Truth or Dare | Teen Ink

Truth or Dare

May 13, 2022
By braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you change nothing, nothing will change.

“Ahhh what's that sound!” said Harry.
“Alichia? Where are you?” mentioned Kimberly.
“Tucker?” I said with a strained voice.
“I’m right here.” he replied.
Four robust men carrying us away, laughing, and waiting for the right moment to tell us we are dead. They take us in a black sack to a forest right off the highway where I expect them to kill us. Instead, the men take us to their leader where we are to play a game of truth or dare. The smell reeks of gun powder and blood. The leader is in this hideous mask,probably dead flesh, to cover an even more hideous face.
She tells us, “ You kids these days. Not a worry of anything in the world. Well let me change that.”
We all look with concerned faces.
Kimberly whispers,”What do you think this means for us, Alicha?”
Looking at all the dead teens lying on the ground I answer, “ I don’t know..”
The beastly lady asks each of us, “Would you rather die now, or would you rather play one round of truth or dare and possibly escape. Just know I’ll be watching your every move. I’ll know every conversation, every thought, and see everything you see. One more thing, you cannot say no. Now then who wants to play?”
We all look around as none of us say a word.
“I’ll play your sick game.” says Harry.
We all join in the game with him even though we are frightened about our life.
Truth or dare begins when the woman asks Kimberly first. The four wardens surround her.
“Truth.” she says thinking there will be a better outcome.
The woman asks her, “What’s the worst thing you’ve done?”
She replies, “ I stole some alcohol when I was younger.”
The woman laughing responds, “I know better than that.”
“What do you mean?” Kimberly asks.
“Tell everyone about that brick you used.” The woman insists.
Kimberly turns red as she stutters not knowing how she knew about that, “I broke my brothers arm with a brick, not knowing it would actually paralyze his whole right side of his body.”
We all look at her blank faced, then looking away because we know we’ve done something too.
“Good job Kimberly. Now. who’s ne– Tucker. Truth or dare?”
Looking around at the foggy, eerie forest he finally made a decision.
”Dare.” he answered.
She says take someone with you, go to the hotel called Red Roof Inn, ask for the pre-paid room number 33. She wrote him a note reminding him so his fearful mind wouldn’t forget. He stands up from the freshly cut logs and points to me.
“Alicha and Tucker.. Hope you find the answer you’re looking for.”
After we walk away, two bodyguards follow behind us keeping their distance. Harry and Kimberly are left with the other bodyguards and the woman I think to myself. Reaching the dead highway, we go across looking for the Inn. Roaming street to street we enter, 5,294 steps from where we began. Seeing the manager we ask for a room. He was already expecting us, giving me a chilling feeling. We stray around killing time finding room #33.
I say to Tucker, “...the note had said to go to hotel room #33.”
Now, I looked from side to side, raised my right fist, but hesitated to knock on the door. Opening the door, I find a gun laying on the messed up bed.
There was a note lying beside it reading, “Take your chances.”
We pick up the gun and look in the chamber to find one bullet. She wants us to play Russian roulette. We point it at ourselves saying things we love about each other as we pull the trigger. After three times the gun goes off twice.
“Tucker?” He didn't answer after shooting the bodyguards in the heart when they busted through the locked door.
We drag them into the bathtub, knowing the lady probably knows about this. Tucker stays here in the city knowing only one can go back into the woods.
He goes to the police as I walk 5,294 steps from the way I came. When I got there the police had already been killed. Blood was everywhere, covering the dead leaves on the ground and the logs my friends were sitting on. At this point I don’t know what to do. I go investigate to find the evil lady and her tramps dead, along with my friends, and the task force. No one will ever know what happened here. I go back to find Tucker in the bathtub clothes soaked in blood. It was made to look like he did it himself. I’m the only one left. I’ll be the only one to explain the horror of tonight.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 16 2022 at 2:01 pm
braaut23 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you change nothing, nothing will change.

Part two?