Death at a Dinner Party | Teen Ink

Death at a Dinner Party

May 2, 2024
By DMSdawriter BRONZE, Brookfeild, Wisconsin
DMSdawriter BRONZE, Brookfeild, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Inspector Quadro, Mr. Love, Mr, Yelich, Mrs. Gomez, and Mrs. Lipa were at a dinner party at Buckingham Palace, London on Christmas Eve. Each member went their separate ways to a bathroom to wash their hands before their meal. Nothing happened except that a candlestick moved from the office to the study. This is where they intended to play games after dinner and before dessert. No one thought much of this movement, yet Mr. Yelich was beginning to sweat from the hairline and got visually warm. Everyone was oblivious to the fact that he was obviously uncomfortable in the situation. 

     At six-fifteen, the group went to the dining room, decorated with Christmas decorations, and sat on each of the four of the five sides of the pentagon table. however, Mr. Yelich sat on the same side as Inspector Quadro, this left little space for either of them to breathe. Soon later the three-course meal of Bisque soup, turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy, was almost complete. However, the group planned on playing a few games, to give their stomachs time to digest their food so they have room for dessert. They played a game of chess, a few rounds of darts, and a quick game of charades. After a few games, the group went back to the dining room for dessert, however, they all agreed that it was more fun in the study, so they brought their desserts to the study. They all sat down on the carpeted floor and played a few rounds of truth or dare. 

     They played truth or dare for thirty minutes until Mr. Yelich’s turn came around for the third time. He was asked truth or dare by Mrs. Lipa. He, of course, couldn’t resist saying dare. His dare was to take the candlestick and pretend to duel with Inspector Quadro. They agreed and began to battle. One swing. Blocked. Second swing. Dodged. Third swing. Thud. Screaming. Yelling. Running. The inspector was dead. Killed by a hit with a candlestick to the head. Blood covering the floor. Police sirens. The jingle of handcuffs and chains, as Mr. Yelich was being taken away. News reporters everywhere. The royal family yelling. The Secret Service attempting to fend off the reporters and concerned citizens. And that is how Inspector Quadro died on the night of May first. 

The author's comments:

This piece was written for my math class, based on an in-class project. 

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