The Abandoned Train Station | Teen Ink

The Abandoned Train Station

May 21, 2024
By zoemytides665 BRONZE, Ames, Iowa
zoemytides665 BRONZE, Ames, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was enjoying my day until my friends dragged me unwillingly into the forest. Despite my protests, they insisted on visiting the abandoned train station, where numerous deaths had occurred, adding an eerie atmosphere to our excursion. 

As we stood on the edge of the forest debating whether to proceed, a sense of foreboding settled over me. Melanie's gaze was focused on something in the distance, her expression filled with horror. "Do you see something..?" I whispered, my voice trembling. She nodded slowly. "It's a girl. I think she's dead.." I was afraid she was right, as I recalled the chilling stories surrounding the forest. I told Cash that something was up so then he started heading over to the body which is not going to end well, I'm sure of it.

 Fear clenched my stomach.

Reluctantly, I followed my friends toward the body, my mind racing with apprehension. "Why are we going over there? Something could happen!" I protested, but Cash dismissed my concerns, convinced it was a harmless mannequin. Frustrated and afraid, I turned to leave, but a sudden movement nearby startled me. As I screamed, my friends rushed to my side. Amidst the chaos, Cash uncovered a terrifying discovery - not just one body, but multiple, scattered throughout the forest. Panic seized us, and we fled in different directions. Alone and terrified, I stumbled upon the abandoned train station, a symbol of isolation and danger.

 In the distance, I heard voices and, fearing the worst, approached cautiously. To my horror, I witnessed a group of suspicious-looking individuals with knives and body bags. Trembling with fear, I realized they were responsible for the murders. I want to run away but I'm too afraid of one of them hearing me. I moved my foot just the tiniest bit but there were rocks there which made a rumbling noise. I look towards the men and they see me. They started yelling and I was very scared so I tried to run back to the forest until one of the guys grabbed me and covered my mouth so no one would hear me screaming in terror. I start mumbling ¨I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.¨ They put tape over my mouth so they could walk away, as they were walking away they grabbed the body bags and dumped bodies into the woods. I knew I had to escape. In a moment of desperation, I broke free and ran, my heart pounding with each step. 

When I reunited with my friends, I said what I had witnessed, shocked by their lack of surprise. As we left the forest, safe but shaken, I knew our ordeal was far from over. The mystery of the abandoned train station and its gruesome secrets haunted us, leaving us with more questions than answers.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece when I was younger and now in my current creative writing class I decided to revise it to see if I could make it better, and I think I did.

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