Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

May 18, 2024
By Anonymous

Tuesday May 7th at 5:30pm, Joselyin scrolls endlessly and fast on her phone, watching TikTok videos. She looks at the time as she does a notification from her phone pops up, making her phone ding. She sees a message from her best friend Pam. She smiles softly as she opens the message.



                                                                                               HEYYYY PAM BAM!



                                                                                              Huh..? What are you talking                                                                                                   about girl?


The fluffy pink roses that was on 

my doorstep..? That was you right?


                                                                                              I didn’t do that Pam.


But the note said from

“your best friend”

                                                                                           STOP! That’s so creepy,

                                                                                              no I never did that.



Joselyin puts her phone down as the dings from her phone fills the room as she thinks to herself.

Flowers.. What flowers..

The dinging suddenly stops making her skin crawl, giving her cold goosebumps. Joselyin peaks at her phone at the 3 notifications from “PAM BAM”. Joselyin unlocks her phone to see the message from her best friend, making her feel sick to her stomach as she reads. 









Joselyin covers her mouth as she hears her outside door slam from the wind. Joselyin gets up and walks carefully to her bedroom, locking the bedroom door, as she clicks off the light. Joselyin opens her phone reading the last message from Pam.



The light from her phone illuminates in her face making her room brighter. She looks out her window seeing the foggy and misty sky slowly become dark. Joselyin looks around outside her window as a dark figure peers behind a tree in front of her house. Joselyin grabs her phone and begins to text Pam repeatedly.



                                                                                   Pam! Hello, are you ok? 



                                                                               Pam is that you in front of my house!?


                                                                                             ANSWER ME, I’M SCARED


Hello.. Bestie.


                                                                                     I'm calling the police! Who was                                                                                            at your door?


Oh, my dog lol. I was scared

                                                                                     Dog.? You don't have a dog

Oops.. I forgot, she doesn’t have a dog. LOL! 


                                                                                    WHO IS THIS? LEAVE HER ALONE!


But I’m your BEST FRIEND!


Joselyin quickly dials 911 and as she was about to press to call. She hears a soft creak creak on the floors leading to her room. The creaks suddenly stop in front of the door. Joselyin covers her mouth and cries out. 

“Who’s there?!” She says as she picks up a hard metal bat. 

“The police are coming!” Joselyin shouts while desperately trying to stay calm.

The silent house is soon filled with loud running coming from the floors to her room. The metal hard knob on her door jingles repeatedly. The person behind the door smashes and slams their body into the hard door, trying to open it. Joselyin quickly calls 911 as she screams on the phone with the operator. 

“There’s someone here, please help me!”

The door begins to break and crack, The screws on the doors, drops to the hard slippery floor. The banging on the door became faster and faster.

The operator yells out in panic

“Get out of that house! NOW!”

Joselyin looks at the window and runs to the window trying to open it as quickly as possible. She clicks the lanches and slides the window open. She hears the door suddenly fall on the floor making a big bang on the hard ground making her jump as she turns her head to see a large, tall strange man in her house, wearing Pam’s bracelet. She cries seeing the man’s hands covered in blood. 

“Don't come near me! MOVE!” She shouts as she walks backwards towards her bedroom window. 

The strange, muscular man grabs Joselyin's leg as she tries to jump out the window, pulling her back in. With a loud thud, the man tosses her to the ground while grinning. Joselyin gets up and dashes through the living room and kitchen towards the bedroom door while the man follows her cautiously. When Joselyin sees the front door open and the police storm in, Joselyin sobs. She exhales with relief as the red and blue lights in front of her begin to flash brightly. She turns around to see the man gone and she walks out the house as she wipes her tears away while breathing heavily. “Where is he!” The cops shouts. Joselyin begins thinks to herself,

He was just there, how did he leave so quickly?

Joselyin hears her phone ringing with notifications. The message is from Pam, as Joselyin notices. She reads the message and shouts hysterically. 




The author's comments:

This is my final and I wanted to try something new like texting in writing format. Please enjoy my story and tell me what you think 

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