Masked killer | Teen Ink

Masked killer

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Masked killer….

On August 15th.2023, A very HOT summer day and me, Alaia’s birthday when Jordan invited Alaia to a trip to oklahoma , Jordan’s hometown ,with Aliyah his little sister , Jojo his older brother ,Briana his brothers girlfriend and lastly his mom and dad.The plan was to leave the same night he invited me to make it early the next morning…well Jorda had a basketball scheduled that same night at 6 so we hoped he would be done before 9 to leave straight after but, the power when out mid game so so it was delayed to play the following day , Wednesday The day we were supposed to arrive in oklahoma so we decided to leave the following day . My mom was not happy with everything going on with the situation  but she let it slide because it was my birthday week! The game ended around 8:30/8:45. I don't remember the exact timing but we  hit the road.The drive was about 7 hours and 30 minutes, I wondered why his family wanted to leave so late when the drive was so long but whatever. We stopped about 2 hours in because Aliyah had to pee “badly”she expressed so “we need to pull over immediately” We pull over at some really creepy gas station that had no gas pumps…just the store alone it was..odd i will say, I took aliyah in to pee and stood outside the restroom looking at their ice cream selection praying Aliyah would hurry up because it was creepy and i felt uncomfortable. She comes out the restroom asking if she can buy some snacks because she “had a couple dollars from Jordan” , of course i said yes , but  i was hungry  so i asked if she could buy me something too because i left all my money in the car and i didnt want to go back and get it , She said yes with no hesitation  so i grabbed a bag of flamin hot cheetos and she grabbed some candy and a lemonade and we went to the front counter. When we arrive at the counter no one is working in the store… I told Aliyah to go to the car because I didn't know what was going on and wanted to make sure she was safe. Aliyah told her father and he joined me inside the store to see what was happening.I told him what was going on and expressed i was autonomous and could handle being alone in the store if he wanted to go back into the car. He insisted he stayed so we talked and waited for someone to arrive .About 10  minutes passed and some guy walked into the store and looked very… confused. He proceeded to ask us how and why we entered the store,  Joe Jordan's dad looked at me and I looked at him in confusion wondering what he meant by “how did we enter the store when the store” was unlocked and all the lights were on.Joe asked the man exactly what he meant by that statement. The man's response was “my name is Wybie. I'm from around here and I'm guessing… you guys are not…..’ I quickly responded with “NO we are not, we simply needed to use the restroom and wanted to buy snacks” .At this point i'm scared this man was dressed in a suit with his hair nicely done but there was no car outside the store besides ours…. “So you don't work here?”Joe asked  ,Wybie’s response was a bit misleading. I wasn't sure I understood. “This place has been here since 1956 and I haven't seen anyone come out since 1956” . “Out.. What do you mean?” me and Joe said at the same time. Wybie started hysterically laughing so I tapped Joe and told him let's go now ! As we start walking out the store Wybie stops laughing and says “headed to Oklahoma right?”I froze wondering how in the hell he knew that we were going there when we had never seen this man until right now.” Be careful the cabin you guys are staying at isnt the best” he said in a furtive tone, “I heard it the scariest one in oklahoma” i slowly turn to face Wybie and ask him how he knows what cabin we are staying at and Joe says “and how do you know where we are even traveling to?”and then boom… the lights turn off…. And I scream and run…. Or at least try to run but I was quickly tackled. I was sure it was going to be Wybie. But this man seemed to be ..Joe , Jordan's dad but… not a different version of him. I was screaming for help from the top of my lungs.From the floor I could see the car and everyone in the car was asleep.The whole situation was weird…. It was making me think of that one movie “defamation of the dooms” But this was real. It wasn't made up. At this point I'm still laying on the floor except I'm quiet now.. No words can come out of my mouth, not even a scream .Once everyone went quiet the man with the mask of joe tells me in an austere tone “get up and follow me” I follow him to the back crying wishing i stayed home with my mom…. When we arrive at the back my whole family is there…. With decorations set up… everyone jumps out and yells “SURPRISE”  The End 

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