Edgy Midnight | Teen Ink

Edgy Midnight

May 5, 2023
By jmackiewiczz BRONZE, Westwood, Massachusetts
jmackiewiczz BRONZE, Westwood, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, a castle stood tall on a round hill surrounded by a vast grassy landscape. Cattle scattered grazing the grass along with their neighboring friends of sheep and pigs. Men on horses rode off into the distance, hearing their yells of laughter. Kids ran in the courtyard with their mothers chasing after them to eat supper. Although the castle seemed normal to those who live within the walls, strange enough, everything is round and curved: the walls, the chairs, the mirrors, and the beds the King and Queen slept on. Anything with edges seemed dangerous. Therefore, it is a law in the castle that every object must have curves, or they will be greatly fined for their secrets.

As the sun began to set, fireworks blasted into the starry night. The lights sparkled like glitter as they faded into the black sky. Everyone in their homes ran to enjoy the spectacular lights and music by the troubadours who stop by every month. The troubadours would put on a surprising show for the King and Queen and keep away the spirits from the old famine. The King and Queen walk onto the balcony towering over the courtyard, smiling and waving to their people. The knights dropped their spears and swords to join the crowd secretly, hiding away from the King and Queen’s view. They never have a break from their guarding positions, only for their meals, training, and little rest only to get back on guard.

With all the cheerful smiles and giggles an invisible flash streaked through the air. The Queen screeched as she looked down at a cold motionless figure. The crowd grew silent for one second, screaming and dashing to their homes the next. The knights quickly picked up their weapons and scattered in search of the imposter. They found three servants who were not in their cellars of the castle: a marshal, a gardener, and an entertainer.

The Queen calls for the three servants the next morning. They lined up all next to each other to give their alibies. 

The marshal stated, “I was heading back from the stables where I was combing through the horses’ manes”.

Next in line was the gardener, “I watered the flowers”.

Finally, the entertainer claimed, “I was in the corner lighting the fireworks”.

The Queen called upon the knight beside her and chopped the entertainer's head. 

There are no corners. None.

The author's comments:

This piece of work makes the reader thnk back to the beginning of the piece to question the decisions made at the end. I like to add some humor to my writing to entertain my readers.

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