Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

October 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Where am I? I'm so cold. Hello? Are you there? Anybody? The last thing I remember was being in the car with my mom on the way to buy a new laptop. I can't feel my body, all I feel is cold. Hello? I can see something, a small spec of light. It's moving, left, right, left, and right. It's warming me ever so slightly. The warmth is so soothing. I can feel my arm. It's so cold. Everything is still so cold. The light, it's getting bigger. Why is no one replying to me? It's bigger, it's nearly out of my vision it's so big. Can you see me? The light has fully consumed me now. The cold is being diminished by the ever so slight warmth of the light. I see things moving in the light. They're dark figures, blobs. What are they doing? Hello? Are you there? Can you tell me where I am? I think the blobs are people. Can you explain to me what's happening? My arm is getting very hot around the center. Why is it getting hotter? I can see, the blob is on my arm. It's getting bigger. It's human, I'm sure of it. Whoever it is is holding my arm. Why is it holding my arm? Please help me? Why can't I see clearly, everything is blurred? I can make out the people, but nothing else. Did you hear that? Someone's talking. I can hear them, they're mumbling. It's all distorted. Excuse me, can you tell me where I am? Humorous. I heard them say Humorous, funny bone. Why are they touching my funny bone? Have I been abducted by aliens? Hello? Where's my mommy? The person touching me, it's a woman. I can see her long brunette hair. But it's still so blurry. She's sliding her fingers up my arm. Do aliens look like humans? Answer me! Whoever you are? I can hear things, so many things so many noises clashing together, what am I hearing? Can you hear it too? Where's mom? Am I… I'm dead, aren't I. I'm dead, oh my god. My whole life is gone. I won't be able to get married, have kids, enjoy anything, I'm dead. Why did this have to happen to me? Why did I have to die? I can't cry, because I'm dead. My mom, is she dead too? Hello? Is the person touching me the medical examiner? I bet she's cutting me open right now, oh my god, I never got to say goodbye to my friends. They're probably crying right now. How can I think, still? Is my brain still active? Oh my god, my brain is still active. My brain is going to die soon. Then I'll be gone forever. I will fall into eternal darkness. Nothing but dreams, now. Nothing is left. I am sorry, everyone. I'm so sorry. It's time, I think. I can feel tingles, I think I'm about to die.

The author's comments:
A tv show I watched recently and what happened in it actually inspired me to write this.

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