Her Name | Teen Ink

Her Name

September 14, 2023
By Anonymous

                                                                 Her name

Lisa and Kate are best friends and knew each other when they were two. One day they decided to walk to school together, Kate usually sleeps in, but today she woke up early to walk with Lisa. Kate and Lisa stopped at a convenience store to get some breakfast. When they were arriving at the school Lisa saw a man dressed in all black with tattoos and a very distinctive scar on the right side of his face, she saw he was wearing a necklace with a ring around it. Lisa thought it was odd for a man like that to be around a school, Lisa didn’t want to over think anything, so she dropped it. The girls had separate classes, so they said their goodbyes and headed off, Lisa had noticed that Kate wasn’t acting like herself, she seemed more on edge. Lisa was going to ask Kate if everything was okay during lunch. Finally, lunch had arrived, Lisa was waiting for Kate, but Kate never showed, Lisa started to get confused because it wasn’t like Kate to not show. Maybe she’s with a teacher, Lisa thought trying to relax her thoughts. School was finally out. Lisa texted Kate to see if she wants to walk home, but still no response, so Lisa thought she went home first.


 The next morning Lisa had woken up late because she had trouble sleeping not knowing where her friend was. As Lisa was washing up, she decided to turn on the Tv, but her mom quickly changed it to the news before she left for work. After Lisa was done getting dressed, she went to the kitchen to make some breakfast, while she’s pouring herself a glass of milk, she overhears the news talking about a girl who was sadly murdered, she quickly rushes to the Livingroom and stares at the tv. As Lisa listens to what the news people are saying she realizes that its her beloved friend Kate who was brutally murdered. Lise couldn’t believe it; she started hyperventilating and crying hysterically to the point where she can’t even stand. But a loud SMASH of the cold milk sinking into her feet quickly helped her be upright. Lisa was so upset that she was about to throw the remote at the tv, but the police show a piece of evidence that they found near the crime scene, and Lisa was in utter shocked she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, it was a necklace with a ring, the same kind that man was wearing. she was so anger seeing that the police didn’t catch him.


A couple of days later Lisa decide to go to the police station. “Hey, I know who killed her”, said Lisa.  “Were dropping the case.” Says the detective. “WHAT!! Your joking, what for?” Lisa asked. The police officer didn’t like how Lisa is speaking, so he started using an austere tone. “HEY!!, watch your mouth, there’s no murder weapon or a witness, we have nothing to go off of.” “WHAT ABOUT THIS ASSHOLE HUH, YOU HAVE TO CATCH HIM.” Lisa shows the detective a photo of the guy. She got the photo from the schools’ cameras but he’s wearing a big black hoodie, so his face wasn’t seen in the footage. “Hey, how can we catch him with this, you go out and catch him”, says the detective. Lisa wanted to get revenge so bad, so she decided to drop out of school and go to a yakuza for help. Lisa showed up to the yakuza organization. Lisa asked the boss “please help me find my friends killer”. “If I find him?”, the boss asked. “Then I will kill him”. The boss smirks, “you’ll kill him…do you know what its like to kill someone?”  the boss hands Lisa a knife and tells her to stab him. She couldn’t bring herself to do it. the boss slaps Lisa across the face. Lisa gets on her knees and begs for the boss’s help. “Do you have to get revenge? regardless of the price.” Boss Kim said, “yes, she was my dearest friend I’m not myself without her.” Lisa said. “If your determined to catch and kill this man…you need to be capable of killing someone.” The boss makes Lisa apart of the organization and trains her to become stronger.


 Months later the boss told Lisa. “Alexa, from this point on, you’re going to go by this name.” “here’s the gun that killed your friend. the killer left it, and we recovered it.” “So, who was it?” Lisa asked. “This gun is only used by drug cartels. Kate’s killer is a drug lord. you will find him and kill him.” “From now on, your life belongs to the organization. No matter what happens, the organization will protect you, but betray us and we will kill you.”


Four years later Alexa becomes apart of the police force. A year goes by, and Alexa ascends the police force and becomes a detective. The chief calls Alexa to come in his office. The chief tells Alexa that she has a new partner, but Alexa dislikes the idea, and the chief knew she would not like the idea because he knows that she is a very autonomous person. Alexa knew she couldn’t do anything about it, so she accepts the idea.


A drug lord showed up at Kim’s gym, and they kicked in the door, and started slashing and stabbing the members with machetes. After the drug lord is done with his rampage he tells the members, “Tell boss Kim I’ll be coming for him next.” Felix, calls Alexa and tells her to head to Kim’s gym. The same gym that Alexa used to train. When she got there the place was surround with ambulances filled with member of the gang. “I don’t know who it was, but someone wrecked Kim’s muscle.” “Three died and one is in critical condition” says Felix. While Felix was looking around, he found some black balls, a new drug they’ve been investigating. Alexa and Felix start asking around the shops if they seen anyone suspicious and if they can see their security footage. One store had footage of a vehicle and inside was a man with a scar on the right side of his face. When Alexa saw the photo, she was shocked to see this man again, but a smirk crossed her face knowing her revenge is getting closer.


Alexa and Felix were following one of the buyers to see who the seller was, hoping it was the drug lord. They ended up in an abandoned warehouse, they got out of the car and headed into the building to get a better look. Finally, the seller arrives, and the drug lord steps out of the car, walking towards the buyer. He hands the buyer a bag filled with drugs and drives off.  The drug lord turns around toward the building, knowing someone watching him and puts up the finger gun hand gesture and points it directly at Alexa. Alexa and Felix hear footsteps approaching at that moment they knew this was a setup and this was the drug lord’s plan. his minions came running up the stairs holding metal pipes swinging at the detectives. Alexa and Felix swing out their batons striking back. One of the men throws Felix out the window, but luckily there were two cars that broke his fall, but he was unconscious. and Alexa was hit in the neck which made her unconscious. The minions took their phones and smashed them with a hammer, they also tied the detectives up. Alexa groans as she begins the gain consciousness. The drug lord grabs Alexa by the face “Detective, hey. Say your final words. Ill relay it for you.”  “I’ll kill you as soon as I can.” Alexa says with a determined look in her eyes. He chuckles “do it”, telling his minions. So, they beat up the detectives to a pulp leaving them there to die. But luckily before they got there Felix shared his location, so when it suddenly turned off the team worriedly went to the location. The detective got sent to the hospital immediately. After days of recovery Felix and Alexa go to all the night clubs looking for the drug lord, but he’s nowhere to be found.


That same day the drug lord calls the chief and tells him that he will help him arrest boss Kim, if he helps him leave the nation. The chief has been trying to catch boss Kim for years, so he took this opportunity and agreed. The chief arrives at the place where the drug lord hides. Boss Kim shows up minutes later, boss Kim gets out the car and tells the drug lord to get out the car. The thugs on each side begin to fight each other. Kim and the drug lord begin to fight but gets defeated by Kim, so he runs away and Kim chases after him. Alexa arrives on the scene she tries to shoot the drug lord, but she gives up because she doesn’t want to hurt boss Kim. But finally, Alexa gets a chance and shoots the drug lord. She tells boss Kim to walk away. “Drop it,” said Alexa. “Shoot, you said you’d kill me so do it…shoot…DO IT!!, you can’t can you? Not anyone can kill people. Alexa couldn’t bring herself to do it, but she remembers what this guy did to her friend. BAM BAM BAM!! She shoots three times.

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