Summer of 2005 | Teen Ink

Summer of 2005

May 23, 2024
By kenzieswiller BRONZE, Morrisville, North Carolina
kenzieswiller BRONZE, Morrisville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was no explanation for what happened, well, none that anyone would believe, trust me, I’ve tried. Stuff like this didn’t happen here. Fernville was perfect, with a population of 300, sorry, 298, it was hard to think that anything could ever go wrong here, until the nightmare that was July 2005. 

The Lake Family was the most well-respected family in Fernville. Patrick Lake Sr. kept the town filled with fruits, vegetables, and meat from his 50-acre farm for as long as the old people of Fernville could remember. When he died from a stroke, his son, Patrick Lake Jr. took over the management of Lake Farm, with Drew, his 4-year-old daughter. They kept the farm running for 20 years, leading us to the summer of 2005. 

The day of July 10th, 2005 started the same as any other. Pat woke up at 3:30 am on the dot, got dressed for the day, and went out to start feeding the livestock. He checked the fields, making sure fences were still intact and no pests had gotten in. Drew stirred awake around 6:00 am, not having as much of a passion for farming as her father and his father before him, but started breakfast nonetheless. The tractor cut off, signaling her to hurry breakfast up and finish setting the table as she expected her father to be coming in shortly. Not even moments later, she was met with a guttural scream so raw that she thought the window would crack. She cut off the stove and instantly broke into an adrenaline-fueled sprint towards the sound. She saw her father, standing in the middle of the strawberry field alone, clearly injured from what looked like deep claw marks going from his neck to his waist. By the time she had gotten to dear old Pat, he was gone. 

The 2 days following the death of Pat Lake were a blur for a lot of locals. The stores were in shambles because Drew hadn’t been making the daily deliveries and people were worried. The police had been investigating the Lake property for 2 days straight. The wounds on Patrick Lake were unlike any animal attack anyone had ever seen, which kept the police stumped. 

Now, you may be wondering how I fit into all of this. My name is Daily, yes, like the post. All you need to know for now is I know everything.

“Look, all we want to know is-” the officer was cut off. “NO. You wanna know if I killed him don’t you? It makes sense right? I can just see it now in the papers ‘Daughter kills her own Father to get the land’ Well guess what Officer Kemp, I didn’t do anything. I already told you what happened so you can take that accusation and shove it up your-” Drew angrily rambled on, “ALL we want to know is if we have permission to search the house, Ms. Lake.” Kemp stated bluntly. “Ah. I see. One thing. Don’t go in Pop’s room. Dad kept it locked since I was a kid, I don’t want his things disrupted.” Drew spat, slightly embarrassed but clearly upset. Kemp nodded at the two other officers in the kitchen and they began searching, “Drew, why don’t you take a walk with me for a moment.” Kemp said cautiously. 

As they walked the property, Drew tensed at the sight of the strawberry patch, “How am I supposed to run this stupid farm when the last thing I saw on it was my father in shreds”, she spoke with watery eyes, “How am I supposed to do this without him? I don’t care about this place!” she choked. Kemp looked at the girl sympathetically, “Look. Drew, your father was a good man. When your Pop died, your Dad told me the same thing. He didn’t want to run this farm, never did. But he did it because he knew it would make his Daddy proud. I’ve known your Dad since we were kids and I know he would want you to do whatever felt right, farm or no farm”. The two officers who were searching the house calmly walked out pulled Kemp aside, and told him “The house is completely clear, nothin’ out of the ordinary.” The Police left soon after, sending Drew their regards. 

