Nonsense | Teen Ink


May 28, 2024
By AKnuth06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AKnuth06 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sense something behind me. I am scared to death, do not know if I should get up and turn my light on or stay tucked under my bed. I go with my gut decision. I crawled slowly and quietly across my room and flipped on the light. Gone. The “something” was nowhere to be seen. I was befuddled. As I turned my light back off and walked back to my room, a screech came from the door behind me. Every thought possible raced through my mind. What is that? Am I in danger? What should I do? Call 911? All of these options to do something heroic… but I just give off an empty stare, puzzled on what to do. As the screeching stops, all of the lights in my room start to flicker. They were all coordinated as well, every single light turned on and off at the same time, almost like magic. I sprint back to my light switches to try and hold them up right, but they are nowhere to be found. As I look backwards, thinking of what is all happening, I realize that somehow my room has been flipped around and I am facing my bedside now. I started to panic, not knowing what to do at the moment. As the lights continue to flicker faster and faster, my fan starts working for the first time in ages. The old wooden fan blades send off a loud and disturbing creaking sound as they rub on the center of the fan. The alarm clock makes an unusual ringing sound, one that I have never heard before. It is almost like everything is in sync and toon, my fan makes a screeching sound that harmonizes horribly with the awful sound of my alarm clock, but then my door starts to rumble. The door handle is flipping up and down constantly, without any pressure against it. Suddenly my door flies open. The hinges of the door start flying everywhere, breaking some of the light bulbs in the process. I sprint back to my bed and hide under the covers, with only my eyes peeking out to see what is going to happen next. All of the sounds and movements stop at once. Peace and quiet finally comes. Everything was feeling normal finally. Until the worst happens. It sounds like hard metal breaking up ceramic tiles or the sound of an old car’s interior scratching against the outside of it. Horrible. No one would ever want to hear this sound ever. But it is weird, my room is in the attic and nothing should be above me. The sound moves around. At first it started by my door, but now has moved diagonally across to my bathroom door and it is almost like it's trying to find something or someone. The continuing screeching makes the wood boards creak louder and louder until it reaches the spot right above my head. I am now fully submerged under my covers, just hoping and praying for the best.

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