Ivory | Teen Ink


October 6, 2023
By K-doran-27 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
K-doran-27 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again....even though every time you've tried before you've lost.” - taylor swift


  I did a bad thing I regret but I don’t regret. I am too young.  To go to jail.  But I did it anyways, I put a smile on my face every day to hide the guilt. I did nothing wrong right?

He stalked me and my kids every day waiting and waiting for me to not see him. I am a widow not an idiot. I saw him every day watching my every move; I was scared. My blood ran cold in his presence, until one day after I dropped my kids off at their grandma’s, so I could get a break and take a hot bath. Little did I know that was not going to happen. A bath, yes, but not hot water- a bath of blood in the kitchen.

 I got home tired; everything seemed normal until I looked outside. It was dark so I could barely see but his eyes were not hidden. He was stalking me.

I went outside with a bat to confront him because I was sick of not feely safe in my own neighborhood. But this thought in my head kept coming up. It screamed and screamed until my head hurt; “He stalks you every day and you and your family are not safe. KILL HIM, KILL HIM!”. Am I a psycho or just a good mother?

 I walked outside scared. “Hello anyone there?” I yelled. I saw him getting away. This was my only chance to stop this stalker. “Why do you stalk my family? “I screamed.” I saw what he looked like for the first time. It was just as I an imagine he would look like a ugly guy with a long beard and bright blue eyes. He was the kind of guy  your parents would walk on the other side of the road from. And I could not go back. This is it. This is when I stop this madness.

I hit him 15 times in the head with a baseball bat, I dragged his dead body in to my kitchen. Blood, blood, and more blood. What once was a pretty white tiled floor was now a red blood pool.

 “I did the right thing” I yelled over and over and over again. I picked his body up, ‘‘WHAT HAVE I DONE?’’ I screamed but my heart was saying he deserved it.

 I put his body into a garbage bag and threw him in the back of my car. After driving for hours, I arrived at a cemetery and dug a hole. “At least I am giving him a proper burial.’” I laughed.

I murdered a man, and I am laughing but he deserved It. So, I wear a smile to hide my secret, because no one sees past a 32-year suburban widow mom, do they?

The author's comments:

I made this piece because not every one is good and people have bad sides like Ivory, and it is close to Halloween so it is a perfect time.

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