When I saw the police cars speeding off from the Lake property, I knew it was time for me to make an appearance. As I drove up to the farmhouse, I could feel it. I knew he had been here. I didn’t even get a chance to knock before the door flew open, “Who are you?” an angry young woman seethed. “You must be Drew Lake. My name is Daily, and I know what happened to your father.” When I tell you this poor girl’s eyes nearly dropped out of her head. “How would you know?” She questioned cautiously, “Because I tracked the creature that did it over 3 state lines right to this farm. Now, can you take me to where you found your father? We don’t have much time.” I spoke, quickly but firmly. “Woah. Hold on there Bailey-” “Daily. Ma’am”, “Right- Daily. A monster? Get outta here with that I’m not interested.” She responded. “I can assure you, I’m not kidding. I know for a fact it’s not going to stop until you’re dead too, so I’m asking once again, please take me to where you found your father.” She stared at me completely baffled but led me over to the strawberry patch. 

As I was searching the field for tracks that could have gone unnoticed, Drew started to break the ice, “So… monsters. How does one decide he wants to catch monsters?” “ I’m a writer. I accidentally discovered it while I was researching a Native American legend of a creature that possesses its victims and turns them into cannibalistic beasts, I- uh, I barely made it out. I swore to myself that I would catch him-it, it, before it hurt anyone else.” I stuttered out, not really knowing how to explain it to her. I felt her skeptical gaze, “When you said the whole ‘it's not gonna stop until you’re dead too’ what did you mean?” she spoke, almost nervous, “Well, once a Wendigo finds a victim, it tries to hunt in a pretty close vicinity for a couple of months and then moves on to the next spot once, uh, well, once the food supply is gone.” “Okay. So just tell me where to shoot the thing and I’ll do it myself.” she snarked. “It’s not that simple Ms.Lake” I snarked back, “This thing is one of the most stubborn and difficult creatures to kill. I’ve been tracking it for 3 years!” I snapped. “I guess we’re gonna end your streak sweetpea, because I’m not lettin’ that thing leave this farm.” I finally found what I was looking for, an ever-so-faint path, “Hey Drew, I’m going to need to borrow your guest room. I’m not doing this in the dark.”

The next morning I woke up to see the sun barely coming up over the field. I wanted as much daylight as I could get, less chance of error. I walk down the hall to the smell of coffee, “Hey! I was wondering when you would wake up, I didn’t know what kind of stuff we would need so I put together some emergency kits and-” I cut her off instantly, “We? There is no ‘we’ Drew, I’m going to kill this thing and you’re going to stay here and wait.” “That THING made this personal, there is no chance I’m not goin’ out there with you.” She spoke with a determined tone, “Fine then. Guess your father won’t be the only Lake the town buries this summer”. She stays quiet as we keep packing up our stuff to leave. 

“Listen. I don’t like that you’re coming but I at least need you to promise me a few things,” I started, she nodded at me to continue, “First, you need to do exactly what I tell you to do, one slip-up and you’ll end up like Pat. Second, I don’t care what you see, hear, or even smell, do NOT split up, this thing is one of the best hunters in history and if we split up, you’re a goner. Third and final thing, we can’t hunt in the dark, as soon as the sun starts setting, we go back, he can’t get inside the house.” I finished, “He?” She asked. Well, so much for being mysterious. “Uh- yea, he.” I stutter out, how am I going to explain to this girl- “I’m gonna need you to elaborate right now.” She cuts off my thoughts. No going back now, “Remember when I told you that I accidentally came across a Wendigo while doing research about them? I- I wasn’t alone. I was with my best friend, Parker, was his name. That uh- monster got him in the night. We tried to fight it off but it was too late. Lets just say the guy I came in with wasn’t what was left anymore. I watched it with my own eyes, he- he became one of them. The last thing he told me to do was to kill him, I mean- what are you supposed to say to that, so I promised and just like that- he was gone.” My eyes started to get that familiar burn of tears and as I failed to hold them back, Drew stood there with a thoughtful look as I finished packing the supplies in a comfortable silence. 

