Why This Hospital? | Teen Ink

Why This Hospital?

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

“This hospital is creepy.” Ronda said with a deep sigh. She never even wanted to take an internship at the hospital, but since the school is requiring internships to graduate, she had no other choice than to take it. “I don’t even understand why the school is requiring it now. All we do is sit in the back, organize folders, and talk.”

“I would call that a win!” Exclaimed Jet. Jet was Ronda’s internship partner. “It’s just like school! We talk and get no work done.” Ronda and Jet do talk a lot during school too. 

“Just be quiet and organize these reports.” It was late at night. You couldn’t see anything through the windows of the workroom. Ronda wanted to go home, but couldn’t until everything for the day was put in a file and organized on the shelf above her. This hospital was very large, and held many sick people. Sometimes the doctors didn’t even know what’s wrong with their patients. There’s one patient whose diagnosis was unknown. No one knows what’s wrong with him. His name is Mr. Crow. Mr. Crow came in a few days back with severe stomach and back pains. The doctors don’t know what is wrong with him, but it’s been like this for the past week, and has only gotten worse.

“Do you think they will ever find out what’s wrong with Mr. Crow?” Jet asked Ronda. 

“I don’t know. I do feel bad for him though. I feel like the doctors just aren’t trying anymore.”

“Maybe he’s turning into a werewolf!” Ronda chuckled at Jet’s jokes. They were always cringy, but funny. “Or maybe he’s turning into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! Or maybe even the Demogorgon from Stranger Things!” 

“Woah, now that’s too creepy Jet. Have you ever seen Stranger Things? The Demogorgon is literally the scariest thing ever!”

“No! You’re just a scaredy cat!” Jet chuckled.

“No I’m not! It’s just not funny to joke about. Something could be severely wrong with him, and we’re over here making jokes!”

“Oh, I didn’t think of it like that. I’m sorry.” Jet sighed. He now felt bad. And yes, something could be severely wrong with Mr. Crow, and no one would know.

It was now 11:30pm. Ronda and Jet were too tired to even get up and move. “We need to get this done. I want to go home.” 

“I agree.” There was a long pause, then their room phone unexpectedly rang. Jet jumped while Ronda zombie walked over to the phone.

“Hello?” Said Ronda.

“Hello. It’s management. We’re having some trouble with umm…” The room got quiet. The management guy had a long pause. “Umm… we’re having trouble with the pipes! Yes. You and Jet can now leave, but before you do can you just sweep the hallway outside of your room?”

“Yeah! We can do that. Thank you! I hope everything gets fixed!” Ronda was so excited.

“Yeah. Me too.” The management guy then hung up. He sounded very nervous during the call.

“Did you hear how nervous he was during the call? His words were stumbling everywhere, and he could barely talk!” Ronda was a bit concerned.

“Yeah. That was a bit weird, but at least we can go home soon!” Ronda and Jet sprung from their chairs and went to the storage closet by the door. The room was dark; they couldn’t see anything. Jet felt around for the broom handle. “Trash bags, mops…” There was a short pause. “Yes! I found the broom!” Jet scurried out of the closet. Throwing the broom around like it was a guitar, and then started to dance.

“Get it together Jet. We just need to sweep, then we will be free!” They walked out of the room. Jet started to sweep while Ronda walked around patiently. The lights started to quickly flicker. “Did you see that Jet?”

“Yeah. It was probably nothing.” Jet wasn’t worried, but then it happened again, and again, and eventually all of the lights in the hallway were flickering. It wasn’t normal flickering though. The lights were flashing on and off, super fast. “Okay now I’m a bit worried!” Jet exclaimed. They were too focused on the lights that they didn’t even hear the loud crash behind them. It took one step, and another, and another. 

“Alright this is wei-.” Ronda felt a powerful gust of wind behind her. She slowly turned around, and saw him. “Jet run! Don’t turn around!” Jet was already turned, and he started dashing down the other hallways. Every hallway looked the same. Gray walls, white checkered patterned floor, and the flashing of the lights above him. He took a few turns, and finally found a restroom. He ran in and slammed the door. Then came Ronda pounding on the door. Jet opened the door. 

“Ronda what was that!” Ronda was too stunned to speak.

“Jet…” She paused. “We’re in trouble.”

“What do you mean trouble?” What was it?”

“Jet… it was Mr. Crow. I could see his face. 

“What! How is that possible?”

“I don’t know, but we need to find a way out.” They looked around. “Do you think we could escape through that window in our workroom? We’re on the first level, so it’s not a far jump.”

“I would say that’s our best option.” They slowly looked out of the bathroom. Mr. Crow must have passed. They sprinted through the hallways again. They made it to their workroom and ran straight to the window. It took them a second, but they finally got it open. They jumped out and started running towards the woods. After about seventy-five yards out they stopped to take a break, and look back to see if Mr. Crow was following. Then there he was. An eight foot monster, gray skin, walking on six legs, and sort of looked like the demogorgon. Mr. Crow saw them through the window and busted through the wall. Now they were in trouble.

The author's comments:

I created this piece for my flash fiction assignment for my creative writing I class.

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