Sarah | Teen Ink


September 8, 2023
By almachavarria1 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
almachavarria1 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Sarah's teary eyes looked at her family's dead bodies sprawled on the floor, on the floor of her home., Their cold dead eyes stared back at hers, her face held a mortified look, her heart ached, and her throat burned as she bit down sobs, tears fell from her eyes like a waterfall.

    Sarah dropped to her knees, her legs were too weak to hold her up any longer, she crawled to her mothers body and held her up in her arms hugging her close as she cried her eyes out, after a while she could no longer cry, she could only sit there holding her mothers body close to her, her mind went blank as she was abstracted in her thought as she looked around her house, suddenly a glimpse of white paper caught her eye, she gently laid her mother back on the ground with the rest of her family  as she stood up to her feet and shakily walked to the table were the paper laid, with trembling hands she picked up the paper her bloodied hands smeared the expensive looking paper with blood as she read the neat handwriting that adorned the page.

        “To the Miller family,

For your daughters terrible crimes the king has demanded you turn her in, failure to do so will immediately be considered treason to your king and will be punished with death, you have until friday to find her and deliver her to the king for the righteous justice long overdue,

                                                                                                                     Signed , his Majesty”

        Sarah crumpled and ripped the paper in a fit of rage as she screamed and cursed at the king for taking away her only family, but she knew she wasn't directing all of this anger towards the king, but towards herself, for not being here on time to protect her family, because of her stupidity her family was killed, she could have done something.

          She gently dragged her family's bodies to her backyard and buried them, placing a small flower on top of each of their graves as she cried once again, realizing her family won’t be here to cheer her up and dry her tears. 

           In her blinded rage she took her fathers horse, and rode to the king's castle. Once she was close enough to the kingdom she hid her horse in between some of the houses and proceeded to pull her hood on, the King always had a line of people who wished to talk to him, and hoped he would help them in their time of need, but their pleas fell onto deaf ears, the king claimed time and time again he would help, the people knew the only thing he was good for was to sit on his throne and take their money, yet they still persisted hoping that one day he would be true to his word, she blended in with the line of people knowing she wouldn't have to wait long since the king sended them away as fast as they came, waving a hand dismissively and with a strident voice saying a quick “yes”.

            When her turn came she went to her knees by his feet  like everybody else, forcing a distraught voice as she spoke “ My king, a terrible crime has been committed” she clasped her hands together in front of her  as she bowed her head, the king sneered ‘another?” he said in a displeased tone “it must have been by that little delinquent we have on the loose, but do not fret, we are already dealing with this problem” she gritted her teeth at his response as she spoke in almost a whisper “my king, I  have already made them pay” her hand went under her cape as she gripped her knife, the king gazed at her for a moment “ really?” he said in slight disbelief and ignorance. She rose to her feet pulling her hood down and revealing her face. The king's face twisted  into one of anger as he quickly rose to his feet “it's you!” he proclaimed pointing at her accusingly “you little-!“  before he could finish she slashed his throat open with her blade.

     The people screamed and scrambled to get away,the king’s body fell to the floor,  his crown rolling to her feet as she picked it up and stuffed it in her bag before quickly blending in with the people once again, luckily the guards usually only guarded the outside since no one ever dared to  bring harm to their  king, until today. The guards were pushing to get inside when they heard the commotion, but with the mass of people it was turning out to be difficult for them, to her luck she was able to squeeze out just in time, running back to where she had left her horse and leaving as fast she could, far, far away because she knew she couldn't come back, unless it was with her head in a spike.


       After hours she was finally a safe distance away she stopped by a small stream, crouching down and taking some water in her cupped hands to wash her face as she caught her breath, she moved to sit on a small boulder and she could feel her heart ache troubled, she looked down at the bloodied knife and she felt her eyes water, why did she feel this way?She killed her family's killer, so why did her heart still throb with sorrow?. She took out the crown from her bag and stared at it, noticing her reflection staring back at her. She had been many things before, but never a killer, her family wouldn't have wanted this for her, they would have never let her become a killer. She sat thinking for a few minutes, she started realizing that no matter who she killed or how many people she killed, her family was still dead, and nothing could change that.

         She paused as an idea invaded her mind, she had heard of many wizards and potions capable of anything and maybe, just maybe she could be capable of bringing her family back, so she stuffed the crown back in her bag and climbed back on her horse searching far and wide for towns that could have what she was looking for, leaving everything she knew behind.

           Sarah spent countless days and nights in various towns searching every store for potions, but none were what she needed, she continued her search everything ending in failure, like any other day she walked through a new town in search of anything that could help her as she asked around with the locals but none had or knew anyone that had what she in need for, except one, a shop owner who claimed he knew a wizard by the name of Lucian.

 She followed the direction he gave her and stopped at a small gloomy shop and stepped inside, a man came and greeted her “ how may I be of service?” she walked closer to the small counter,  “ I need you to do a spell for me” she said with a slightly desperate tone “ what kind of spell?” he said leaning back in his chair “Resurrection, I need you to bring back my family, can you do that?” she asked as she noticed his expression turned serious as he stood up from his chair and walked to a door “ follow me “ he said as she followed behind him but he stopped her before she could come inside “be warned, my magic is unpredictable and this will not be what you expect, It could all go wrong”... “or , it might just work” he warned her, blocking the doorway. She looked hesitant but she had come this far to back out now “ I can handle it” he nodded allowing her to pass “ very well”. 

            Sarah sat down on a chair per the wizards instructions observing  as the wizard grabbed an old dusty book and set it on the table on his desired page, he lit some candles and turned off the lights, “ what are their names?” he asked suddenly “ pardon?”She said  “ Your family, what were their names?” he replied “ my parents names were Samantha and Alexander Miller, and my siblings names were Athena and Adonis” the wizard nodded as he began chanting in a language she had never heard before, the room started to shake as many things fell of their place, the candles flickered as Lucian chanted loudly, suddenly it all stopped and he went quiet. Sarah looked around “nothing happened” she muttered “ oh, but it did” he pointed behind her and she quickly turned around, the silhouette of 4 people could be seen standing behind her and she quickly stood up running to hug them, she could feel their arms wrap around her as they hugged her, she hugged her parents close as she cried.Suddenly, She felt a sharp pain in her side as she felt her moms fingers dig into her skin “mom, you're hurting me!” she tried to pull away but they just pulled her closer as she felt their finger claw an digged at her back and arms, she screamed as she pushed them trying to set herself free to no avail,she looked up at them, her eyes widened as she felt like she could throw up, they were still dead, but they were rotting, they were no longer her family

        The pain became unbearable as.they tore her apart, she screamed in agony as her family ripped her apart and ate her. The wizard only closed his eyes before walking out of the room, he knew the illusion would wear away in a few hours but by then, he would already be long gone.

The author's comments:

short horror story

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