Korea's Dark Valley | Teen Ink

Korea's Dark Valley

September 15, 2023
By Marigaleano14 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Marigaleano14 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A windy night rainy night flooded night dark night on October 13th, 2029. All people were told to stay inside because a serial killer was on the loose and was known to trap his victims at 12:05 a.m. and kill them. This serial killer was the most dangerous ever in South Korea because of how long it took for the police to find out about different citizens disappearing and never being found, after 9 victims the police found evidence that led to Lee Jimin. A handsome crew dancer who was known for being in the ‘’1million dance crew’’ with his friend group and was also a street dancer. His signature was decapitating his victims after strangling them. He will later throw their bodies in the ditch then officers will arrive at the scene and will find absolutely no prints nor any other type of evidence. Later that night on the day October 15th his friends had a competition coming up and they couldn’t find a place to rehearse their dance Jimin came by and offered his practice dance room that was behind the apartment building that he owned, he had a rich family that was known well in the Daegu area as one of the richest families.

Soon the team called Jimin to try to arrange some days that they could by Jimin's practice room to rehearse, Eunhyok wanted to practice late around 11 since he had night school so did A-rim due to the same reason as Eunhyok. Yeseul didn’t seem to care about the practice days or the time of each practice because of how flexible her schedule was. They all agreed to have practices on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. Later on, Tuesday came by and they all texted in the group chat to make sure everyone was making it to the practice which they all responded back including Jimin. The first practice was good, and the team had so much fun and a great time the team was getting along well they had great chemistry together all danced in sync.  Friday came up and they started practice like normal but realized that Jimin did not make it to practice at his own place they got worried and they tried reaching him out in many ways to see if he was going to make it then he came by an hour later with blood all over his clothes and was just looking down at the floor, A-rim asked ‘’Jimin did you hurt yourself?! Are you okay??’’ he replies ‘’Yes, I was just having so much fun.’’That shocked Eunhyeok and Yeseul they both looked at each other and wondered what he meant then a couple of seconds after you heard him mumbling something under his breath saying ‘’I wish to have more fun’’ smirking. Then he attacked Eunhyok by strangling him Yeseul jumped on his back trying to stop her but he put his back against the wall and slammed her. A-rim was shocked and froze up right there. Next thing you know all 3 of his friends were reported missing on the news and found in the dark valley altogether and he later killed himself while smiling. Most handsome serial killer in Korea committed suicide.

The author's comments:

It is a scary story about a group of friends that got killed by own of their friends.

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