Zombie Apocalypse | Teen Ink

Zombie Apocalypse

October 31, 2014
By irving perez BRONZE, Pacoima, California
irving perez BRONZE, Pacoima, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal Friday everyone getting ready for the bell to ring to go home and enjoy their 2 week vacation. It was around 2:57 pm and dismissal bell rings at 3:05 pm.  Everyone was getting ready to leave ,a couple of minutes passed by everyone talking to each other , another minute goes by , now its 3:05 and kids going out the door already, but the teacher says to wait for the bell to ring , so they wait , a min pass by , no bell has rung.
  Teacher calls the main office to check in if bell has rung and class is dismissed but no answer from the phone. Teacher sends a kid to go to the main office , everyone still sits putt getting ready to leave. Half an hour goes by now everyones starting to get worried and kid hasn't returned to class for the news, suddenly a big bang on the door is heard by everyone .Another bang , now teachers gets up and checks outside the window nothings there , keeps looking and all of a sudden he sees the kid running back to class sweat on his face pouring down , his eyes peeled wide open screaming “ OPEN THE DOOR “ , teacher opens it and right when teachers tries shutting door , a bloody old wrinkled hand holds open classroom door , kids yelling “ ZOMBIES ARE COMING , ZOMBIES ARE COMING “ , Teacher quickly tries calling 911 , no service on his phone , everything is down , running to the emergency exit is the teacher and as soon as door was open zombies rushing in at teacher , immediately everyone screaming and teachers last words were “ under my desk , under my desk ! “ , Kids rush moving the desk while the other zombies are eating up teachers flesh the sound of the flesh being munched on.

Kids moved the desk now see a lever under there, they pulled it , a secret door opened , it wasn't the biggest place to stay in , the oldest kid there leading everyone in “ get in hurry everyone ! “ as soon as everyone in , hes getting ready to go in, He screams , he was bit right in the arm, he still somehow managed to go in with the rest of the group, door close everyone all panicked, a kid takes off his shirt to help bleeding stop from the wound, they managed to stop the bleeding. As time goes by they look around , its not small but it's small of height. They guy was bit decided to take a nap because he was dizzy and was sick. Hours pass by, a kid opens the door to check to see if there were any zombies, he couldn't open the door at all. Later on that day the kid bit wasn't waking up, all of a sudden as soon as a girl walks away pass by him, he grabs her leg, chomps a big bite of her leg, “HE'S TURNED , HES A ZOMBIE NOW” kids trying to find something to kill him, A kid gets his pencil and stabs him in the stomach , nothing another stab in the stomach , zombie grabs him by the leg and starts pulling him forward , right when the zombies gonna bite him, he stabs him in the head, instantly died, now the girl is a zombie also and stabs her in the head. Later on that day police came to the school. Kid gets out cause heard gunshots and then everyone rescued except for two kids that turned into zombies. Their parents were really sad because of what happened. Also friends were sad.The end.

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