Protected | Teen Ink


May 16, 2013
By Sammy3838 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Sammy3838 BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cement pillars and monotone atmosphere is different than the last but better than the one before. The sign reads, Price High School. Strangers drop me off on the curb and I walk to the office. They dress me in long sleeves because we can't explain the scar on my shoulder.

A blonde greets me, "Hi my name is Kate" I reply but all i want to say is 'Hi my name is Natalie' because I am protected as a witness by a man in a suit who has three guns hidden on his body at all times

In biology class diagrams of human bodies are projected on the screen. My tortured body. Somehow in a pool of red I stayed away from the light. Hiding from a man with a knife because the weapon was never found.

At lunch I sit with a group of girls who talk about their outfits for Saturdays dance.They invite me to get ready with them. For once, I'm excited.

"Can you sleep over, Kate?" the red head asks and i never learn names. I wont be here long enough. Kate seems like a prototype that will fail and get sent back. My brother would be thrilled I finally got invited to a sleepover but all I can picture is his teddy bear falling from his arms stained in our families blood.

Outside the man in the suit is waiting by the curb. I knew I wouldn't be here for Saturday's dance.

A few days later I walk up to a new structure with glass windows. The sign reads, Mulberry High School. A blonde girl says hi.

"Hi my name is Alyssa" I reply but even now I miss Kate and Natalie is slipping further and further away with each new city.

The author's comments:
This micro fiction was inspired by loss and pain. I wanted to convey an unusual life style and show the harships that accompany that life.

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