It took about three hours for the trail to go dead. “Well now what? Stupid trail is dead! I smell rain Bailey!” She stomped her foot, “It’s Daily! Like the post! And yes, I can see the trail went dead Drew!” I scoffed back. I kept going forward, I knew this trick, he was leading me right to him, smart Parker, “Why are you still walking? We should go back, I just said I smelled rain, that means within the next few hours, this trail? Is gone for good.” Drew asked confused, “I know this tactic, it means my Parker is still in there and he knows what he’s doing.” I excitedly responded and kept moving as she followed close behind. Sure enough, after another 20 minutes of walking, I found it, “A cave? Are you kidding me? I’m not going in there!” Drew gasped, “I said we can’t split up! You signed up for this, remember?” I responded with a roll of my eyes. “Listen, he led me here, he knew I would follow him which means he won’t hurt us, trust me.” She worriedly nodded at me as she inched her way closer to the opening of the cave, it’s like he knew I was here because the first step I took I heard it. That menacing, deep growl that weaves its way through my nightmares almost every night, a sound I will never forget. I had never gotten this close before, it’s the only tell I needed, he’s tired. He’s exhausted and he’s given up. My best friend. My brother. The strongest guy I’ve ever known, gave up. As I made my way towards my poor old friend, I felt tears creep down my face. This is it, this is what he wanted from the start, such a bittersweet thing knowing that Parker is still in there because he knows what’s coming. He was just laying there, not bothering to even look up at me and the shivering girl behind me, as I looked into the scarred face of the boy I once knew, I saw his eyes. His. Eyes. The forest green hadn’t faded as they glistened with tears. I hear Drew sniffle behind me as I pull out the silver dagger from my pack. “Parker…” I say with barely a whisper, “I… I’m so sorry, it should have been me, I- you- it should have been me!” I suddenly break, the dam of emotions I’ve held for three years finally cracking, “If I had just made you stay home, or- or- or, not told you I was going I-” His broken eyes flicked to me showing me everything he wanted to say, then looks to the dagger I held near his chest in what I can only imagine was relief. That’s when I knew it had to happen. He was ready. I quickly pushed the silver into his chest and watched the life leave his face, as it was already gone from his eyes. It was done. Drew rested her hand on my shoulder, “Ya know, they don’t really tell you what to say to someone when they lose someone they love, but you should know that you did the right thing.” She spoke softly.

When we got back to the house Drew immediately started packing boxes, “Wha- what are you doing?” I spoke, my voice scratchy from crying, “I gotta get out of this place, never liked it anyway,” She responded with that determined tone, “I better be going myself anyway” I spoke numbly, going back to the room I had slept in the night before, “Where?” She asked with genuine curiosity, “Oh, I live in Maine.” I half-way responded while packing my own overnight bag to put back in my car. “Maine sounds nice,” she chuckled, “Mind if I tag along? It’s a bit of a haul from here, "she added. “Wait- you want to come to Maine?” I asked incredulously, “I mean, we are bonded for life now Bailey, you’re not gettin’ rid of me that quick.” I chuckled in response. 

We were gone within the week. The farm was bought out by a group of store owners who would take care of it themselves, as long as they didn’t go into Pop’s room. Drew started working in a local coffee shop, where I found myself holed up most days working on my stories. She's a pretty good proofreader when she wants to be. I still haven’t found it in me to finish the story that got me into this mess mostly because I’m not ready for it to end. I didn’t want the whole cliche ending of ‘The guy loses his best friend and was miserable forever’ so hopefully that changes soon so I can revisit the idea. I was finally able to give Parker’s family justice, I told them his remains were found in the woods near a campsite and the police believed he was protecting the campers, because he has always been the protector. As I sit with my fresh shaken espresso, I come across an interesting article from the Times, “Smalltown Horrors Only Continue as Violent Wolf Attacks Continue” I set my drink down and look at the location. “Hey Drew? How do you feel about Colorado?”

The author's comments:

This piece is essentially a small town PG-13 horror story. I love writing horror/mystery/paranormal themes in general and eventually in a less busy part of my life, I would love to start this from scratch and make a novella-length piece!

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