says Cynthia “ I  think what happened was Ms. Parson turns into a beast on full moons” “ Yeah, we think that to” says David..  They all ran to a nearby Fry’s  and they asked for help “Help Us! Help Us!” they shout and get a clerks attention “What’s wrong” says the clerk “ We are being attacked by a beast! Please call for help!” says David. Surprisingly the clerk believes in beast and monsters so he believed them and immediately called the authorities. . Immediately the authorities came,saw Ms. Parsons as a beast so they detained, and took Ms. Parsons. The End.

The author's comments:

This peice is based off of Apollo High School and a group of kids.

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on Jul. 20 2021 at 9:46 am
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)

"Upon his bench the pieces lay
As if an artwork on display
Of gears and hands
And wire-thin bands
That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

whenever you have,
"dialouge," you need to start a new paragraph.

cool title